(Revised December 8, 2017)
(See DFARS 208.70, DFARS/PGI view)
The acquiring department generally is responsible under coordinated acquisition for—
(1) Operational aspects of acquisition planning (phasing the submission of requirements to contracting, consolidating or dividing requirements, analyzing the market, and determining patterns for the phased placement of orders to avoid unnecessary production fluctuations and meet the needs of requiring departments at the lowest price);
(2) Purchasing;
(3) Performing or assigning contract administration, including follow-up and expediting of inspection and transportation; and
(4) Obtaining licenses under patents and settling patent infringement claims arising out of the acquisition. (Acquiring departments must obtain approval from the department whose funds are to be charged for obtaining licenses or settling claims.)
The requiring department is responsible for—
(1) Ensuring compliance with the order of priority in FAR 8.001 for use of Government supply sources before submitting a requirement to the acquiring department for contracting action; and
(2) Providing the acquiring department—
(i) The complete and certified documentation required by FAR 6.303-2(b). A requiring department official, equivalent to the appropriate level in FAR 6.304, must approve the documentation before submission of the military interdepartmental purchase request (MIPR) to the acquiring department;
(ii) Any additional supporting data that the acquiring department contracting officer requests (e.g., the results of any market survey or why none was conducted, and actions the requiring department will take to overcome barriers to competition in the future);
(iii) The executed determination and findings required by FAR 6.302-7(c)(1);
(iv) When a requiring department requests an acquiring department to contract for supplies or services using full and open competition after exclusion of sources, all data required by FAR 6.202(b)(2);
(v) When the requiring department specifies a foreign end product, any determinations required by DFARS Part 225 or FAR Part 25;
(vi) A complete definition of the requirements, including a list (or copies) of specifications, drawings, and other data required for the acquisition. The requiring department need not furnish Federal, military, departmental, or other specifications or drawings or data that are available to the acquiring department;
(vii) Justification required by FAR 17.205(a) for any option quantities requested;
(viii) A statement as to whether used or reconditioned material, former Government surplus property, or residual inventory will be acceptable, and if so—
(A) A list of any supplies that need not be new; and
(B) The basis for determining the acceptability of such supplies (see FAR 11.302(b));
(ix) A statement as to whether the acquiring department may exceed the total MIPR estimate and, if so, by what amount; and
(x) Unless otherwise agreed between the departments, an original and six copies of each MIPR and its attachments (except specifications, drawings, and other data).
(b) When an item assigned for IMM is to be acquired by the requiring activity under DFARS 208.7003-1(a)(3), the contracting officer must—
(i) Document the contract file with a statement of the specific advantage of local purchase for an acquisition exceeding the micro-purchase threshold in FAR Part 2; and
(ii) Ensure that a waiver is obtained from the IMM manager before initiating an acquisition exceeding the simplified acquisition threshold in FAR Part 2, if the IMM assignment is to the General Services Administration (GSA), the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA), or the Army Materiel Command (AMC). Submit requests for waiver—
(A) For GSA, to: |
Commissioner (F) Federal Supply Service Washington, DC 20406 |
(B) For DLA, to: |
DLA Land and Maritime ATTN: DSCC-BDL P.O. Box 3990 Columbus, OH 43216-5000 |
DLA Energy ATTN: DESC-CPA 8725 John J. Kingman Road Fort Belvoir, VA 22060-6222 |
DLA Aviation ATTN: DSCR-BA 8000 Jefferson Davis Highway Richmond, VA 23297-5000 |
DLA Troop Support ATTN: DSCP-ILSI (for General and Industrial) DSCP-OCS (for Medical, Clothing, and Textiles) 700 Robbins Avenue, Bldg. 4 Philadelphia, PA 19111-5096 |
(iii) In addition, forward a copy of each request to:
Defense Logistics Agency Logistics Operations ATTN: J-335 8725 John J. Kingman Road Fort Belvoir, VA 22060-6221 |
For AMC: |
HQ, Army Materiel Command ATTN: AMCLG-SL 4400 Martin Road Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898 |
(1) Requiring departments send their requirements to acquiring departments on either a DD Form 448, Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request (MIPR), or a DD Form 416, Requisition for Coal, Coke or Briquettes. A MIPR or a DD Form 416 is the acquiring department's authority to acquire the supplies or services on behalf of the requiring department.
(2) The acquiring department is authorized to create obligations against the funds cited in a MIPR without further referral to the requiring department. The acquiring department has no responsibility to determine the validity of a stated requirement in an approved MIPR, but it should bring apparent errors in the requirement to the attention of the requiring department.
(3) Changes that affect the contents of the MIPR must be processed as a MIPR amendment regardless of the status of the MIPR. The requiring department may initially transmit changes electronically or by some other expedited means, but must confirm changes by a MIPR amendment.
(4) The requiring department must submit requirements for additional line items of supplies or services not provided for in the original MIPR as a new MIPR. The requiring department may use a MIPR amendment for increased quantities only if—
(i) The original MIPR requirements have not been released for solicitation; and
(ii) The acquiring department agrees.
(1) Acquiring departments formally accept a MIPR by DD Form 448-2, Acceptance of MIPR, as soon as practicable, but no later than 30 days after receipt of the MIPR. If the 30 day time limit cannot be met, the acquiring department must inform the requiring department of the reason for the delay, and the anticipated date the MIPR will be accepted. The acquiring department must accept MIPRs in writing before expiration of the funds.
(2) The acquiring department in accepting a MIPR will determine whether to use Category I (reimbursable funds citation) or Category II (direct funds citation) methods of funding.
(i) Category I method of funding is used under the following circumstances and results in citing the funds of the acquiring department in the contract:
(A) Delivery is from existing inventories of the acquiring department;
(B) Delivery is by diversion from existing contracts of the acquiring department;
(C) Production or assembly is through Government work orders in Government-owned plants;
(D) Production quantities are allocated among users from one or more contracts, and the identification of specific quantities of the end item to individual contracts is not feasible at the time of MIPR acceptance;
(E) Acquisition of the end items involves separate acquisition of components to be assembled by the acquiring department;
(F) Payments will be made without reference to deliveries of end items (e.g., cost-reimbursement type contracts and fixed-price contracts with progress payment clauses); or
(G) Category II method of funding is not feasible and economical.
(ii) Category II method of funding is used in circumstances other than those in paragraph (2)(i) of this subsection. Category II funding results in citation of the requiring department's funds and MIPR number in the resultant contract.
(3) When the acquiring departments accepts a MIPR for Category I funding—
(i) The DD Form 448-2, Acceptance of MIPR, is the authority for the requiring department to record the obligation of funds;
(ii) The acquiring department will annotate the DD Form 448-2 if contingencies, price revisions, or variations in quantities are anticipated. The acquiring department will periodically advise the requiring department, prior to submission of billings, of any changes in the acceptance figure so that the requiring department may issue an amendment to the MIPR, and the recorded obligation may be adjusted to reflect the current price;
(iii) If the acquiring department does not qualify the acceptance of a MIPR for anticipated contingencies, the price on the acceptance will be final and will be billed at time of delivery; and
(iv) Upon receipt of the final billing (SF 1080, Voucher for Transferring Funds), the requiring department may adjust the fiscal records accordingly without authorization from or notice to the acquiring department.
(4) When the MIPR is accepted for Category II funding, a conformed copy of the contract (see DFARS 204.802(1)(ii)) is the authority to record the obligation. When all awards have been placed to satisfy the total MIPR requirement, any unused funds remaining on the MIPR become excess to the acquiring department. The acquiring department will immediately notify the requiring department of the excess funds by submitting an Acceptance of MIPR (DD Form 448-2). This amendment is authorization for the requiring department to withdraw the funds. The acquiring department is prohibited from further use of such excess funds.
(5) When the acquiring department requires additional funds to complete the contracting action for the requiring department, the request for additional funds must identify the exact items involved, and the reason why additional funds are required. The requiring department shall act quickly to—
(i) Provide the funds by an amendment of the MIPR; or
(ii) Reduce the requirements.
(6) The accepting activity of the acquiring department shall remain responsible for the MIPR even though that activity may split the MIPR into segments for action by other contracting activities.
(1) An advance MIPR is an unfunded MIPR provided to the acquiring department in advance of the funded MIPR so that initial steps in planning the contract action can begin at an earlier date.
(2) In order to use an advance MIPR, the acquiring department and the requiring department must agree that its use will be beneficial. The departments may execute a blanket agreement to use advance MIPRs.
(3) The requiring department shall not release an advance MIPR to the acquiring department without obtaining proper internal approval of the requirement.
(4) When advance MIPRs are used, mark “ADVANCE MIPR” prominently on the DD Form 448.
(5) For urgent requirements, the advance MIPR may be transmitted electronically.
(6) On the basis of an advance MIPR, the acquiring department may take the initial steps toward awarding a contract, such as obtaining internal coordination and preparing an acquisition plan. Acquiring departments may determine the extent of these initial actions but shall not award contracts on the basis of advance MIPRs.
(1) Unless otherwise agreed between the departments, May 31 is the cutoff date for the receipt of MIPRs citing expiring appropriations which must be obligated by September 30 of that fiscal year. If circumstances arise that require the submission of MIPRs citing expiring appropriations after the cutoff date, the requiring department will communicate with the acquiring department before submission to find out whether the acquiring department can execute a contract or otherwise obligate the funds by the end of the fiscal year. Acquiring departments will make every effort to obligate funds for all such MIPRs accepted after the cutoff date. However, acceptance of a late MIPR does not constitute assurance by the acquiring department that all such funds will be obligated.
(2) Nothing in these instructions is intended to restrict the processing of MIPRs when the acquiring department is capable of executing contracts or otherwise obligating funds before the end of the fiscal year.
(3) The May 31 cutoff date does not apply to MIPRs citing continuing appropriations.
On August 1, the acquiring department will advise the requiring department of any Category II MIPRs on hand citing expiring appropriations it will be unable to obligate prior to the fund expiration date. If an unforeseen situation develops after August 1 that will prevent execution of a contract, the acquiring department will notify the requiring department as quickly as possible and will return the MIPR. The letter of transmittal returning the MIPR will authorize purchase by the requiring department and state the reason that the acquisition could not be accomplished.
(1) Category I MIPRs. The requiring department will notify the acquiring department by electronic or other immediate means when cancelling all or part of the supplies or services requested in the MIPR. Within 30 days, the acquiring department will notify the requiring department of the quantity of items available for termination and the amount of funds in excess of the estimated settlement costs. Upon receipt of this information, the requiring department will issue a MIPR amendment to reduce the quantities and funds accordingly.
(2) Category II MIPRs. The requiring department will notify the acquiring department electronically or by other immediate means when cancelling all or any part of the supplies or services requested in the MIPR.
(i) If the acquiring department has not entered into a contract for the supplies or services to be cancelled, the acquiring department will immediately notify the requiring department. Upon receipt of such notification, the requiring department shall initiate a MIPR amendment to revoke the estimated amount shown on the original MIPR for the cancelled items.
(ii) If the items to be cancelled have already been placed under contract—
(A) As soon as practicable, but in no event more than 45 days after receipt of the cancellation notice from the requiring department, the contracting officer shall issue a termination data letter to the requiring department (original and four copies) containing, as a minimum, the information in Table 8-1, Termination Data Letter.
(B) The termination contracting officer (TCO) will review the proceedings at least every 60 days to reassess the Government's probable obligation. If any additional funds are excess to the probable settlement requirements, or if it appears that previous release of excess funds will result in a shortage of the amount that will be required for settlement, the TCO will promptly notify the contracting office which will amend the termination data letter. The requiring department will process a MIPR amendment to reflect the reinstatement of funds within 30 days after receiving the amended termination data letter.
(C) Upon receipt of a copy of the termination settlement agreement, the requiring department will prepare a MIPR amendment, if required, to remove any remaining excess funds.
Termination Data Re: |
Contract No. ___________________________ Termination No. ________________________ Contract _______________________________ |
(a) As termination action is now in progress on the above contract, the following information is submitted:
(1) Brief Description of items terminated.
(2) You are notified that the sum of $________ is available for release under the subject contract. This sum represents the difference between $________, the value of items terminated under the contract, and $________, estimated to be required for settlement of the terminated contract. The estimated amount available for release is allocated by the appropriations cited on the contract as follows:
MIPR NO.________ ACCOUNTING CLASSIFICATION________ AMOUNT________ Total available for release at this time $________
(b) Request you forward an amendment to MIPR ________ on DD Form 448-2 to reflect the reduced quantity and amount of funds available for release.
(c) Periodic reviews (not less than 60 days) will be made as termination proceedings progress to redetermine the Government's probable obligation.
______________________ Contracting Officer |
(1) When the acquiring department terminates a contract for default, it will ask the requiring department if the supplies or services to be terminated are still required so that repurchase action can be started.
(2) The requiring department will not deobligate funds on a contract terminated for default until receipt of a settlement modification or other written evidence from the acquiring department authorizing release of funds.
(3) On the repurchase action, the acquiring department will not exceed the unliquidated funds on the defaulted contract without receiving additional funds from the requiring department.
The requiring department will advise the acquiring department or the transportation officer in the contract administration office of the fund account to be charged for transportation costs. The requiring department may cite the fund account on each MIPR or provide the funding cite to the transportation officer at the beginning of each fiscal year for use on Government bills of lading. When issuing a Government bill of lading, show the requiring department as the department to be billed and cite the appropriate fund account.
(1) The acquiring department will maintain a system of MIPR follow-up to inform the requiring department of the current status of its requests. In addition, the contract administration office will maintain a system of follow-up in order to advise the acquiring department on contract performance.
(2) If requested by the requiring department, the acquiring department will furnish the requiring department a copy of the solicitation when the MIPR is satisfied through Category II funding.
(3) Any reimbursement billings, shipping document, contractual documents, project orders, or related documentation furnished to the requiring department will identify the requiring department's MIPR number, quantities of items, and funding information.
The acquiring department bears the administrative costs of acquiring supplies for the requiring department. However, when an acquisition responsibility is transferred to another department, funds appropriated or to be appropriated for administrative costs will transfer to the successor acquiring department. The new acquiring department must assume budget cognizance as soon as possible.
Supply Class Code |
Commodity |
Electronic Equipment Each department is assigned acquisition responsibility for those items which the department either designed or for which it sponsored development. See FSC 5821 under Navy listings for assignment of certain commercially developed radio sets (i.e., developed without the use of Government funds). |
1005 P* |
Guns, through 30mm This partial assignment applies to guns, through 30mm, and parts and equipment therefor, as listed in Department of Army Supply Manuals/ Catalogs. It does not apply to Navy ordnance type guns; MK 11 and MK 12, 20mm gun; and aircraft gun mounts. |
1010 P* |
Guns, over 30mm up to 75mm This partial assignment applies to guns, over 30mm and up to 75mm, and parts and equipment therefor, as listed in Department of the Army Supply Manuals/Catalogs. It does not apply to Naval ordnance type guns and aircraft gun mounts. |
1015 P* |
Guns, 75mm through 125mm This partial assignment applies to guns, 75mm through 125mm, and parts and equipment therefor, as listed in Department of Army Supply Manuals/Catalogs. It does not apply to Naval ordnance type guns. |
1020 P* |
Guns over 125mm through 150mm |
1025 P* |
Guns over 150mm through 200mm |
1030 P* |
Guns over 200mm through 300mm |
1035 P* |
Guns over 300mm These partial assignments apply to guns, over 125mm, and parts and equipment therefor, as listed in Department of Army Supply Manuals/Catalogs. They do not apply to Naval ordnance type guns. |
1040 |
Chemical Weapons and Equipment |
1055 P* |
Launchers, Rocket and Pyrotechnic This partial assignment applies to launchers, rocket and pyrotechnic, as listed in Department of Army Supply Manuals/Catalogs does not apply to Naval ordnance type and airborne type, with the exception of 2.75 inch rocket launchers which are included in this partial FSC assignment to the Department of the Army. |
1090 P |
Assemblies Interchangeable Between Weapons in Two or More Classes This partial assignment applies to the following items: National stock number nomenclature |
1090-563-7232 1090-699-0633 1090-796-8760 1090-885-8451 1090-986-9707 |
Staff Section, Class Staff Section Power Supply Wrench Corrector Reticle Assembly |
(“P” after the FSC number indicates a partial FSC assignment) |
1095 P* |
Miscellaneous Weapons This partial assignment applies to miscellaneous weapons, and parts and equipment therefor, as listed in Department of Army Supply Manuals/Catalogs. It does not apply to Naval ordnance type; line throwing guns (which are under DoD Coordinated Acquisition assignment to the Department of the Navy); and aircraft type miscellaneous weapons. |
1210 P* |
Fire Control Directors |
1220 P* |
Fire Control Computing Sights and Devices |
1230 P* |
Fire Control Systems, Complete |
1240 P* |
Optical Sighting and Ranging Equipment |
1250 P* |
Fire Control Stabilizing Mechanisms |
1260 P* |
Fire Control Designating and Indicating Equipment |
1265 P* |
Fire Control Transmitting and Receiving Equipment, Except Airborne |
1285 P* |
Fire Control Radar Equipment, Except Airborne |
1290 P* |
Miscellaneous Fire Control Equipment The above nine partial FSC assignments apply to fire control equipment, as listed in Department of the Army Supply Manuals/Catalogs. They do not apply to Naval ordnance type and aircraft type. |
1305 P* |
Ammunition, through 30mm This partial assignment applies to ammunition through 30mm as listed in Department of Army Supply Manuals/Catalogs. It does not apply to Naval ordnance type and ammunition for the MK 11 and MK 12, 20mm gun |
1310 P* |
Ammunition, over 30mm up to 75mm This partial assignment applies to ammunition, over 30mm up to 75mm, as listed in Department of Army Supply Manuals/Catalogs. It does not apply to Naval ordnance type and to 40mm ammunition (which is under DoD Coordinated Acquisition assignment to the Navy). The Army is responsible for the acquisition of fillers and the loading, assembling, and packing of toxicological, incapacitating riot control, smoke and incendiary munitions. |
1315 P* |
Ammunition, 75mm through 125mm This partial assignment applies to ammunition, 75mm through 125mm, as listed in Department of Army Supply Manuals/Catalogs. It does not apply to Naval ordnance type. The Army is responsible for the acquisition of fillers and the loading, assembling, and packing of toxicological, incapacitating riot control, smoke and incendiary munitions. |
1320 P* |
Ammunition, over 125mm This partial assignment applies to ammunition over 125mm, as listed in Department of Army Supply Manuals/Catalogs. It does not apply to Naval ordnance type. The Army is responsible for the acquisition of fillers and the loading, assembling, and packing of toxicological, incapacitating riot control, smoke and incendiary munitions. |
1325 P |
Bombs This partial assignment applies to bombs as listed in Department of Army Supply Manuals/Catalogs. It does not apply to Navy assigned bombs as shown in list of assignments to the Navy; however, the Department of the Army is responsible for the acquisition of fillers and the loading, assembling, and packing of toxicological, incapacitating riot control, smoke and incendiary munitions, and for other loading, assembling, and packing in excess of Navy owned capacity. |
1330 |
Grenades |
1340 P |
Rockets and Rocket Ammunition This partial assignment applies to: 66mm Rocket, HEAT, M72 2.75” Rocket FFAR, Service and Practice Heads MK5 and Mods (HEAT) HE, M151 HE, XM229 (17 lb Warhead) HE, XM157 (Spotting Red) HE, XM158 (Spotting Yellow) MK61 Practice (5 lb Slug) XM230 Practice (10 lb) Motors MK4 and Mods (High Performance Aircraft) MK40 and Mods (Low Performance Aircraft) 3.5 inch Rocket Heat, M35 Practice, M36 Smoke, WP, M30 4.5 inch Motor, Drill, M24 HE, M32 Practice, M33 Incendiary and toxicological rockets, as listed in Army Supply Bulletins. It does not apply to Navy assigned rockets as shown in the list of assignments to the Navy. However, the Department of the Army is responsible for acquisition of filler and for filling of all smoke and toxicological rockets. |
1345 |
Land Mines |
1365 |
Military Chemical Agents |
1370 P |
Pyrotechnics This partial assignment does not apply to shipboard and aircraft pyrotechnics. |
1375 P |
Demolition Materials This partial assignment applies to Blasting Agents and supplies such as: Bangalore torpedo Blocks, demolition Caps, blasting, electric and nonelectric Charge, cratering Charge, shaped and demolition Chests, demolition platoon and squad Cord detonating Demolition equipment sets, with ancillary items Detonators, all types Dynamite Firing devices Fuze, safety Kit, demolition Lighter, fuse Machine, blasting Primer, percussion cap It does not apply to Navy underwater demolition requirements. |
1376 P |
Bulk Explosives This partial assignment applies to solid propellants and explosives such as: Ammonium Picrate (Explosive D) JAN-A-166A Trinitrotoluene (TNT) MIL-T-248A Tetryl JAN-T-339 Pantaerythrite Tetranitrate (PETN) JAN-P-387 RDX Composition B Composition B-3 Pentolite, 50 Composition C-3 Composition A-3 Composition A-4 Nitroguanidine (Picrate) It does not apply to production capacity for any of the above listed explosives at the U.S. Naval Propellant Plant, Indian Head, Maryland. |
1377 P |
Cartridge and Propellant Actuated Devices and Components This partial assignment is reserved pending Services agreement as to items to be included in the assignment. |
1380 |
Military Biological Agents |
1390 P* |
Fuzes and Primers This partial assignment applies to Fuzes and Primers for Army assigned ammunition. It does not apply to Naval ordnance type, which is under DoD Coordinated Acquisition assignment to the Department of the Navy; and guided missile fuzes. |
2210 |
Locomotives |
2220 |
Rail Cars |
2240 |
Locomotive and Rail Car Accessories and Components |
2250 |
Track Materials, Railroad |
2310 P |
Passenger Motor Vehicles |
2320 P |
Trucks and Truck Tractors These two partial assignments apply to tactical vehicles and the following types of vehicles: Bus, convertible to ambulance Truck, 4 x 4, convertible to ambulance Truck 4 x 4 dump, 9,000 GVW, with cut-down cab These assignments do not apply to tracked landing vehicles which are not under DoD Coordinated Acquisition assignment, and airport crash rescue vehicles, which are under DoD Coordinated Acquisition assignment to the Department of the Air Force. With the exception of the types enumerated above, these assignments do not apply to commercial, non-tactical, passenger carrying vehicles and trucks which are assigned for DoD Coordinated Acquisition to the General Services Administration. |
2330 P |
Trailers This partial assignment does not apply to two wheel lubrication trailers, two wheel steam cleaning trailers, and troop transporter semitrailers which are not under DoD Coordinated Acquisition assignment, and airport crash rescue trailer units which are under DoD Coordinated Acquisition assignment to the Department of the Air Force. |
2340 P |
Motorcycles, Motor Scooters, and Bicycles This partial assignment does not apply to bicycles and tricycles. |
2350 |
Tanks and Self-propelled Weapons |
2430 |
Tractors, Track Laying, High-Speed |
2510 P** |
Vehicular Cab, Body, and Frame Structural Components |
2520 P** |
Vehicular Power Transmission Components |
2530 P** |
Vehicular Brake, Steering, Axle, Wheel, and Track Components |
2540 P** |
Vehicular Furniture and Accessories |
2590 P** |
Miscellaneous Vehicular Components |
2610 |
Tires and Tubes, Pneumatic, except Aircraft |
2630 |
Tires, solid and cushion |
2640 |
Tire Rebuilding and Tire and Tube Repair Materials |
2805 P** |
Gasoline Reciprocating Engines, except Aircraft and Components |
2910 P** |
Engine Fuel System Components, Nonaircraft |
2920 P** |
Engine Electrical System Components, Nonaircraft |
2930 P** |
Engine Cooling System Components, Nonaircraft |
2940 P** |
Engine Air and Oil Filters, Strainers and Cleaners, Nonaircraft |
2990 P** |
Miscellaneous Engine Accessories, Nonaircraft |
4210 P |
Fire Fighting Equipment This partial assignment applies only to equipment developed by or under the sponsorship of the Department of the Army. |
4230 P |
Decontaminating and Impregnating Equipment This partial assignment applies only to items peculiar to chemical warfare. |
4240 P |
Safety and Rescue Equipment This partial assignment applies only to military respiratory protective equipment for chemical warfare. |
5805 P |
Telephone and Telegraph Equipment This partial assignment applies only to military (wire) equipment, field type. |
5815 P |
Teletype and Facsimile Equipment This partial assignment applies only to military (wire) equipment, field type. |
5830 P |
Intercommunication and Public Address Systems; except Airborne This partial assignment applies only to military (wire) equipment, field type. |
6135 P |
Batteries, Primary This partial assignment applies to MIL type, dry cell batteries, only. |
6625 P |
Electrical and Electronic Properties Measuring and Testing Instruments This partial assignment applies only to instruments for testing military (wire) equipment, field type. |
6645 P |
Time Measuring Instruments This partial assignment applies to the following watches; aircraft instrument panel clocks; cases and spare parts therefor: |
Master navigation watches; pocket watches; stop watches; second setting wrist watches; wrist watches; athletic timers; aircraft clocks; aircraft panel clocks; mechanical aircraft clocks; navigation watch cases; pocket watch cases; watch holders; watch case assemblies and watch movements. |
6660 P |
Meteorological Instruments and Apparatus Each department is assigned acquisition responsibility for those systems, instruments and end items in FSC 6660 which the department either designed or sponsored development. For purposes of this assignment, the developing department is the department which awarded the developmental contract, notwithstanding that other departments may have provided funds for the development. |
6665 P |
Hazard-Detecting Instruments and Apparatus This partial assignment applies only to items peculiar to chemical warfare. |
6695 P |
Combination and Miscellaneous Instruments This partial assignment applies to jewel bearings only. |
6820 P |
Dyes This partial assignment applies only to items peculiar to chemical warfare. |
6910 P |
Training Aids This partial assignment applies only to items peculiar to Army assignments under weapons, fire control equipment, ammunition and explosives, and chemical and biological warfare. |
6920 P |
Armament Training Devices This partial assignment applies to armament training devices as listed in Department of Army Catalogs SC 6910, ML/IL and SC 6920 ML/IL. It does not apply to clay pigeons in Department of Army Catalogs SC 6910, ML/IL and SC 6920 ML/IL. It does not apply to clay pigeons. |
6940 P |
Communication Training Devices This partial assignment applies only to code training sets, code practice equipment, and other telephone and telegraph training devices. |
8130 P |
Reels and Spools This partial assignment applies only to reels and spools for military (wire) equipment, field type. |
8140 P |
Ammunition Boxes, Packages, and Special Containers This partial assignment applies only to boxes, packages, and containers peculiar to Army assignments under ammunitions, explosives, and chemical and biological warfare as listed in Department of Army Catalog SC 8140 IL and SC 8140 ML. |
*For contracting purposes, Naval ordnance comprises all arms, armor, and armament for the Department of the Navy and includes all offensive and defensive weapons, together with their components, controlling devices and ammunition used in executing the Navy's mission in National Defense (except small arms and those items of aviation ordnance acquired from the Army).
**These partial FSC assignments apply only to repair parts peculiar to combat and tactical vehicles. In addition, the assignment in FSC 2805 applies to military standard engines 1.5 HP through 20 HP and parts peculiar therefor. Balance of these FSCs are assigned to the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA Land and Maritime).
Federal Supply Class Code |
Commodity |
Electronic Equipment Each department is assigned acquisition responsibility for those items which the department either designed or sponsored development. See FSC 5821 for assignment of certain commercially developed radio sets to the Department of the Navy (i.e., developed without the use of Government funds). |
1095 P |
Miscellaneous Weapons This partial assignment applies to line throwing guns only. |
1310 P |
Ammunition, over 30mm up to 75mm This partial assignment applies only to reels and spools for military. |
1325 P |
Bombs This partial assignment applies to armor-piercing; depth bombs; externally suspended low drag bombs; and components and practice bombs therefor, as listed in Ord Pamphlets, and the MK 43, Target Detecting Device. The Department of the Army is responsible for the acquisition of fillers and the loading, assembling, and packing of toxicological, incapacitating riot control, smoke and incendiary munitions, and for other loading, assembling, and packing in excess of Navy-owned capacity. |
1340 P |
Rockets and Rocket Ammunition This partial assignment applies to: Fuze, Rocket, V.T., MK93-0 2.25 inch Rocket SCAR, Practice Heads MK3 and Mods Motors MK15 and Mods MK16 and Mods 5 inch Rocket HVAR, service and practice Heads MK2 and Mods (common) MK6 and Mods (GP) MK4 and Mods (smoke) MK25 and Mods (ATAR) Motors MK10 and Mods 5 inch Rocket FFAR service and practice Heads MK24 and Mods (General Purposes) MK32 and Mods (Shaped Charged) MK26 and Mods (Illum) Motor MK16 and Mods The Department of the Army is responsible for acquisition of filler and for filling of all smoke and toxicological rockets. |
1390 P |
Fuzes and Primers This partial assignment applies to fuzes and primers for Navy assigned ammunition. |
1550 P |
Drones This partial assignment applies only to Drone, Model BQM34E. |
(“P” after the FSC number indicates a partial FSC assignment). |
1905 P |
Combat Ships and Landing Vessels This partial assignment applies to landing vessels only. |
1910 P |
Transport Vessels, Passenger and Troop This partial assignment applies to ferryboats only. |
1920 |
Fishing Vessels |
1925 |
Special Service Vessels |
1930 |
Barges and Lighters, Cargo |
1935 P |
Barges and Lighters, Special Purpose This partial assignment does not apply to derricks, pile drivers, rock cutters, concrete mixing plants, mechanical bank grader barges, other bank revetment barges, and barge power plants. |
1940 |
Small Craft |
1945 P |
Pontoons and Floating Docks This partial assignment applies only to Naval Facilities Engineering Command type pontoons. |
1950 |
Floating Drydocks |
1990 P |
Miscellaneous Vessels This partial assignment applies to commercial sailing vessels only. |
2010 |
Ship and Boat Propulsion Components |
2020 |
Rigging and Rigging Gear |
2030 |
Deck Machinery |
2040 |
Marine Hardware and Hull Items |
2060 |
Commercial Fishing Equipment |
2090 |
Miscellaneous Ship and Marine Equipment |
2820 P |
Steam Engines, Reciprocating and Components This partial assignment applies to marine main propulsion steam engines only. |
2825 P |
Steam Turbines and Components This partial assignment applies to marine steam turbines only. |
4210 P |
Fire Fighting Equipment This partial assignment applies only to fire fighting equipment developed by or under the sponsorship of the Department of Navy. |
4410 P |
Industrial Boilers This partial assignment applies only to boilers for use aboard those ships assigned to the Navy for coordinated acquisition. |
4420 P |
Heat Exchangers and Steam Condensers This partial assignment applies only to heat exchangers for use aboard those ships assigned to the Navy for coordinated acquisition. |
4925 P |
Ammunition Maintenance and Repair Shop Specialized Equipment This partial assignment applies to sets, kits, and outfits of tools and equipment for explosive ordnance as defined in military service regulations and documents. |
5821 P |
Radio and Television Communication Equipment, Airborne This partial assignment applies only to the following commercially developed radio sets. (The term “commercially developed” means that no Government funds were provided for development purposes.) HF-101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 111, 113, ARC-94, 102, 105, 110, 112, 119, 120; MRC-95, 108; VC-102, 104, 105, 106, 109, 110; and components of the foregoing including the 490T antenna coupler. |
6125 P |
Converters, Electrical, Rotating This partial assignment applies only to motor-generated sets for use aboard ships assigned to the Navy for coordinated acquisition. |
6320 P |
Shipboard Alarm and Signal System This partial assignment applies only to alarm systems, fire alarm systems, indicating systems, telegraph systems (signal and signaling) (less electronic type) for use aboard ships assigned to the Navy for coordinated acquisition. |
6605 P |
Navigational Instruments This partial assignment applies only to lifeboat and raft compasses, aircraft sextants, hand leads (soundings), lead reels, sounding machines and pelorus stands for use aboard ships assigned to the Navy for coordinated acquisition. |
6645 P |
Time Measuring Instruments This partial assignment applies to the following instruments, cases, and spare parts therefor: Chronometers including gimbal, padded, and make break circuit Clocks, alarm, boat, deck, direct reading, electrical, floor, interval timer, marine, mechanical, master control, master program, master regulating, mechanical message center, nurses, program, shelf, stop, wall, watchman's Counters, time period Meters, engine running time, hour recording, and electrical time totalizing Timers; bombing, engine hours, sequential, stop, and program Program control instrument Cases; chronometer, including gimbal and padded, chronometer carrying; makebreak circuit chronometer Cans, chronometer shipping and storage Clock keys; clock movements, clock motors |
6650 P |
Optical Instruments This partial assignment applies only to stands, telescope, for use aboard ships assigned to the Navy for coordinated acquisition. |
6660 P |
Meteorological Instruments and Apparatus Each department is assigned acquisition responsibility for those systems, instruments, and end items in FSC 6660 for which the department either designed or sponsored development. For purposes of this assignment, the developing department is the department which awarded the developmental contract, notwithstanding that other departments may have provided funds for the development. |
6665 P |
Hazard-Detecting Instruments and Apparatus This partial assignment applies only to hazard determining safety devices, for use aboard ships assigned to the Navy for coordinated acquisition. |
8140 P |
Ammunition Boxes, Packages, and Special Containers This partial assignment applies only to boxes, packages, and containers for 40mm ammunition. |
Federal Supply Class Code |
Commodity |
Electronic Equipment Each department is assigned acquisition responsibility for those items which the department either designed or sponsored development. See FSC 5821 under Navy listing for assignment of certain commercially developed radio sets (i.e., developed without the use of Government funds). |
1550 P |
Drones This partial assignment applies only to the following model drones: Model 147 Model 154 BQM 34A MQM 34D |
2320 P |
Trucks and Truck Tractors This partial assignment applies only to airport crash rescue vehicles. |
2330 P |
Trailers This partial assignment applies only to airport crash rescue trailor units. |
4210 P |
Fire Fighting Equipment This partial assignment applies only to fire fighting equipment developed by or under the sponsorship of the Department of the Air Force. |
6660 P |
Meteorological Instruments and Apparatus Each department is assigned acquisition responsibility for those systems, instruments, and end items in FSC 6660 for which the department either designed or sponsored development. The developing department is the department which awarded the developmental contract, notwithstanding that other departments may have provided funds for the development. |
6710 P* |
Cameras, Motion Picture This partial assignment does not apply to submarine periscope and underwater cameras. |
6720 P* |
Cameras, Still Picture This partial assignment does not apply to submarine periscope and underwater cameras. |
6730 P* |
Photographic Projection Equipment This partial assignment does not apply to 35mm theater projectors. |
6740* |
Photographic Developing and Finishing Equipment |
6760* |
Photographic Equipment and Accessories |
6780* |
Photographic Sets, Kits, and Outfits |
(“P” after the FSC number indicates a partial FSC assignment).
8820 P |
Live Animals Not Raised for Food This partial assignment applies only to the following types of working dogs: Scout Sentry Patrol Mine/tunnel Tracker Detector-narcotic/contraband Sledge Bloodhound Water dog Patrol/detector |
*This partial FSC assignment does not apply to photographic equipment controlled by the Congressional Joint Committee on Printing and Micro-Film Equipment and Supplies.
Federal Supply Class Code |
Commodity |
DLA Center6 |
2230 |
Right of Way Construction and Maintenance Equipment, Railroad |
2410 |
Tractor, Full Track, Low-Speed |
2420 |
Tractor, Wheeled |
2510 P2 |
Vehicular Cab, Body, and Frame, Structural Components |
2520 P2 |
Vehicular Power Transmission Components |
2530 P2 |
Vehicular Brake, Steering, Axle, Wheel, and Track Components |
2540 P2 |
Vehicular Furniture and Accessories |
2590 P2 |
Miscellaneous Vehicular Components |
2805 P2 |
Gasoline Reciprocating Engines, Except Aircraft; and Components |
2815 |
Diesel Engines and Components |
2895 |
Miscellaneous Engines and Components |
2910 P2 |
Engine Fuel System Components, Nonaircraft |
2920 P2 |
Engine Electrical System Components, Nonaircraft |
2930 P2 |
Engine Cooling System Components, Nonaircraft |
2940 P2 |
Engine Air and Oil Filters, Strainers and Cleaners, Nonaircraft |
2990 P2 |
Miscellaneous Engine Accessories, Nonaircraft |
3020 |
Gears, Pulleys, Sprockets and Transmission Chain |
3030 |
Belting, Drive Belts, Fan Belts, and Accessories |
3040 |
Miscellaneous Power Transmission Equipment |
3110 |
Bearings, Antifriction, Unmounted |
3120 |
Bearings, Plain Unmounted |
3130 |
Bearings, Mounted |
3210 |
Sawmill and Planing Mill Machinery |
3220 |
Woodworking Machines |
3230 |
Tools and Attachments for Woodworking Machinery |
3405 |
Saws and Filing Machines |
3408 |
Machining Centers and Way-Type Machines |
3410 |
Electrical and Ultrasonic Erosion Machines |
3411 |
Boring Machines |
3412 |
Broaching Machines |
3413 |
Drilling and Tapping Machines |
3414 |
Gear Cutting and Finishing Machines |
3415 |
Grinding Machines |
3416 |
Lathes |
3417 |
Milling Machines |
3418 |
Planers and Shapers |
3419 |
Miscellaneous Machine Tools |
3422 |
Rolling Mills and Drawing Machines |
(“P” after the FSC number indicates a partial FSC assignment) |
3424 |
Metal Heat Treating Equipment |
3426 |
Metal Finishing Equipment |
3431 |
Electric Arc Welding Equipment |
3432 |
Electric Resistance Welding Equipment |
3433 |
Gas Welding, Heat Cutting & Metalizing Equipment |
3436 |
Welding Positioners and Manipulators |
3438 |
Miscellaneous Welding Equipment |
3439 |
Miscellaneous Welding, Soldering and Brazing Supplies and Accessories |
3441 |
Bending and Forming Machines |
3442 |
Hydraulic and Pneumatic Presses, Power Driven |
3443 |
Mechanical Presses, Power Driven |
3444 |
Manual Presses |
3445 |
Punching and Shearing Machines |
3446 |
Forging Machinery and Hammers |
3447 |
Wire and Metal Ribbon Forming Machinery |
3448 |
Riveting Machines |
3449 |
Misc. Secondary Metal Forming and Cutting Machines |
3450 |
Machine Tools, Portable |
3455 |
Cutting Tools for Machine Tools |
3456 |
Cutting and Forming Tools for Secondary Metal Working Machines |
3460 |
Machine Tool Accessories |
3461 |
Accessories for Secondary Metal Working Machinery |
3465 |
Production Jigs, Fixtures and Templates |
3470 |
Machine Shop Sets, Kits, and Outfits |
3510 |
Laundry and Dry Cleaning Equipment |
3520 |
Shoe Repairing Equipment |
3530 |
Industrial Sewing Machines & Mobile Textile Repair Shops |
3610 |
Printing, Duplicating, and Bookbinding Equipment |
3611 P9 |
Industrial Marking Machines |
3620 P9 |
Rubber and Plastics Working Machinery |
3635 P9 |
Crystal and Glass Industries Machinery |
3650 P9 |
Chemical & Pharmaceutical Products Manufacturing Machinery |
3655 |
Gas Generating and Dispensing Systems, Fixed or Mobile |
3660 P9 |
Industrial Size Reduction Machinery |
3680 P9 |
Foundry Machinery, Related Equipment and Supplies |
3685 P9 |
Specialized Metal Container Manufacturing Machinery and Related Equipment |
3693 P9 |
Industrial Assembly Machines |
3694 P9 |
Clean Work Stations, Controlled Environment & Related Equipment |
3695 |
Miscellaneous Special Industry Machinery |
3710 |
Soil Preparation Equipment |
3720 |
Harvesting Equipment |
3740 |
Pest, Disease, and Frost Control Equipment |
3770 |
Saddlery, Harness, Whips and Related Animal Furnishings |
3805 |
Earth Moving and Excavating Equipment |
3810 |
Cranes and Crane-Shovels |
3815 |
Crane and Crane-Shovel Attachments |
3820 |
Mining, Rock Drilling, Earth Boring, and Related Equipment |
3825 |
Road Clearing and Cleaning Equipment |
3830 |
Truck and Tractor Attachments |
3835 |
Petroleum Production and Distribution Equipment |
3895 |
Miscellaneous Construction Equipment |
3910 |
Conveyors |
3920 |
Materials Handling Equipment, Nonself-Propelled |
3930 |
Warehouse Trucks and Tractors, Self-Propelled |
3940 |
Blocks, Tackle, Rigging, and Slings |
3950 |
Winches, Hoists, Cranes, and Derricks |
3990 |
Miscellaneous Materials Handling Equipment |
4010 |
Chain and Wire Rope |
4020 |
Fiber Rope, Cordage and Twine |
4030 |
Fittings for Rope, Cable, and Chain |
4110 |
Refrigeration Equipment |
4120 |
Air Conditioning Equipment |
4130 |
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Components |
4140 |
Fans, Air Circulators, and Blower Equipment |
4210 P3 |
Fire Fighting Equipment |
4220 |
Marine Lifesaving and Diving Equipment |
4310 |
Compressors and Vacuum Pumps |
4320 |
Power and Hand Pumps |
4330 |
Centrifugals, Separators, and Pressure and Vacuum Filters |
4440 |
Driers, Dehydrators, and Anhydrators |
4450 |
Industrial Fan and Blower Equipment |
4460 |
Air Purification Equipment |
4510 |
Plumbing Fixtures and Accessories |
4520 |
Space Heating Equipment and Domestic Water Heaters |
4530 |
Fuel Burning Equipment Units |
4540 |
Miscellaneous Plumbing, Heating, and Sanitation Equipment |
4610 |
Water Purification Equipment |
4620 |
Water Distillation Equipment, Marine and Industrial |
4630 |
Sewage Treatment Equipment |
4710 |
Pipe and Tube |
4720 |
Hose and Tubing, Flexible |
4730 |
Fittings and Specialities; Hose, Pipe, and Tube |
4810 |
Valves, Powered |
4820 |
Valves, Nonpowered |
4930 |
Lubrication and Fuel Dispensing Equipment |
5280 |
Sets, Kits, and Outfits of Measuring Tools |
5305 |
Screws |
5306 |
Bolts |
5307 |
Studs |
5310 |
Nuts and Washers |
5315 |
Nails, Keys, and Pins |
5320 |
Rivets |
5325 |
Fastening Devices |
5330 |
Packing and Gasket Materials |
5335 |
Metal Screening |
5340 |
Miscellaneous Hardware |
5355 |
Knobs and Pointers |
5360 |
Coil, Flat and Wire Springs |
5365 |
Rings, Shims, and Spacers |
5410 |
Prefabricated and Portable Buildings |
5420 |
Bridges, Fixed and Floating |
5430 |
Storage Tanks |
5440 |
Scaffolding Equipment and Concrete Forms |
5445 |
Prefabricated Tower Structures |
5450 |
Miscellaneous Prefabricated Structures |
5510 |
Lumber and Related Basic Wood Materials |
5520 |
Millwork |
5530 |
Plywood and Veneer |
5660 |
Fencing, Fences and Gates |
5680 P |
Miscellaneous Construction Materials This partial assignment applies only to airplane landing mat. (Also, see footnote 1 at end of list relative to purchase of DLA managed items in GSA assigned classes.) |
5820 P10 |
Radio and Television Communication Equipment, except Airborne |
5905 |
Resistors |
5910 |
Capacitors |
5915 |
Filters and Networks |
5920 |
Fuses and Lightning Arrestors |
5925 |
Circuit Breakers |
5930 |
Switches |
5935 |
Connectors, Electrical |
5940 |
Lugs, Terminals, and Terminals Strips |
5945 |
Relays, Contractors, and Solenoids |
5950 |
Coils and Transformers |
5955 |
Piezoelectric Crystals |
5960 |
Electron Tubes and Associated Hardware |
5961 |
Semiconductor Devices and Associated Hardware |
5962 |
Microelectronic Circuit Devices |
5965 |
Headsets, Handsets, Microphones, and Speakers |
5970 |
Electrical Insulators and Insulating Materials |
5975 |
Electrical Hardware and Supplies |
5977 |
Electrical Contact Brushes and Electrodes |
5985 |
Antennas, Waveguides, and Related Equipment |
5990 |
Synchros and Resolvers |
5995 |
Cable, Cord, and Wire Assemblies; Communication Equipment |
5999 |
Miscellaneous Electrical and Electronic Components |
6105 |
Motors, Electrical |
6110 |
Electrical Control Equipment |
6115 P8 |
Generators and Generator Sets, Electrical |
6120 |
Transformers; Distribution and Power Station |
6145 |
Wire and Cable, Electrical |
6150 |
Miscellaneous Electric Power and Distribution Equipment |
6210 |
Indoor and Outdoor Electric Lighting Fixtures |
6220 |
Electric Vehicular Lights and Fixtures |
6230 |
Electric Portable and Hand Lighting Equipment |
6240 |
Electric Lamps |
6250 |
Ballasts, Lampholders and Starters |
6260 |
Nonelectrical Lighting Fixtures |
6350 |
Miscellaneous Alarm and Signal Systems |
65054 |
Drugs, Biologicals, and Official Reagents |
65084 |
Medicated Cosmetics and Toiletries |
65104 |
Surgical Dressing Materials |
65154 |
Medical and Surgical Instruments, Equipment and Supplies |
65204 |
Dental Instruments, Equipment and Supplies |
65254 |
X-Ray Equipment and Supplies; Medical, Dental and Veterinary |
65304 |
Hospital Furniture, Equipment, Utensils, and Supplies |
6532 |
Hospital and Surgical Clothing and Textile Special Purpose Items |
65404 |
Opticians' Instruments, Equipment and Supplies |
65454 |
Medical Sets, Kits, and Outfits |
6630 |
Chemical Analysis Instruments |
6635 |
Physical Properties Testing Equipment |
6640 |
Laboratory Equipment and Supplies |
6655 |
Geophysical and Astronomical Instruments |
6670 |
Scales and Balances |
6675 |
Drafting, Surveying, and Mapping Instruments |
6680 |
Liquid and Gas Flow, Liquid Level and Mechanical Motion Measuring Instruments |
6750 |
Photographic Supplies |
68107 |
Chemicals |
6820 |
Dyes |
6830 |
Gases; Compressed and Liquified |
6840 |
Pest Control Agents and Disinfectants |
68507 |
Miscellaneous Chemical Specialties |
7210 |
Household Furnishings |
7310 |
Food Cooking, Baking, and Serving Equipment |
7320 |
Kitchen Equipment and Appliances |
7360 |
Sets, Kits, and Outfits; Food Preparation and Serving |
7610 |
Books and Pamphlets |
7660 |
Sheet and Book Music |
7690 |
Miscellaneous Printed Matter |
8110 |
Drums and Cans |
8120 |
Commercial and Industrial Gas Cylinders |
8125 |
Bottles and Jars |
8305 |
Textile Fabrics FSC 8305 does not include laminated cloth used exclusively in the repair of lighter than air envelopes. |
8310 |
Yarn and Thread |
8315 |
Notions and Apparel Findings FSC 8315 does not include coated cloth tape used exclusively in the repair of lighter than air envelopes. |
8320 |
Padding and Stuffing Materials |
8325 |
Fur Materials |
8330 |
Leather |
8335 |
Shoe Findings and Soling Materials |
8340 |
Tents and Tarpaulins |
8345 |
Flags and Pennants |
8405 |
Outerwear, Men's |
8410 |
Outerwear, Women's |
8415 |
Clothing, Special Purpose FSC 8415 includes all submarine clothing. |
8420 |
Underwear and Nightwear, Men's |
8425 |
Underwear and Nightwear, Women's |
8430 |
Footwear, Men's |
8435 |
Footwear, Women's |
8440 |
Hosiery, Handwear, and Clothing Accessories, Men's |
8445 |
Hosiery, Handwear, and Clothing Accessories, Women's |
8450 |
Children's and Infant's Apparel and Accessories |
8455 |
Badges and Insignia |
8460 |
Luggage |
8465 |
Individual Equipment |
8470 |
Armor, Personal |
8475 |
Specialized Flight Clothing and Accessories |
89055 |
Meat, Poultry, and Fish |
89105 |
Dairy Foods and Eggs |
89155 |
Fruits and Vegetables |
89205 |
Bakery and Cereal Products |
89255 |
Sugar, Confectionery, and Nuts |
89305 |
Jams, Jellies, and Preserves |
89355 |
Soups and Bouillons |
89405 |
Special Dietary Foods and Food Specialty Preparations |
89455 |
Food Oils and Fats |
89505 |
Condiments and Related Products |
89555 |
Coffee, Tea, and Cocoa |
89605 |
Beverages, Nonalcoholic |
89705 |
Composite Food Packages |
89755 |
Tobacco Products |
9110 |
Fuels, Solid |
9130 |
Liquid Propellants and Fuels, Petroleum Base |
9140 |
Fuel Oils |
9150 |
Oils and Greases; Cutting, Lubricating, and Hydraulic |
9160 |
Miscellaneous Waxes, Oils, and Fats |
9320 |
Rubber Fabricated Materials |
9330 |
Plastic Fabricated Materials |
9340 |
Glass Fabricated Materials |
9350 |
Refractories and Fire Surfacing Materials |
9390 |
Miscellaneous Fabricated Nonmetallic Materials |
9420 P |
Fibers; Vegetable, Animal, and Synthetic This partial FSC assignment applies only to raw cotton and raw wool. |
9430 P |
Miscellaneous Crude Animal Products, Inedible This partial assignment applies only to crude hides. |
9505 |
Wire, Nonelectrical, Iron and Steel |
9510 |
Bars and Rods, Iron and Steel |
9515 |
Plate, Sheet, and Strip, Iron and Steel |
9520 |
Structural Shapes, Iron and Steel |
9525 |
Wire, Nonelectrical, Nonferrous Base Metal |
9530 |
Bars and Rods, Nonferrous Base Metal |
9535 |
Plate, Sheet, Strip, and Foil, Nonferrous Base Metal |
9540 |
Structural Shapes, Nonferrous Base Metal |
9545 |
Plate, Sheet, Strip, Foil and Wire, Precious Metal |
9620 P |
Minerals, Natural and Synthetic This partial assignment applies only to crude petroleum and crude shale oil. |
9925 |
Ecclesiastical Equipment, Furnishings and Supplies |
9930 |
Memorials, Cemeterial and Mortuary Equipment and Supplies |
9999 |
Miscellaneous Items |
1 These assignments do not apply to items decentralized by the DLA Center Commander, i.e., designated for purchase by each military department, and to those items in DLA assigned federal supply classes, which may be assigned to GSA for supply management. In addition, see DFARS Subpart 208.70, which describes conditions under which a military service may purchase (contract for) military service supply managed items in DLA assigned federal supply classes. See notes 2 and 3 for further exceptions pertaining to certain DLA assignments.
2 DLA assignments in FSC 2510, 2520, 2530, 2540, 2590, 2805, 2910, 2920, 2930, 2940, and 2990 do not apply to repair parts peculiar to combat and tactical vehicles, which are assigned for coordinated acquisition to the Department of the Army. In addition, the assignment in FSC 2805 does not apply to military standard engines 1.5 HP through 20 HP and parts peculiar therefor, which are assigned for coordinated acquisition to the Department of the Army.
3 This partial FSC assignment in FSC 4210 does not apply to Fire Fighting Equipment developed by or under the sponsorship of a military department. The contracting responsibility for such equipment is assigned to the department which developed or sponsored its development.
4 DLA has contracting responsibility for all the items in the classes of FS Group 65. In addition, DLA has contracting responsibility for all equipment and supplies related to the medical, dental, veterinary professions in Non-group 65 classes where the military medical services have the sole or prime interest in such items. The specific item coverage of these Non-group 65 items is published in the DoD section of the Federal Supply Catalog for medical material C3-1 through C3-12, inclusive.
5 This assignment includes health and comfort items listed in AR 700-23. It also includes resale items for commissary stores (including brand name items).
6 DLA centers are identified as follows—
— |
DLA Land and Maritime |
— |
DLA Energy |
— |
DLA Aviation |
— |
DLA Troop Support |
DLA also serves as the head of the contracting activity for the Defense Media Center (DMC).
7 DLA Energy is responsible for contracting for only petroleum base items in FSC 6810 and 6850.
8 This partial FSC assignment in FSC 6115 does not apply to Mobile Electric Power Generating Sources (MEPGS). The contracting direction responsibility for MEPGS is assigned to the DoD Project Manager, Mobile Electric Power, by DoDD 4120.11. DoD components desiring to use other than the DoD Standard Family of Generator Sets, contained in MIL-STD 633, shall process a Request for Deviation in accordance with Joint Operating Procedures, AR 700-101, AFR 400-50, NAVMATINST 4120.100A, MCO 11310.8c and DLAR 4120.7, Subject: Management and Standardization of Mobile Electric Power Generating Sources, prior to initiating an acquisition.
9 This partial assignment applies only to secondary items not otherwise assigned, as listed in the applicable Federal Supply Catalog Management Data lists of each respective service.
10 This partial assignment applies to broadcasting, visual information, and graphics presentation communications equipment used by the American Forces Radio and Television Services, centralized visual information support activities, media centers, closed circuit educational and training programs, language training activities, combat camera units, and individual base visual information centers. This assignment does not apply to equipment with airborne applications. Examples of the types of equipment covered by this assignment include radio and television transmitters, video recording and playback equipment, video cameras, editing and switching equipment, electronic imaging equipment, language training equipment, monitors, audio equipment, and other nontactical, off-the-shelf, commercially available, nondevelopmental electronic equipment used to support broadcast and visual information missions.
Federal Supply Class Code |
Commodity |
1105 |
Nuclear Bombs |
1110 |
Nuclear Projectiles |
1115 |
Nuclear Warheads and Warhead Sections |
1120 |
Nuclear Depth Charges |
1125 |
Nuclear Demolition Charges |
1127 |
Nuclear Rockets |
1130 |
Conversion Kits, Nuclear Ordnance |
1135 |
Fuzing and Firing Devices, Nuclear Ordnance |
1140 |
Nuclear Components |
1145 |
Explosive and Pyrotechnic Components, Nuclear Ordnance |
1190 |
Specialized Test and Handling Equipment, Nuclear Ordnance |
1195 |
Miscellaneous Nuclear Ordnance |
In addition to the above, assignments to the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) include all items for which DTRA provides logistics management or has integrated management responsibilities in accordance with the DTRA Charter.
Federal Supply Class Code |
Commodity |
2310 P |
Passenger Motor Vehicles |
2320 P |
Trucks and Truck Tractors These two partial assignments apply to all commercial, non-tactical, passenger carrying vehicles and trucks except the following types which are assigned for DoD Coordinated Acquisition to the Department of the Army— Bus, convertible to ambulance Truck, 4x4, convertible to ambulance Truck, 4x4, dump, 9,000 pounds GVW, with cut-down cab (See Army Coordinated Acquisition assignments in FSC 2310 and 2320.) |
3540 |
Wrapping and Packaging Machinery |
3550 |
Vending and Coin Operated Machines |
3590 |
Miscellaneous Service and Trade Equipment |
3750 |
Gardening Implements and Tools |
5110 |
Hand Tools, Edged, Nonpowered |
5120 |
Hand Tools, Nonedged, Nonpowered |
5130 |
Hand Tools, Power Driven |
5133 |
Drill Bits, Counterbores, and Countersinks; Hand and Machine |
5136 |
Taps, Dies, and Collects; Hand and Machine |
5140 |
Tool and Hardware Boxes |
5180 |
Sets, Kits, and Outfits of Hand Tools |
5210 |
Measuring Tools, Craftmen’s |
5345 |
Disks and Stones, Abrasive |
5350 |
Abrasive Materials |
5610 |
Mineral Construction Materials, Bulk |
5620 |
Building Glass, Tile, Brick, and Block |
5630 |
Pipe and Conduit, Nonmetallic |
5640 |
Wallboard, Building Paper, and Thermal Insulation Materials |
5650 |
Roofing and Siding Materials |
5670 |
Architectural and Related Metal Products |
5680 P* |
Miscellaneous Construction Materials |
7105 |
Household Furniture |
7110 |
Office Furniture |
7125 |
Cabinets, Lockers, Bins, and Shelving |
7195 |
Miscellaneous Furniture and Fixtures |
7220 |
Floor Coverings |
7230 |
Draperies, Awnings, and Shades |
7240 |
Household and Commercial Utility Containers |
7290 |
Miscellaneous Household and Commercial Furnishings and Appliances |
7330 |
Kitchen Hand Tools and Utensils |
7340 |
Cutlery and Flatware |
7350 |
Tableware |
7410 |
Punched Card System Machines |
7420 |
Accounting and Calculating Machines |
(“P” after FSC number indicates partial FSC assignment.) |
7430 |
Typewriters and Office-type Composing Machines This assignment does not apply to machines controlled by the Congressional Joint Committee on Printing. |
7450 |
Office-type Sound Recording and Reproducing Machines |
7460 |
Visible Record Equipment |
7490 |
Miscellaneous Office Machines This assignment does not apply to equipment controlled by the Congressional Joint Committee on Printing. |
7510 |
Office Supplies This assignment does not apply to office supplies, including special inks, when DoD requirements of such items are acquired through Government Printing Office channels. |
7520 |
Office Devices and Accessories This assignment does not apply to office devices and accessories when DoD requirements of such items are acquired through Government Printing Office channels. |
7530 |
Stationery and Record Forms This assignment does not apply to stationery and record forms when DoD requirements of such items are acquired through Government Printing Office channels including those items covered by term contracts issued by GPO for tabulating cards and marginally punched continuous forms. |
7710 |
Musical Instruments |
7720 |
Musical Instrument Parts and Accessories |
7730 |
Phonographs, Radios, and Television Sets; Home Type |
7740 |
Phonograph Records |
7810 |
Athletic and Sporting Equipment |
7820 |
Games, Toys, and Wheeled Goods |
7830 |
Recreational and Gymnastic Equipment |
7910 |
Floor Polishers and Vacuum Cleaning Equipment |
7920 |
Brooms, Brushes, Mops, and Sponges |
7930 |
Cleaning and Polishing Compounds and Preparations |
8010 |
Paints, Dopes, Varnishes, and Related Products |
8020 |
Paint and Artists Brushes |
8030 |
Preservative and Sealing Compounds |
8040 |
Adhesives |
8105 |
Bags and Sacks |
8115 |
Boxes, Cartons and Crates |
8135 |
Packaging and Packing Bulk Materials |
8510 |
Perfumes, Toilet Preparations and Powders |
8520 |
Toilet Soap, Shaving Preparations and Dentifrices |
8530 |
Personal Toiletry Articles |
8540 |
Toiletry Paper Products |
8710 |
Forage and Feed |
8720 |
Fertilizers |
8730 |
Seeds and Nursery Stock |
9310 |
Paper and Paperboard |
9905 |
Signs, Advertising Displays, and Identification Plates |
9910 |
Jewelry |
9915 |
Collector's Items |
9920 |
Smokers' Articles and Matches |
These GSA assignments do not apply to items as described under FSC 7430, 7490, 7510, 7520, and 7530, and those items in the GSA assigned federal supply classes which have been retained for DLA supply management as listed in the applicable Federal Supply Catalog Management Data lists. In addition, see DFARS Subpart 208.70, which describes conditions under which a military service may contract for military service managed items in GSA assigned federal supply classes.
*This partial FSC assignment does not include landing mats which are assigned to the Defense Logistics Agency.