This page contains user guides with step-by-step instructions on how to use the EVM-CR, downloadable desktop tools to view and validate IPMR/IPMDAR files, and training information to learn more about the system.
To get started, follow our Registration Instructions to establish your account in the EVM-CR system.
Desktop tool that allows for Cost Schedule Integration (CSI) between files. Validation of cost files against schedule, cost to cost, and against IPMDAR DEI & FFS. (Updated July 2024)
Our User Guides and other training materials below are designed to help you use the EVM-CR system successfully. To inquire about other training opportunities for your group, please contact us.
Introduction to the EVM-CR for industry users responsible for EVM-CR deliveries. (May 2020)
Includes registration, new contract set up and navigation of the EVM-CR. (Feb. 2020)
Answers to some of our users' most common questions
User Guides are presented by EVM-CR role; they show how to do the most important tasks for each function in step-by-step instructions.
Submitter Guide - February 2022
EVM-CR Submitters are users from industry with the responsibility of making a delivery of IPMR files to the EVM-CR.
Reviewer Guide - February 2022
The Reviewer role is appropriate for government Program Office personnel and their support contractors.
Industry Reviewer Guide - March 2023
Industry Reviewers are corporate focal points or other Industry leadership who need access to the EVM-CR in order to provide oversight on deliveries made by their organization.
Analyst Guide - March 2023
The Analyst role is appropriate for government oversight organizations. Users with this role will have access to all published reports. Support Contractors can have a limited version of this same role with appropriate NDAs.
Download the IPMDAR sample files and desktop tools for viewing and validating IPMDAR files (Download Instructions, password: EVM TOOL).
IPMDAR Contract Performance Dataset
IPMDAR Schedule Performance Dataset
The Legacy IPMR Tools can be found on the Archive page.
The EVM-CR houses data delivered by industry which is considered to be company proprietary. Access to this data within our system can only be granted to support contractors with approved, signed, company-to-company NDAs.