Capabilities - Contract Scorecards

The Principal Director, Defense Pricing, Contracting, and Acquisition Policy creates and publishes the scorecards described below to track Components’ compliance with Federal and Department of Defense (DoD) policies requiring organizations to compete actions, comply with contractor past performance assessment reporting requirements, and share contract data electronically.

Contract Data Scorecard

The Contract Data Scorecard measures Components’ compliance with the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) Procedures, Guidance, and Information (PGI) 204.201, which requires that all DoD Components post contract actions to the Electronic Data Access (EDA) system as Portable Document Format (PDF) files, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) X.12 data, or the Procurement Data Standard (PDS) files. The scorecard compares the contract action reports (CARs) present in the Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS) with the contract actions stored in EDA in order to produce calculations. The various reports, each contained within a separate worksheet, reflect overall compliance at both summary (i.e. Agency) and office (i.e. DoD Agency Address Code (DoDAAC)) levels. DPC creates the EDA scorecard each month and posts it below.

For additional information on the Contract Data Scorecard, see “Interpreting the Contract Data Scorecard”.

Contract Reporting Scorecard

The Contract Reporting Scorecard measures Components’ compliance with FAR Subpart 4.6, which requires that CARs be submitted to FPDS for all unclassified contract actions that exceed the micro-purchase threshold. The scorecard compares the contracts sent to EDA with those CARs reported to FPDS. This scorecard’s reports display both summary (i.e. Agency) and office (i.e. DoDAAC) level compliance. DPC creates the Contract Reporting Scorecard each month and posts it below.

For additional information on the Contract Reporting Scorecard, see the “Contract Reporting Scorecard Guide”.

Past Performance Scorecard

The Past Performance Information Retrieval System (PPIRS) Scorecard measures the Component’s compliance with submitting contractor performance evaluations into CPARS (Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System). The scorecard also counts the number of contracts and delivery orders submitted to Federal Procurement Data Standard (FPDS) and whether the action has been registered in CPARS. DPC publishes the PPIRS Scorecard every quarter below.

Government Furnished Equipment (GFP) Scorecard

The GFP Scorecard measures Components’ compliance with FAR Subpart 45.1, which requires that FAR 52.245-1, "Government Property" (APRIL 2012) be included in all cost reimbursement and time-and-material type contracts. The Scorecard also measures compliance with DFARS Subpart 245.1, which requires that the following DFARS clauses: 252.211-7007 (AUGUST 2012), 252.245-7001 (APRIL 2012), 252.245-7002 (APRIL 2012), 252.245-7003 (APRIL 2012), and 252.245-7004 (MAY 2013) be included in all contracts that contain the clause at FAR 52.245-1. The scorecard tracks the required GFP clauses within the cost reimbursement and time-and-material type contracts sent to EDA. This scorecard’s reports display the summary (i.e. Agency) level compliance for the FAR and the DFARS GFP clauses. DPC creates the GFP Scorecard each quarter and posts it below.

Safeguarding Covered Defense Information and Cyber Incident Reporting

The Clause Compliance Scorecard(s) measure(s) Components' compliance with FAR and DFARS requirements to insert specific clauses as prescribed for awards (or orders depending upon the clause prescription). The scorecard(s) compare(s) the total number of awards (containing clause data capable of being queried) sent to EDA with those awards that contain the following clauses: DFARS Clause 252.204-7012. This scorecard's reports display both summary (i.e. DoD Component) and office (i.e. DoDAAC) level compliance with specific clauses. DPC creates the Clause Compliance Scorecard each quarter and posts it below.