Capabilities - Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment (PIEE)

PIEE is a cloud-based enterprise platform, managed by the Defense Logistics Agency, that hosts many of DoD’s enterprise procurement capabilities. It provides single sign-on and account management tools and streamlines operations and data management. Read more about these capabilities below.


Clause Logic Service (CLS)

CLS is a web-based service that maintains a centralized repository of all FAR and DFARS provisions and clauses that is able to interface with any contract writing system (CWS) or be directly accessed by a user via PIEE. The use of CLS simplifies the contracting officer’s and contract specialist’s clause selection process through a series of questions and answers with hyperlinks to all the related prescriptions.

Policy: Defense Pricing, Contracting, and Acquisition Policy (DPC) issued a policy memorandum, Implementation of Defense-Wide Contract Clause Logic Service, dated April 23, 2013 which mandates the use of CLS for all new CWSs and strongly encourages its use by users of the DoD legacy systems.

P2P Capability Summary 13 – CLS

Contract Closeout Module (CCM)

CCM combines contract data (sent in a particularly data-rich format, called the Procurement Data Standard (PDS)) with the associated invoice data from WAWF to identify contracts that are physically complete and have a final invoice. The module then notifies contracting activities that the contract needs to be closed and creates a contract completion checklist based on the clauses in the contract. The tool allows contracting activities to workflow the steps of closeout internally and to external organizations to electronically complete and record all the required process steps of closeout.

Policy: DFARS PGI 204.804 establishes the requirement for electronic notification of contract closeout.

P2P Capability Summary 20 – CCM

Contract Deficiency Report (CDR)

Submitting a CDR is the formal process used to report, track, and resolve contract deficiencies. Examples of contract deficiencies include conflicting or missing clauses and/or payment instructions, obsolete or missing specifications, math errors, improper line item structure, incorrect assignment of CAO or pay office, corrupt documents, incorrect indices on EDA, missing attachments, or improper line of accounting. Deficiencies can result in delays in production, delivery or payment. This ultimately can trigger erroneous payments, prompt payment interest penalties, failure of obligations to post, and contract closeout problems. Almost all deficiencies result in manual processing and increased administrative costs.

Policy: DPC updated DFARS PGI 204.2 to establish a uniform DoD CDR process, and also clarified roles and responsibilities for individuals involved in creating and resolving CDRs.

Addition of Contract Deficiency Report Reason Codes (26 September 2019)

Contract Deficiency Report Reason Codes (1 August 2019)

P2P Capability Summary 2 – CDR

Electronic Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request (eMIPR)

The PIEE MIPR module was built to electronically generate, coordinate, and route direct cite Military Interdepartmental Purchase Requests (MIPRs) across departmental trading partners and increase the visibility of requirement packages for the end-line customer from start to finish. By featuring interfaces that support direct user input from web-browsers and external systems (such as accounting or purchase request generating systems), the capability enables various “plug-n-play” configurations to co-exist and accommodate differing maturity levels of each trading partners’ eCommerce tool sets.

Government Furnished Property (GFP)

The GFP Module is a PIEE application, being released in phases, which aims to consolidate all GFP tools and capabilities into a single location. These phases include the following capabilities: the GFP Attachment, GFP Property Transfer, property loss notification and adjudication, plant clearance activities, updates to information about GFP items in a contractor’s custody, and integration with accountable property systems of record. Note that as of FY19Q4, only the GFP Attachment and GFP Property Transfer capabilities have been deployed.

Policy: Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) Part 45 and Defense Acquisition Regulations Supplement (DFARS) Part 245 establish requirements for government and contractor GFP responsibility. The decision to provide GFP is made by the requiring activity as part of acquisition planning and shall be documented in writing by the requiring activity and provided to the contracting officer in accordance with DFARS PGI 245.103-70 (1). DFARS PGI 245.103-72 “Government-furnished property attachments to solicitations and awards” provides additional direction on the method to identify authorized GFP as part of the contract in a standard format GFP Attachment.

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P2P Capability Summary 35 – GFP

Item Unique Identification (IUID) Registry

IUID is an international standards-based approach to item identification adopted by the DoD that provides a machine readable, globally unique identifier. IUID increases efficiency across the item lifecycle.

The IUID Registry is the central repository for IUID information captured at acquisition or item identification and provides:

  • What the item is
  • How and when it was acquired
  • The initial value of the item
  • Current custody (government or contractor)
  • How it is marked

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Joint Appointments Module (JAM)

JAM is where all COR appointments are initiated, reviewed, approved, signed, stored, and terminated. JAM tracks COR training information specific to each appointment and supports an appointment process initiated by either the COR or the Contracting Officer/ Contracting Specialist. Appointments result in a digitally signed, electronic appointment letter.

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P2P Capability Summary 26 – JAM


myInvoice is a software application developed by the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) to allow vendors to track invoice payment status. Through a Procure-to-Pay Process Advocates’ Working Group (P2PPAWG) initiative, DPC and the Deputy Chief Financial Officer (DCFO) determined that by incorporating the standalone myInvoice tool into the PIEE platform, the Department could reduce duplicative information technology (IT) investments, standardize common data sets, and better promote a “single face to industry” by reducing the disparate applications that vendors must access to conduct business with the DoD.

Policy: DPC updated DFARS PGI 204.8 to facilitate the use of the PIEE’s myInvoice module information (on payment of final invoices) to automatically close contracts.

P2P Capability Summary 17 - myInvoice

NISP Contract Classification System (NCCS)

The National Industrial Security Program (NISP) Contract Classification System (NCCS) is the enterprise Federal information system application supporting DoD, the other Federal Agencies and cleared industry in the NISP by facilitating the processing and distribution of contract security classification specifications for contracts requiring access to classified information. NCCS establishes a centralized repository and collection of classified contract security requirements and supporting data while automating the DD Form 254 (DoD Contract Security Classification Specification) processes and workflows. NCCS has moved out of PIEE. Please see more information in the memo found here.

Policy: The requirements for use of the DD-254 are governed by Federal Acquisition Regulation, Subpart 4.4, "Safeguarding Classified Information Within Industry."

Procurement Administrative Lead Time (PALT) Tool

The PALT Tool captures information on administrative lead time (the time from requirement identification to contract award) for the Department’s major programs. Use of the PALT Tracker provides visibility into PALT and Pre-PALT timelines across the Department's Major Defense Acquisition Programs (MDAPs), Major Automated Information System (MAIS), and other high-value programs. The tool is currently required to be used for all contracts, orders, and modification actions with a value of $250M or greater. The initial phase of the deployment focuses on non-competitive procurements; future phases of this effort will expand the required reporting to competitive procurements.

Policy: Section 886 of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2018 carried a requirement to measure and publicly report on Procurement Administrative Lead Time (PALT) for DoD contracts and task orders above the simplified acquisition threshold.

P2P Capability Summary 23 – PALT

Protest Tracker Tool

The Protest Tracker Tool captures data related to the frequency and effects of bid protests involving the same contract award or proposed award that have been filed at both the Government Accountability Office and the United States Court of Federal Claims. This tool provides insight into the efficacy and resolution of such bid protests.

Policy: The 2018 NDAA requires that the Secretary of Defense carry out a study of these type of bid protests and that the DoD establish a data repository to capture this data on an ongoing basis.

Procurement Process Model Library (PPML)

PPML is a database of procurement process models developed, used, and shared by the DoD Components. Process models contained in the PPML are available to registered users for adaptation and reuse, subject to compliance with any existing proprietary rights assertions.

Purpose Code Management (PCM)

The PCM module provides the ability for the procurement and finance community to manage DoD Activity Address Code (DoDAAC)-related information. It interfaces with the DoDAAC Database to keep the DoDAAC records in sync. It consists of three main capabilities:

  • Purpose Code (e.g. Procurement Flag, Grants Flag, Payment Office Flag) assignment and approval. Users can search for offices by function or by number.
  • Contractor DoDAAC requests and approvals workflow. These are routed to the DoDAAC Central Service Points for final approval and entry into the DoDAAD.
  • Contract Administration Office assignment and search by the proposed contractor’s Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code, ZIP Code, or country. The module also shows the available Payment Offices and associated DoDAAC as well as any exceptions to the CAO assignment.

Policy: FAR 42.203 and DFARS 242.202 both refer the contracting community to the legacy site (CASD), which is no longer web-accessible and has been replaced by PCM.FAR and DFARS updates are in progress.

P2P Capability Summary 46 – CAO

Records Retention & Destruction

The Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment (PIEE) Records Retention & Destruction capability enables records and their associated documents and data to be destroyed from PIEE after their records retention period has passed. This capability is crucial for the success of the procurement community as it decreases the amount of antiquated data within PIEE, enables regulatory compliance, supports meeting audit requirements, and reduces the Government’s overall legal liability.

Records Retention and Destruction Capability Initiation in the PIEE

Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment Records Retention

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Single Sign-on (SSO)

PIEE has developed the ability to seamlessly pass the user from behind PIEE’s login to an approved system. The single sign-on is based on PIEE capturing and passing the user’s roles to the targeted system, which requires a standard shared set of roles and responsibilities that can be applied across DoD systems using that single sign-on protocol. Single sign-on enables access to all modules within the PIEE suite, and is also planned to support the following external applications in the near term:

  • Air Force Contracting Information Technology (CON-IT)
  • DFAS Corporate Electronic Document Management System (CEDMS) Vouchers
  • Procurement Business Intelligence Service (PBIS)
  • System for Award Management (SAM)
P2P Capability Summary 12 - SSO

Solicitation Portal

The Solicitation Portal is currently in a pilot phase and allows the government to post solicitations, including restricted attachments, and receive proposals, in a secure environment. It will eventually allow contract writing systems to post solicitations as data which can be converted into a contract and will interface with government point of entry to post synopses.

PIEE Solicitation Module Vendor Access Instructions

P2P Capability Summary 52 - Solicitation Portal

Supplier Performance Risk System (SPRS)

SPRS is a procurement risk analysis tool for the areas of Price, Item, and Supplier risk. The Price Risk tool compares industry prices to the average price paid by the government. The Item Risk tool flags items identified as high risk (based on critical safety/application or risk of counterfeiting). The Supplier Risk tool scores vendors on DoD-wide contract performance.

Policy: Federal Acquisition Regulation Parts 12 and 13 instructs contracting officers to consider Past Performance Information (PI) when awarding contracts and DFARS 213 directs them to consider the PI data in SPRS. DPC has issued procedures on the use of NSS Class Determinations as delineated in the 2018 NDAA available here.

P2P Capability Summary 43 – SPRS

Surveillance and Performance Monitoring (SPM)

The SPM Module facilitates management, oversight, surveillance, and performance monitoring for all relevant contracting and COR actions. All individuals performing service contract surveillance will have access to and use of the SPM capabilities. SPM provides the visibility and accountability necessary for leaders to manage the thousands of CORs assigned throughout the Department.

For More Information Visit:

P2P Capability Summary 31 – SPM

Wide Area WorkFlow (WAWF) (formerly iRAPT)

WAWF, initially fielded in 2002, utilizes a standards-based architecture that allows vendors to submit invoices and receiving reports electronically through web entry, File Transfer Protocol (FTP), and Electronic Document Interchange (EDI). WAWF then routes those actions to users and systems throughout Department of Defense (DoD) to perform required acceptances or approvals and then sends results to financial systems and other interested systems using standard American National Standards Institute (ANSI) transactions. WAWF supports the statutory requirement for DoD to receive and process invoices and supporting documents electronically. The Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) mandates WAWF as the DoD enterprise system for processing invoices and receiving reports, with the exception of some transportation and health care services. Originally developed to process commercial invoices and receiving reports, WAWF has been continuously improved to support a wider range of invoice and payment types and to improve transaction accuracy and the user experience while maintaining its high standard of security.

Policy: Regulations for the electronic submission and processing of payment requests and receiving reports can be found at DFARS 232.70, 252.232-7003; DFARS Procedures, Guidance and Instructions (PGI)232.70; and 10 USC 2227. WAWF Payment Instructions are located at DFARS 252.232-7006 and the Material Inspection Receiving Reports in DFARS Appendix F.

P2P Capability Summary 44 - WAWF

Reporting and Document Retrieval

Electronic Data Access (EDA)

EDA provides secure online access, storage, and retrieval of contracts, contract modifications, and other documentation, now including auxiliary documents associated with but not part of the actual contract. The new Data Search capability in EDA allow users to search for a specific award, line of accounting, contract closeout notice, SF44, or warrant. The new Award Reports in EDA have access to data from modules across the PIEE suite, inclusive of contract, invoice, and receiving report data, which enables users to view a complete informational snapshot of a contract from award to closeout. Additionally, EDA enables contract data to pre-populate in DoD financial systems.

EDA increases visibility of all procurement and payment actions, enables secure document access controls, provides 24/7 online electronic document search and retrieval, reduces administrative burden, supports other domains and their systems, delivers valuable business intelligence, and allows multiple DoD activities to streamline their business processes.

Policy: DPC developed guidance in the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) Procedures, Guidance, and Instruction (PGI) 204.201 and 204.270 designating EDA as DoD’s primary tool for electronic distribution of contract documents and contract data.

P2P Capability Summary 15 - EDA

Management Reporting System (MRS)

The Management Reporting System (MRS) Business Intelligence Tool was created to allow PIEE users to be able to request and run canned reports against the data from the applications in the suite. With over 100 canned reports, access to MRS is managed as a module within PIEE.