Data Standards - Procurement Data Standard and Other Enterprise Initiatives

The Procurement Data Standard (PDS) is a system-agnostic data standard that is adopting and implemented DoD-wide for creation, translation, processing, and sharing of procurement actions. It defines the minimum requirements for contract writing system output to improve visibility and accuracy of contract-related data, to support interoperability of DoD acquisition systems and to standardize and streamline the procure-to-pay business process. Further, the PDS will improve visibility of contract-related data, enabling senior DoD leadership to make better informed business decisions. And finally, this data standard will support future migration to enterprise and federal systems and processes where appropriate.

The PDS was developed under the guidance of the Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy office (DPAP). Phase 1 was released in the third quarter of FY08. This version addresses contract awards. Future versions are intended to cover contract modifications and expand the data available within clauses and provisions.

The PDS Schema and associated documents can be obtained using the "Available for Download" section in the right-hand navigation bar. The XSD files require a special reader. The same information is found in the two PNG files, which can be viewed with a standard photo viewer.

Additional Resources


Version 2.7

Version 2.6.2

Version 2.6.1

Version 2.6

Version 2.5.1

Version 2.5

Version 2.4

Version 2.3

PDS Validation Results v4.3

Available for Download

Previous Versions Available for Download

Assistance and Other Transaction Data Standard

Version 1.0