Purchase Cards - Systems

System Materials

SmartPay® 3 GPC Systems Summary Functional Workflow

Use this form to request enhancements to the systems that support the DoD GPC program (e.g., Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment (PIEE), Insights on Demand (IOD), and Access Online). Submit your completed form via email through your GPC chain of command to your Service/Agency Component Program Manager (CPM). Only the Service/Agency CPM or their designee can submit this form for consideration.

DoD GPC Electronic Systems Update

(Presented at the June 2023 SmartPay® Training Forum)

Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment (PIEE)

PIEE is the primary enterprise Procure-to-Pay (P2P) application for DoD and its supporting Components. Information about PIEE is available in P2P Capability Summary #29: Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment (PIEE).The PIEE Web-Based Training webpage offers related information, including a "PIEE Enhancements by Release" report on the latest PIEE capabilities.

Joint Appointment Module (JAM)

JAM is an application in the PIEE eBusiness Suite that is mandated for use by GPC program participants to initiate, review, approve, store, and terminate GPC appointment/delegation letters (e.g., Cardholder Delegation of Authority/Appointment Letters). Components are not required to issue or retain paper copies of appointments issued using JAM. More information about JAM is available in P2P Capability Summary #26: Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment (PIEE) Joint Appointment Module (JAM).

Joint Appointment Module (JAM) GPC Role Descriptions

This document provides a table that lists each GPC JAM and PIEE role. The table (1) provides a crosswalk to the former SmartPay 2 roles (when applicable), (2) identifies who requests each role, (3) states whether each role results in a JAM appointment, (4) indicates if/how PIEE access is initiated, and (5) identifies whether a warrant is issued for the role. It also describes the four approaches for identifying individuals authorized to sign JAM GPC Delegation of Authority / Appointment Letters, and it addresses JAM appointments for FedMall shoppers.

PIEE JAM Sample Appointment Letters

JAM Overview

This document provides an overview of the JAM application. It includes discussion of PIEE and the DoD PIEE Hierarchy; DoD Activity Address Directory and DoD Activity Address Codes; responsibilities of the Delegating and Approving Signatory, Delegating/Appointing Authority, and Group Administrator; how to determine what number to enter as part of one's PIEE profile; and use of the organizational and user profile information from the PIEE Hierarchy and JAM delegations/appointments.

Access® Online

U.S Bank Access Online is the SP®3 electronic access system in which account maintenance, transaction management, and order management take place.

Access Online Enterprise Purchase Log Requirements(CAC Enabled)

US Bank Transaction Approval Manual

U.S. Bank offers a wide variety of training resources related to use of Access Online. See the GPC Training page for links.

Access Online Help Desk: accessonlinesupport@usbank.com; 800-254-9885

Insights On Demand (IOD)

MasterCard IOD is the SP®3 data mining tool used to adjudicate cases and perform oversight functions. See the GPC Training page for mandatory IOD training requirements.

IOD Help Desk: iodgov@oversightsystems.com; 855-213-8240

Other Resources

GPC Program One-Pagers are “quick start guides” that address various GPC policies and systems. Several One-Pagers have been developed to address items related to SmartPay® 3 systems. See the GPC Training page for links.