Welcome to the Defense Contingency Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) website.
This website provides essential information, tools, and training and certification requirements for DoD Contingency CORs in order to meet the challenges they may face in a variety of missions or environments.
Defense Contingency COR Handbook
This Contingency COR Handbook is intended to supplement, not replace, existing COR policies, regulations, standards, and training. CORs should always refer to the contract, the applicable COR letter of appointment/designation, DoDI 5000.72, and the Contracting Officer for specific COR duties and responsibilities.
The Defense Contingency COR Handbook (DCCORH) provides guidance, templates, and checklists, that will be useful in contingency environments. The DCCORH can be found here.
Addendum 1 (June 2019) to Chapter 7 of the DCCORH (electronic version only) can be found here: The purpose of this addendum is to implement specific DoD Inspector General recommendations pertaining to COR reviews of contractor invoices. The "Voucher and Invoice Review" section of Chapter 7 was updated to provide additional voucher and invoice review guidance to CORs.
Additional COR Guidance
CORs, Contracting Officers, and Commanders must be familiar with the policies, procedures, responsibilities and other guidance outlined in DoDI 5000.72 DoD Standard for Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) Certification.
Defense Contingency COR Handbook, Version 2 September 2012
Go to the Documents page to download COR Handbook-related documents