Contract Policy - Procurement Management Reviews (PMRs)

The DPC PMR program is designed to enhance the performance of the Department’s contracting function. DCMA leads PMRs at Other Defense Agencies (ODAs) and 4th Estate Contracting Activities using teams of volunteers from the Contracting Competency throughout the Department. The reviews assess:

  • Compliance with statutes, regulations and policies;
  • Structure, processes and practices of the Contracting office as they relate to meeting mission requirements; and
  • Training, morale, and other environmental factors that enable success.

The result of each review is a report that identifies the PMR team’s findings, recommendations, suggestions, and commendations.

The format of the PMR report follows the areas evaluated during the PMR:

  • Chapter 1 - Mission and Organization
  • Chapter 2 - Policy and Procedures
  • Chapter 3 - Procurement Planning
  • Chapter 4 - Contracting, Solicitation, and Selection Procedures
  • Chapter 5 - Government Purchase Card (GPC) Program
  • Chapter 6 - Pricing
  • Chapter 7 - Post Award Functions
  • Chapter 8 - Management of the Contracting Functions

A Notification Letter addressing the detailed requirements of the PMR is provided to the Agency POC a few months prior to a Scheduled PMR.

Additional helpful information can be found at the links below:

The DCMA PMR Point of Contact

Martin (Marty) J. Jakim


PMR Schedule

Generally each Contracting Activity is reviewed once every three years. Current and past schedules can be found at the links below:

PMR Year in Review Newsletter

Each FY, the best practices and lessons learned are combined into an annual Newsletter that is distributed Department-wide.