Contract Policy - Workforce Development

As the Functional Area Leader for the Department of Defense (DoD) Contracting community, the Principal Director, DPCAP, is responsible for leading the development of the Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act (DAWIA) certification standards for the nearly 36,000 contracting professionals, as implemented in the DoD Instruction 5000.66, “Defense Acquisition Workforce, Education, Training, Experience, and Career Development Program.” Training and professional development for a highly skilled contracting workforce is essential for achieving the priorities of the National Defense Strategy and for delivering affordable products and services in support of the global defense mission.

Contracting Certification and Professional Currency


In 2022, DoD deployed a modernized talent management framework to implement the DAWIA certification program. This transformation in how DoD trains, develops, and manages the acquisition workforce was referred to as “Back-to-Basics.” The modernized approach streamlines certification training hours and focuses on training and experience beyond certification through self-directed lifelong learning opportunities.

For the Contracting Functional Area, there is a single level of certification referred to as the DoD Contracting Professional Certification that prepares the workforce for initial readiness to perform basic contracting tasks. All contracting professionals have a requirement to complete 80 hours of continuous learning every two years. The commitment to professional currency provides individuals with the flexibility to tailor training needs for a current or future job assignment or to upskill/develop skills in various contracting mission areas by taking training through the Defense Acquisition Credential Program, or through other available resources. The certification program and focus on lifelong learning, provides opportunities contracting professionals need to achieve career goals and to be successful in contributing confidently to the global defense mission.

Resources and Information

DoD Contracting Career Field Model

Contracting Functional/Interdisciplinary Developmental Recommendations

This resource provides recommended training courses and credentials for the various contracting job assignment categories and can assist the workforce in completing Individual Development Plans.

Defense Acquisition Credential Program

Training Plan Framework for Pricing Professionals may be viewed here

DoD Contracting Professional Certification

Contracting Functional Area Certification Standards

Certification Exam Information


CON 3990V User Experience Roadmap

CON 3990V User Experience Roadmap Flowchart

Reciprocity of Contracting Certifications

Reciprocity Memorandum of Understanding between the Federal Acquisition Certification in Contracting (Professional) and the Department of Defense Contracting Professional Certification


October 19, 2023

Contracting Certification Reciprocity MOU FAQs

February 2024

PD, DPCAP, Contracting Functional Area Leader Guidance

Contracting Workforce Development and Continuous Learning


October 24, 2023

Contracting Workforce Functional Integrated Team (CON FIT) Charter


April 19, 2023

Contracting Officer Warranting Program


August 2022

Transition Plan for the DoD Contracting Professional Certification Program

January 2022

Restructuring of the Certification Program for the Contracting Functional Area


February 17, 2021

Elimination of the 24-Semester Credit Business Hour Qualification Requirement for Contracting Positions


September 3, 2020

USD(A&S) Defense Acquisition Workforce Policy

Defense Acquisition Workforce Professional Currency and Continuous Learning Credit Guide


November 14, 2024

2024 Acquisition and Sustainment Workforce Framework


May 2024

Back-to-Basics Implementation


February 4, 2021

Back-to-Basics for the Defense Acquisition Workforce


September 2, 2020

Department of Defense Acquisition Workforce - Functional Area Reassessment


January 29, 2019

Contracting Competency Model

The DoD Contracting Competency Model is based on the National Contract Management Association (NCMA) Contract Management Standard™ (CMS™) (reference the third edition of the CMS™ ANSI/NCMA ASD 1-2019 (R2022)), and satisfies section 861 of the FY20 National Defense Authorization Act requirement to use standards developed by a third party accredited program.

The DoD Contracting Competency Model and Contracting Specialty Competencies may be viewed here:

The DoD Contracting Competency Model Narrative was developed by the Contracting Certification Taskforce and updated by the chartered DoD Contracting Workforce Functional Integration Team and is based on the NCMA CMS™ Publication (reference CMS™ ANSI/NCMA ASD 1-2019 (R2022)).