Section I. General Provisions
1. During Type One and Type Two inspections, as well as during exhibitions, inspection teams shall have the right to use inspection equipment listed in Section II of this Part. Such equipment shall include instruments and devices for making linear measurements, determining geographic coordinates, taking photographs, carrying out radiation detection, and conducting other inspection activities. Such equipment shall be used in accordance with the procedures specified in Sections III, IV, V, and VI of this Part.
2. Inspection equipment that the inspecting Party brings onto the territory of the inspected Party shall be subject to examination in accordance with paragraph 4 of Section IV of Part Five of the Protocol.
3. Upon agreement between the Parties, inspection equipment brought into the country may be stored at the point of entry and may be sealed by the inspecting Party. The number of items of inspection equipment for each type of equipment delivered to the inspection site may not exceed the number specified in Section II of this Part.
4. If, in the opinion of the inspected Party, an item of equipment can perform functions unconnected with the requirements of inspection activities, the inspected Party shall have the right to impound that item of equipment at the location of its examination and to not permit its use. Such equipment shall remain in storage at the point of entry in accordance with the conditions provided for in Part Three of this Annex. Impounded equipment shall be removed by the inspection team that brought such equipment upon its departure from the country. The Parties shall resolve questions associated with such impounded equipment within the framework of the BCC or by other means agreed by the Parties.
5. During its stay at the inspection site, the inspection team shall have the right to store equipment in the inspectors' work area. Throughout the in-country period, inspectors shall provide the in-country escort the opportunity to observe such equipment.
6. The inspecting Party shall have the right, upon agreement with the inspected Party, to replace equipment provided for in Section II of this Part, subject to the following conditions:
(a) If the equipment intended for replacement is identical to the equipment provided for in Section II of this Part, the inspecting Party shall provide to the inspected Party, simultaneously with a notification of intent to conduct an inspection or participate in an exhibition, a list of the equipment to be replaced, indicating the manufacturer's name and the model, if known.
(b) If the equipment intended for replacement has a purpose and characteristics that correspond to the purpose and characteristics of the equipment provided for in Section II of this Part, the list of such equipment shall be agreed through diplomatic channels prior to the delivery of such equipment onto the territory of the inspected Party.
(c) If the equipment intended for replacement has a purpose or characteristics that differs from the purpose and characteristics of the equipment provided for in Section II of this Part, the issue of using such equipment shall be agreed within the framework of the BCC.
7. During their stay on the territory of the inspected Party, inspectors shall have the right to use personal electronic equipment upon agreement with the inspected Party, subject to the following conditions:
(a) Personal electronic equipment shall be subject to examination each time it is brought to the point of entry. The purpose of such an examination shall be to ascertain, to the satisfaction of each Party, that such equipment cannot be used for purposes inconsistent with the Treaty.
(b) In the event that the inspected Party decides that such personal electronic equipment can be used for purposes inconsistent with the Treaty, the inspected Party shall have the right to impound that item of equipment at the location of its examination and to not permit its use. Such equipment shall remain in storage at the point of entry subject to the conditions provided for in Part Three of this Annex. Impounded personal electronic equipment shall be removed by the inspection team that brought such equipment upon its departure from the country.
(c) Such personal electronic equipment may not be used at the inspection site and shall be under the control of the in-country escort.
8. Equipment for photography and printing of photographs shall be provided by the inspected Party at the request of the inspecting Party during inspection activities at any facility subject to inspection activities. The inspected Party shall ensure the operability of all sets of such equipment.
Section II. Characteristics of Equipment for Inspection Activities
1. List of equipment for making linear measurements and additional equipment to be provided by the inspecting Party (quantity for one inspection team):
(a) 2 30-meter measuring tapes;
(b) 3 3-meter or 5-meter measuring tapes;
(c) 2 Rolls of adhesive tape;
(d) 1 Inspection suitcase;
(e) 2 Pocket calculators with spare batteries;
(f) 2 Magnetic compasses;
(g) 3 Rolls of tamper-indicating tape seals;
(h) 100 Unique tamper-proof seals;
(i) 2 Sets of tools for applying unique tamper-proof seals;
(j) 10 Flashlights (safety approved) with spare batteries and spare bulb; and
(k) 10 Dosimeters.
2. List of equipment to be provided by the inspected Party at the request of the inspecting Party for making linear measurements (quantity for one inspection team):
(a) 1 3-meter range pole;
(b) 4 Plumb bobs;
(c) 2 Plumb bob cords;
(d) 6 Plumb bob targets;
(e) 1 Hand level; and
(f) 1 String line level.
3. List of equipment to be provided by the inspected Party for photography and printing of photographs (quantity for one inspection team):
(a) 1 Digital camera with charger and lens (minimum 10 megapixel resolution and of a commercially available make and type);
(b) 1 Flash;
(c) 1 Memory card;
(d) 1 Portable color printer with charger (of a commercially available make and type); and
(e) 1 Tripod
4. The inspected Party shall provide two sets of satellite system receivers for determining geographic coordinates, each of which shall include equipment according to the following list:
(a) 1 Portable receiver;
(b) 1 Direct current adapter (external);
(c) 1 Spare battery set for the portable receiver;
(d) 1 Battery holder;
(e) 2 Instruction manuals, one copy in English and one copy in Russian;
(f) 1 Container; and
(g) 1 Equipment bag.
5. List of radiation detection equipment and technical requirements for such equipment:
(a) For the United States of America, a set of radiation detection equipment consists of the following:
(i) 2 Neutron detectors, including preamplifiers with signal and power cables, counting time from 5 to 150 seconds, Helium-3 system custom-built by Sandia National Laboratories;
(ii) 2 Electronic counters, modified Eberline ESP-2, with instruction manual;
(iii) 10 Plastic bags for weather protection;
(iv) 1 Americium-241-Lithium neutron source for calibration, emitting approximately 3000 neutrons per second, pre-calibrated by the inspecting Party;
(v) 1 Tool kit;
(vi) 30 Spare batteries, miscellaneous sizes;
(vii) 1 Stand for neutron detector;
(viii) 2 Measuring tapes;
(ix) 2 Battery-powered lights;
(x) 3 Programmable calculators, with instruction manual; (xi) 2 Thermometers; and
(xii) 1 Stand for calibration source;
(xiii) 4 Instruction manuals, two copies in English and two copies in Russian.
(b) For the Russian Federation, a set of radiation detection equipment consists of the following:
(i) 2 Neutron detectors, including preamplifiers with signal and power cables, counting time from 5 to 150 seconds;
(ii)) 2 Electronic counters with instruction manual;
(iii) 1 Americium-241-Lithium or Curium-244 neutron source for calibration, emitting approximately 3000 neutrons per second, pre-calibrated by the inspecting Party;
(iv) 2 Measuring tapes;
(v) 2 Battery-powered lights;
(vi) 1 Stand for neutron detector;
(vii) 30 Spare batteries, miscellaneous sizes;
(viii) 2 Programmable calculators, with instruction manual;
(ix) 1 Stand for calibration source;
(x) 10 Plastic bags for weather protection;
(xi) 1 Tool kit;
(xii) 2 Thermometers;
(xiii) 2 Network Adapters;
(xiv) 1 Charging stand;
(xv) 2 RS-232 cables;
(xvi) 2 RS-232 USB UPORT 1110 transformers;
(xvii) 2 Equipment bags;
(xviii) 2 Service software on CD; and
(xix) 4 Instruction manuals, two copies in English and two copies in Russian.
(c) Minimum requirements for technical characteristics of radiation detection equipment of the Russian Federation:
(i) Sensitivity of the device to neutron radiation no less than 20 S-l per n/cm2;
(ii) Frequency of misfiring for neutron channel (in standard neutron background radiation) -less than one in 10 minutes;
(iii) Uninterrupted internal battery life -no less than 16 hours;
(iv) Range of operable temperatures -from minus 20 degrees to plus 50 degrees Celsius; (v) Level of dust and moisture protection -IP54;
(vi) Dimensions -300x200x150 mm; and
(vii) Mass -no more than 5 kg.
(d) Requirements for software for radiation detection equipment of the Russian Federation:
(i) Installed software permits operation in SEARCH or TIMER-COUNTER modes;
(ii) SEARCH mode determines the amount by which the neutron count exceeds the background value, with account taken of the statistical significance of obtained values; and
(iii) TIMER-COUNTER mode conducts a count of the total number of neutrons in an exposure time set by the operator.
Section III. Methods and Procedures for Use of Equipment for Making Linear Measurements
1. Linear measurement devices shall be used to determine length, width, and height of objects and items of inspection by measuring the straight-line distance between the extreme points of these objects or, if required, between tangents drawn perpendicular to the direction of measurement from the outside points of curved surfaces.
2. The diameter of any cylindrical object shall be determined by measuring the circumference, by directly measuring the diameter, or by measuring the distance between parallel lines that are vertical tangents to the cylindrical surface of the object and that lie in a plane perpendicular to the axis of the object.
3. In determining the dimensions of an object, each dimension shall be measured at least two times. The results of these measurements shall be averaged to determine the dimension of the object.
4. A result of each measurement that deviates by no more than three percent from the corresponding technical data provided in accordance with Part Two of the Protocol shall be considered acceptable.
5. For each measurement of the dimensions of items specified in accordance with Part Two of the Protocol, each Party shall specify all values, to the nearest 0.01 meter if the value of the dimension being measured is less than two meters and to the nearest 0.1 meter if the value of the dimension being measured is two or more meters.
6. During inspection activities, for confirmation of a type of Classification A ICBM or SLBM, the length of the assembled ICBM or SLBM in a launch canister without front section shall be the distance between the extreme points of the launch canister without protruding elements.
7. During inspection activities, for confirmation of a type of Classification B ICBM or SLBM, the length of the assembled ICBM or SLBM without front section shall be the distance from the edge of the main engine nozzle of the first stage to:
(a) The place where the missile joins the front section; or
(b) The forward point of the missile if the front section is inside the missile airframe or its reentry vehicles are inside the missile airframe.
8. During inspection activities, for confirmation of a type of Classification C ICBM or SLBM, the length of the first stage of the ICBM or SLBM shall be:
(a) The distance from the edge of the main engine nozzle to the place where the first stage, in the form in which it exits the production facility, joins the rest of the missile airframe; or
(b) The distance from the extreme point of the edge of the aft end dome of the motor case to the extreme point of the edge of the forward end dome of the motor case, without taking into account protruding elements attached to such end domes of the motor case if the nozzle is not attached.
9. During exhibitions, the Parties shall have the right to make additional measurements of the length of the first stage or the assembled missile pursuant to paragraphs 7 and 8 of this Section.
10. During inspection activities, for confirmation of a type of ICBM or SLBM, the diameter of an ICBM or SLBM shall be:
(a) For types of Classification A ICBMs and SLBMs, the maximum external diameter of the launch canister without protruding elements; or
(b) For types of Classification Band C ICBMs and SLBMs, the maximum external diameter of the first stage without protruding elements.
11. During inspection activities, for the measurement of items of inspection located in a container or in a vehicle, indirect measurement procedures may be used with additional equipment to be provided by the inspected Party.
Section IV. Methods and Procedures for Use of Equipment for Photography and Printing of Photographs
1. During inspection activities, the inspected Party shall, at the request of the inspecting Party, use a digital camera on a tripod to photograph an object or building about which a question or ambiguity has arisen, using the following procedures:
(a) The inspectors and in-country escort shall agree on perspective, view, and angle on the object or building to be photographed, using the viewfinder or digital camera screen.
(b) The in-country escort shall place a measuring stick perpendicular to the ground and directly against the object or building to be photographed. Inspectors shall have the right to record the scale or length of such a measuring stick in the inspection activity report.
(c) The in-country escort shall take the photograph.
(d) Digital photographs shall be printed using a color printer.
(e) Inspectors shall have the right to confirm that the photographed object or building, as depicted on the color print, is in focus and of sufficient resolution.
(f) Having received such a confirmation from the inspectors, the in-country escort shall print two additional photographs for inclusion in the inspection activity report. If the photographs cannot be printed at the location where they were taken, the inspectors and the in-country escort shall agree on a time and location for the printing of such photographs.
(g) Each photograph included in the inspection activity report shall be annotated with a description in the English and Russian languages of the object or building photographed and shall be signed by the inspection team leader and a member of the in-country escort.
2. The following requirements shall apply to all photographs:
(a) All photographs shall be in color, except for those previously taken in black-and-white in connection with fulfilling the requirements of the START Treaty.
(b) All photographs shall be taken with adequate lighting.
(c) The object to be photographed shall contrast with the background against which it was photographed.
(d) All photographs shall be of high resolution and in focus.
(e) Each photograph taken during a Type One or Type Two inspection shall be at least 10 by 15 centimeters in size and the photographed object shall fill at least 80 percent of the photograph in either horizontal or vertical aspect.
(f) For all photographs, the camera shall be placed perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the object to be photographed and level with the object.
3. Additional requirements for photographs:
(a) ICBMs, SLBMs, first stages of ICBMs, first stages of SLBMs, mobile launchers of ICBMs, and heavy bombers shall be photographed without tarpaulins or covers.
(b) A mobile launcher of ICBMs shall be photographed both with and without a missile, in a transport position.
(c) Heavy bombers shall be photographed from the front right-hand side, at an angle of 30-45 degrees to the longitudinal axis of the heavy bomber.
(d) The Party conducting an exhibition shall take photographs to demonstrate the distinguishing features of a strategic offensive arm equipped for nuclear armaments and additional photographs of the same type of strategic offensive arm equipped for non-nuclear armaments. The photographs shall be taken in such a manner and from such a perspective as to provide inspectors the opportunity to identify each of such distinguishing features during an inspection.
(e) Each photograph taken during an exhibition shall be at least 18 by 24 centimeters in size and the photographed object shall fill at least 80 percent of the photograph in either horizontal or vertical aspect.
Section V. Methods and Procedures for Use of Equipment for Determining Geographic Coordinates
1. During Type One or Type Two inspections, the inspecting Party shall use satellite system receivers (SSR) to be provided by the inspected Party in order to confirm the geographic coordinates of silo launchers of ICBMs using the navigation system of the inspected Party's choice. Use of SSRs for other purposes shall not be permitted.
2. The provisions of this Section shall apply to the use of SSRs at the points of entry with which at least one facility with silo launchers of ICBMs subject to Type One or Type Two inspections is associated, and at such facilities.
3. No later than 30 days after entry into force of the Treaty, the Parties shall exchange for each point of entry the geographic coordinates and physical description of the four reference points for confirming the operability of an SSR in accordance with Part Four of the Protocol. These reference points shall be within 20 kilometers of the location where the examination of inspection equipment is conducted, and shall be separated from each other by a distance of at least two kilometers.
4. In the event that a Party considers it necessary to change one or more agreed reference points, the Party shall provide notification to the other Party of one or more new reference points specifying the new geographic coordinates and describing such reference points in accordance with Part Four of the Protocol.
5. For the purposes of confirming the operability of an SSR at the point of entry, the term "agree with" means that the SSR reading differs from the agrea geographic coordinates of the reference point by no more than 12 seconds in both latitude and longitude.
6. For the purposes of comparing an SSR reading with the geographic coordinates of a designated silo launcher of ICBMs, the term "agree with" means:
(a) If the geographic coordinates are expressed to the nearest second, an SSR reading differs from the geographic coordinates provided in accordance with Part Two of the Protocol by no more than 12 seconds in both latitude and longitude; or
(b) If the geographic coordinates are expressed to the nearest minute, an SSR reading differs from the geographic coordinates provided in accordance with Part Two of the Protocol by no more than one minute in both latitude and longitude.
7. The term "navigation system" means one of the following navigation systems in use by the Parties:
(a) For the Russian Federation, GLONASS; and
(b) For the United States of America, NAVSTAR.
8. For each reference point, information for which has been provided in accordance with paragraphs 3 and 4 of this Section, and the geographic coordinates of which have not been previously agreed with the inspecting Party, the procedures for reaching agreement on the coordinates of such a reference point shall be as follows:
(a) A member of the in-country escort shall deliver inspectors to that reference point, where they shall be given the opportunity to evaluate the layout of such a point locally.
(b) Using two SSRs that have previously been checked against an agreed reference point using no more than two navigation systems, three separate determinations of the coordinates of such a point shall be conducted with each SSR using no more than two navigation systems. Each such determination shall include a deactivation and subsequent reactivation of the SSR. The six obtained values of the determination of coordinates shall be averaged individually by degree, minute, and second.
(c) In the event that the averaged values of the coordinates of the evaluated point agree with the declared coordinates, such a reference point shall be considered agreed. The inspection team leader shall record the geographic coordinates of this reference point in the inspection activity report.
(d) In the event that the averaged values of the coordinates of the evaluated point do not agree with the declared coordinates, the coordinates of such a reference point shall not be considered agreed, about which the inspection team leader shall verbally declare to a member of the in-country escort, and such a point shall not be used for reference thereafter.
9. After the examination of inspection equipment, the inspection team leader or designated inspector shall have the right to confirm the operability of two SSRs provided by the inspected Party using the navigation system chosen by the inspected party in accordance with the following procedures:
(a) The operability of each of the inspected Party's SSRs intended for use during an inspection shall be tested at two reference points selected from the agreed reference points for this point of entry, using no more than two navigation systems. The first reference point shall be selected by a member of the in-country escort, and the second reference point shall be selected by an inspector.
(b) In order for an inspected Party's SSR to be confirmed to be operable, at each of the two reference points the SSR reading for each navigation system chosen by the inspected Party must agree with the agreed geographic coordinates of those reference points.
(c) If, during the check at the reference point, an SSR is unable to establish connection with three or more satellites of the chosen navigation system within 30 minutes, or, if the geographic coordinates determined using an SSR do not agree with the agreed geographic coordinates of that reference point, the inspected Party shall replace such an SSR prior to the departure of the inspection team for the inspection site.
(d) The operability check of the SSR provided to replace a defective one shall be conducted at reference points. In the event that use of a reference point is difficult, such a check shall be conducted at any point chosen by a member of the in-country escort, by determining the coordinates of such an arbitrary point, using the SSR previously checked at the reference point and confirmed to be operable and the SSR provided for replacement. The geographic coordinates determined at such a point by both SSRs must not differ by more than 12 seconds in both latitude and longitude. The inspection team leader shall include comments on the fact that the coordinates have been checked and on the coordinates themselves in the inspection activity report.
(e) If the inspected Party is unable to provide two SSRs whose operability has been confirmed, this fact shall be recorded in the inspection activity report and the inspection shall continue.
10. After confirming the operability of the SSRs, such SSRs shall be sealed in a case or container by the inspection team and shall remain in the custody of the in-country escort until the arrival of the inspection team at the silo launcher of ICBMs designated by the inspection team leader.
11. Geographic coordinates at the inspection site shall be determined using one of the two navigation systems. A member of the in-country escort shall designate which navigation system of those that were used to confirm the operability of the SSRs at the point of entry shall be used to determine the geographic coordinates at the inspection site. If geographic coordinates must be determined for more than one silo launcher of ICBMs at the inspection site, such determinations shall be made using the same navigation system, unless otherwise agreed by the inspection team leader and a member of the in-country escort.
12. Upon arrival of the inspection team or subgroup of the inspection team at a silo launcher of ICBMs designated for inspection, the geographic coordinates of such a silo launcher of ICBMs shall be determined in accordance with the following procedures:
(a) The specific location where the geographic coordinates are determined shall be chosen by a member of the in-country escort in such a manner that, if possible, the designated silo launcher of ICBMs can be seen from such a location.
(b) The inspectors shall examine the container with the SSR and the seal placed on the container for signs of unauthorized access to the SSR. If there is evidence that the seal has been broken or that the container has been tampered with, this fact shall be recorded in the inspection activity report and the inspection shall continue.
(c) The in-country escort shall, in the presence of inspectors, open the container, remove the SSR, and, with participation of an inspector, determine the geographic coordinates.
(d) If the SSR readings agree with the geographic coordinates for the location of the designated silo launcher of ICBMs, provided in accordance with Part Two of the Protocol, the silo launcher of ICBMs shall be considered to be the designated silo launcher of ICBMs and the geographic coordinates determined by the SSR shall be recorded in the inspection activity report despite the fact that the SSR readings may also agree with geographic coordinates for the locations of other nearby silo launchers of ICBMs, provided in accordance with Part Two of the Protocol.
(e) If the SSR readings at the location chosen by a member of the in-country escort do not agree with the geographic coordinates for the designated silo launcher of ICBMs provided in accordance with Part Two of the Protocol, a member of the in-country escort shall select another location, in accordance with subparagraph (a) of this paragraph.
(f) If, after using the SSR at any location chosen by a member of the in-country escort, inspectors establish that none of the SSR readings agrees with the geographic coordinates of the designated silo launcher of ICBMs, the in-country escort shall provide the other SSR which was checked at the point of entry, and use the procedures specified in this paragraph. In the event that such an SSR is with another subgroup of inspectors, it shall be delivered by the in-country escort before the departure of the inspectors from the designated silo launcher of ICBMs. In this event, the inspection shall continue and the geographic coordinates shall be confirmed during the inspection.
(g) If, after carrying out the procedures specified in subparagraphs (e) and (f) of this paragraph, inspectors establish that none of the SSR readings agrees with the geographic coordinates of the designated silo launcher of ICBMs, that fact shall be recorded in the inspection activity report and the inspection shall continue.
13. If the inspection team intends to conduct a sequential inspection, the procedures provided for in paragraph 10 of this Section shall be carried out after using the SSR.
14. The Parties shall not deliberately interfere with the operation of the navigation system, shall not introduce special modes of transmission of the navigation system, and shall not undertake other actions to prevent valid determination of the geographic coordinates while using the SSR at the reference points and at the inspection site.
Section VI. Methods and Procedures for Use of Radiation Detection Equipment
1. During Type One inspections, the inspected Party shall have the right to use radiation detection equipment in order to:
(a) Demonstrate to inspectors that an object located on the front section of a deployed ICBM or deployed SLBM and declared by a member of the in-country escort to be a non-nuclear object, is, in fact, non-nuclear; and
(b) Demonstrate to inspectors that an object located on a designated heavy bomber and declared by a member of the in-country escort to be a non-nuclear object, is, in fact, non-nuclear. For these purposes, the inspected Party shall have the right to use radiation detection equipment provided by the inspected Party, if agreed by the Parties within the framework of the BCC, or radiation detection equipment provided by the inspecting Party. For the purposes of this Section, the term "measurement" means a value obtained as the result of taking a measurement.
2. The Parties shall discuss and decide upon, within the framework of the BCC, the use of radiation detection equipment provided by the inspected Party during inspections on the territory of the inspected Party.
3. If agreement is reached by the Parties within the framework of the BCC on the use of radiation detection equipment provided by the inspected Party, the Parties shall use the procedures set forth in paragraphs 3-6 of this Section for the examination, operability check, and storage of such radiation detection equipment at the point of entry. In order for the inspecting Party to be certain of the operability of the radiation detection equipment and the validity of its readings when used during inspections, prior to using its radiation detection equipment during the first inspection conducted using radiation detection equipment, the inspected Party shall provide to the inspecting Party for purchase or examination one item of equipment for each model included in a set of radiation detection equipment specified in paragraph 5 of Section II of this Part, as well as provide documentation describing the physical principles and the operational design features of the radiation detection equipment. No later than 30 days after receipt by the inspecting Party of such items of radiation detection equipment and documentation, the inspecting Party shall inform the inspected Party whether it agrees that such radiation detection equipment may be used during inspections. If the inspecting Party agrees to the use of such radiation detection equipment, the procedures specified in paragraphs 4-6 of this Section shall apply.
4. For points of entry associated with inspection sites at which radiation detection equipment may be used, the inspected Party, within time frames agreed with the inspecting Party, shall bring to each point of entry on the territory of the inspected Party no less than one and no more than three sets of radiation detection equipment for use during inspections.
(a) Each such set of radiation detection equipment shall be subject to examination by representatives of the inspecting Party in the presence of representatives of the inspected Party and stored at the point of entry.
(b) The examination and operability check of such sets of radiation detection equipment shall be completed within the time frame agreed by the Parties after the date on which these sets of radiation detection equipment are brought to the point of entry. During the examination and operability check of the radiation detection equipment, the inspected Party shall provide, at the request of the inspecting Party, a neutron radiation source that has agreed characteristics. Representatives of the inspecting Party shall have the right to ascertain, using individual dosimeters or other agreed items, that the source provided to check the radiation detection equipment emits neutrons. In the presence of representatives of the inspected Party, representatives of the inspecting Party shall be permitted to partially disassemble such equipment and examine it using non-damaging methods. Such examination must not impair the capability of the radiation detection equipment to perform functions connected with the purposes of inspections. Upon completion of the examination, the inspecting Party shall have the right to seal the radiation detection equipment cases with its unique tamper-proof seals. Prior to departure of representatives of the inspecting Party from the point of entry, the inspected Party shall have the right to confirm the operability of the radiation detection equipment in accordance with the procedures set forth in subparagraph 6(d) of this Section.
(c) Upon completion of the examination, the sets of radiation detection equipment shall be stored at the point of entry in tamper-proof containers to be provided by the inspected Party, and shall be located within a secure structure or room in accordance with paragraph 6 of Part Three of this Annex. The containers shall be sealed with unique tamper-proof seals of the inspecting Party.
(d) Reimbursement of costs associated with transportation and support for the stay of representatives of the inspecting Party during delivery of such radiation detection equipment and its examination on the territory of the inspected Party shall be subject to agreement within the framework of the BCC.
5. All spare batteries and rechargeable batteries brought to the point of entry by the in-country escort for the sets of radiation detection equipment stored at the point of entry shall be subject to viewing by inspectors.
6. Upon arrival at the point of entry, inspectors shall have the right to examine, in the presence of the in-country escort, the tamper-proof containers in which the radiation detection equipment is stored and the radiation detection equipment in such containers. Inspectors shall have the right to select one or more sets of radiation detection equipment from among the sets of such equipment stored at the point of entry in accordance with subparagraph 4(c) of this Section and to confirm the operability of the selected sets in accordance with the procedures set forth in subparagraph (d) of this paragraph, for no more than four hours.
(a) For radiation detection equipment, the counting time for each individual measurement shall be the counting time agreed by the Parties within the framework of the BCC from the range of times specified in paragraph 5 of Section II of this Part for neutron detectors included in radiation detection equipment sets of each Party.
(b) The operability of each neutron detector included in a set of radiation detection equipment shall be confirmed.
(c) The neutron detector shall be placed in an agreed location.
(d) During the first examination and operability check of radiation detection equipment at the point of entry, an operability check of the radiation detection equipment shall be conducted using a neutron radiation source. Unless otherwise agreed by the Parties, subsequent operability checks of radiation detection equipment using a neutron radiation source shall be conducted no more than once every two years in order to confirm the stability of the characteristics of the neutron detector and, as necessary, the electronic counter. All other operability checks of the radiation detection equipment shall be conducted without a neutron radiation source. For operability checks of radiation detection equipment, the following procedures shall apply, as applicable:
(i) For operability checks of radiation detection equipment without using a neutron radiation source, inspectors shall take two measurements of the background radiation. If the difference between these two measurements is less than or equal to 30 percent of their average, this shall be sufficient confirmation of the operability of the radiation detection equipment. The average of these two measurements shall be recorded as the average background radiation value. If the difference between these two background radiation measurements is more than 30 percent of their average, a third background radiation measurement shall be taken. The third background radiation measurement shall be compared with the previously taken background radiation measurement that is closest to the third background radiation measurement. If the difference between the third background radiation measurement and the closest previous background radiation measurement is less than or equal to 30 percent of the average of these two measurements, this shall be sufficient confirmation of the operability of the radiation detection equipment. The average of these two measurements shall be recorded as the average background radiation value. Otherwise, the results of all three background radiation measurements shall be recorded and the radiation detection equipment shall not be considered to be operable.
(ii) For operability checks of radiation detection equipment using a neutron radiation source, inspectors shall first conduct an operability check of the radiation detection equipment using background radiation in accordance with subparagraph (i) of this subparagraph. If the operability of the radiation detection equipment is confirmed, inspectors shall, with the neutron detector in the same position, place the neutron radiation source at an agreed distance from the sensitive surface of the neutron detector and take two measurements either of the amount by which the neutron count exceeds the background value or of the total number of neutrons in the exposure time agreed by the Parties within the framework of the BCC, or both. The distance from the sensitive surface of the neutron detector to the neutron radiation source shall be one meter, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties.
(iii) The average of these measurements taken in accordance with the procedures set forth in subparagraph (ii) of this subparagraph shall be calculated and recorded as the operability indicator of the neutron detector and the electronic counter and shall thereafter be used during periodic checks of the radiation detection equipment, in accordance with subparagraph (d) of this paragraph.
(iv) The average of the amount by which the neutron count exceeds the background value, or the total number of neutrons in the exposure time agreed by the Parties within the framework of the BCC, or both, that are obtained during measurements using the neutron radiation source, shall be compared during periodic checks of the radiation detection equipment. If the difference between the values obtained during the previous and current periodic checks is less than or equal to 15 percent, this shall be sufficient confirmation of the operability of the radiation detection equipment.
(v) The results of the measurements obtained during the operability check of the radiation detection equipment at the point of entry, in accordance with subparagraph (d) of this paragraph, shall be recorded in the inspection activity report or in another form agreed by the Parties.
(e) If the inspection team determines that the containers for at least one set of radiation detection equipment have not been tampered with and that the set of radiation detection equipment therein is operable in accordance with subparagraph (d) of this paragraph, such a set of radiation detection equipment shall be used during the inspection.
(f) If the inspection team or the in-country escort determines that the containers for all the sets of radiation detection equipment have been tampered with, the inspection team shall have the right to examine one or all sets of radiation detection equipment in accordance with subparagraph 4(b) of this Section. In this event, the time for the designation of the type of inspection and the inspection site shall be delayed, if necessary, until the inspection team has completed the examination and operability check of such radiation detection equipment, and the inspected Party has confirmed the operability of such radiation detection equipment in accordance with subparagraph (d) of this paragraph. In any case, such a delay shall not exceed 12 hours.
(g) If there are no signs that the containers have been tampered with and none of the sets of radiation detection equipment stored in such containers is operable, this fact shall be recorded in the inspection activity report and the inspection shall continue. The inspected Party shall inform the inspecting Party of the possible cause of the malfunction of such radiation detection equipment and of measures taken to preclude such malfunctions in the future.
(h) During an inspection, at the discretion of the inspected Party, several sets of radiation detection equipment from among those stored at the point of entry, the operability of which has been confirmed in accordance with subparagraph (d) of this paragraph, may be used.
7. If agreement is not reached by the Parties within the framework of the BCC on the use of radiation detection equipment provided by the inspected Party, the Parties shall use the radiation detection equipment provided by the inspecting Party. For purposes of the examination, operability check, and storage at the point of entry of the radiation detection equipment provided by the inspecting Party, the procedures set forth in paragraphs 8-12 of this Section shall be used.
8. The inspecting Party, prior to using its radiation detection equipment during the first inspection conducted using radiation detection equipment, shall provide to the inspected Party, for purchase or examination, one item of equipment for each model included in a set of radiation detection equipment specified in paragraph 5 of Section II of this Part, except for the calibration source. No later than 30 days after the inspected Party has received such items of radiation detection equipment, the inspected Party shall inform the inspecting Party whether the inspecting Party is permitted to use such radiation detection equipment. Until permission for the use of such radiation detection equipment is given by the inspected Party, the inspecting Party shall not bring any such radiation detection equipment to a point of entry on the territory of the inspected Party.
9. For points of entry associated with inspection sites at which radiation detection equipment may be used, the inspecting Party, within the time frames agreed with the inspected Party, shall bring to each such point of entry on the territory of the inspected Party no less than one and no more than three sets of radiation detection equipment for use during inspections:
(a) Each such set of radiation detection equipment shall be subject to examination and stored at the point of entry in accordance with this paragraph.
(b) The examination of such sets of radiation detection equipment shall be completed no later than eight hours after arrival at the location at the point of entry where procedures for the examination of equipment are carried out. During the examination of the radiation detection equipment, the representatives of the inspected Party shall be permitted, in the presence of the representatives of the inspecting Party, to partially disassemble such radiation detection equipment and examine it using non-damaging methods. Such an examination must not impair the capability of the radiation detection equipment to perform functions connected with the purposes of inspections. Upon completion of the examination and prior to departure from the point of entry, the representatives of the inspecting Party shall have the right to confirm the operability of the radiation detection equipment in accordance with paragraph 12 of this Section.
(c) Upon completion of the examination, the sets of radiation detection equipment shall be stored at the point of entry in tamper-proof containers to be provided by the inspecting Party, and shall be located within a secure structure or room in accordance with paragraph 6 of Part Three of this Annex. 10. An inspection team shall be permitted to bring to a point of entry calibration sources that are part of the sets of radiation detection equipment stored at the point of entry, spare batteries and rechargeable batteries, and an additional set of radiation detection equipment, as well as to remove and replace inoperable radiation detection equipment. All such equipment brought to the point of entry shall be subject to examination in accordance with paragraph 4 of Section IV of Part Five of the Protocol.
10. An inspection team shall be permitted to bring to a point of entry calibration sources that are part of the sets of radiation detection equipment stored at the point of entry, spare batteries and rechargeable batteries, and an additional set of radiation detection equipment, as well as to remove and replace inoperable radiation detection equipment. All such equipment brought to the point of entry shall be subject to examination in accordance with paragraph 4 of ection IV of Part Five of the Protocol.
11. Upon arrival at the point of entry, an inspection team shall have the right, in the presence of the in-country escort, to examine the tamper-proof containers in which the radiation detection equipment is stored and the radiation detection equipment in such containers. The inspection team shall have the right, in accordance with the procedures set forth in this paragraph, to select one set of radiation detection equipment for use during the inspection from among the sets of such equipment stored at the point of entry in accordance with subparagraph 9(c) of this Section or an additional set of radiation detection equipment brought to the point of entry by the inspection team, and to confirm the operability of the selected set in accordance with the procedures set forth in paragraph 12 of this Section, for no more than four hours:
(a) If the inspection team determines that the containers for at least one of the sets of radiation detection equipment have not been tampered with, and that the set of radiation detection equipment therein is operable, such a set of radiation detection equipment shall be used during the inspection.
(b) If the inspection team or the in-country escort determines that the containers for all the sets of radiation detection equipment have been tampered with, the inspection team shall have the right, during the inspection, to use an additional set of radiation detection equipment brought to the point of entry by the inspection team and examined in accordance with paragraph 4 of Section IV of Part Five of the Protocol, the operability of which has been confirmed in accordance with the procedures set forth in paragraph 12 of this Section.
(c) For containers that have not been tampered with, if the inspection team or the in-country escort determines that all the sets of radiation detection equipment stored in such containers are not operable, the inspection team shall have the right, during the inspection, to use an additional set of radiation detection equipment brought to the point of entry by the inspection team. The radiation detection equipment shall be examined in accordance with the procedures set forth in subparagraph 9(b) of this Section and the operability of such radiation detection equipment shall be confirmed in accordance with the procedures set forth in paragraph 12 of this Section.
(d) If there are no signs that the containers have been tampered with and any one of the sets of radiation detection equipment stored in such containers is not operable, the inspection team shall remove inoperable items of radiation detection equipment from the territory of the inspected Party. The inspecting Party shall inform the inspected Party of the possible cause of the malfunction of such radiation detection equipment.
(e) If an additional set of radiation detection equipment is brought to the point of entry by the inspection team and is not used during the inspection, such radiation detection equipment shall be stored at the point of entry in tamperproof containers and removed from the territory of the inspected Party by the inspection team when it departs the territory of the inspected Party.
(f) In all cases, only one set of radiation detection equipment the operability of which has been confirmed in accordance with the procedures set forth in paragraph 12 of this Section shall be used during an inspection. The operability of the radiation detection equipment at the point of entry shall be confirmed immediately after the examination of other inspection equipment.
12. Before taking measurements using radiation detection equipment, inspectors and the in-country escort shall have the right to confirm the operability of the radiation detection equipment using the following procedures:
(a) The operability of each neutron detector included in a set of radiation detection equipment shall be confirmed.
(b) The neutron detector shall be placed in an agreed location.
(c) The inspecting Party shall take two background radiation measurements with the calibration source located at a distance of at least three meters from the neutron detector. If the difference between these two measurements is less than or equal to 30 percent of their average, the average of these measurements shall be recorded as the average background radiation value for the purposes of the operability check. If the difference between these two background radiation measurements is more than 30 percent of their average, a third background radiation measurement shall be taken. The third background radiation measurement shall be compared with the previously taken background radiation measurement that is closest to the third background radiation measurement. If the difference between the third background radiation measurement and the closest previous background radiation measurement is less than or equal to 30 percent of the average of these two measurements, the average of these two measurements shall be recorded as the average background radiation value for the purposes of the operability check. Otherwise, the results of all three background radiation measurements shall be recorded and the radiation detection equipment shall not be considered to be operable.
(d) With the neutron detector in the same location, inspectors shall place the calibration source in contact with the neutron detector at the center of its sensitive surface as indicated by the markings on the neutron detector.
(e) Inspectors shall take two measurements of the neutron radiation level from the calibration source. The average of these two measurements shall be recorded as the average calibration measurement value.
(f) The following values shall be calculated:
(i) The calculated calibration measurement value, which is the difference between the average calibration measurement value determined in accordance with subparagraph (e) of this paragraph and the average background radiation value determined in accordance with subparagraph (c) of this paragraph;
(ii) The product of the counting time for each measurement and the equivalent flux of the calibration source, which is a fixed value indicated on the calibration source; and
(iii) The sensitivity of the neutron detector, which is the ratio of the values obtained in accordance with subparagraphs (i) and (ii) of this subparagraph.
(g) The radiation detection equipment shall be considered to be operable, provided:
(i) The difference between the two calibration measurements taken in accordance with subparagraph (e) of this paragraph is less than or equal to 30 percent of the average calibration measurement value;
(ii) The difference between the value of the sensitivity of the neutron detector, determined in accordance with subparagraph (f) (iii) of this paragraph, and the laboratory value of the sensitivity of the neutron detector, as indicated on the neutron detector, is less than or equal to 15 percent of the average of these two sensitivity values; and
(iii) The results of the measurements to be used to confirm the operability of the radiation detection equipment at the point of entry, obtained in accordance with subparagraphs (c) and (e) of this paragraph shall be recorded in the inspection activity report or in another form agreed by the Parties.
13. Notwithstanding paragraphs 3-12 of this Section, during Type One inspections radiation detection equipment shall be used in accordance with the procedures set forth in paragraphs 14-16 of this Section.
14. At the inspection site radiation detection equipment shall be used in accordance with the following procedures:
(a) The counting time for each individual measurement shall be determined as follows:
(i) If the radiation detection equipment is provided by the inspected Party, the counting time shall be determined by the Parties within the framework of the BCC from the range of times specified in paragraph 5 of Section II of this Part.
(ii) If the radiation detection equipment is provided by the inspecting Party, the counting time shall be selected by the inspecting Party from the range of times specified in paragraph 5 of Section II of this Part.
(b) Inspectors shall have the right to observe the use of radiation detection equipment in order to confirm that the procedures provided for in paragraphs 14-16 of this Section are being carried out.
(c) Upon arrival at the inspection site before taking radiation measurements, inspectors shall confirm that at least one neutron detector from the set of radiation detection equipment is operable, in accordance with the procedures set forth in subparagraph 6(d) of this Section if the radiation detection equipment is provided by the inspected Party, or in paragraph 12 of this Section if the radiation detection equipment is provided by the inspecting Party. If inspectors are unable to confirm the operability of any of the neutron detectors, this fact shall be recorded in the inspection activity report and the inspection shall continue without using radiation detection equipment.
(d) Measurements of the neutron radiation level of an object designated by the inspection team for radiation measurement in accordance with paragraph 13 of Section II and paragraph 5 of Section VI of Part Six of this Annex, shall be carried out at a location selected for these purposes by the in-country escort, using a neutron detector, the operability of which has been confirmed pursuant to subparagraph 6(d) of this Section if the radiation detection equipment is provided by the inspected Party, or pursuant to paragraph 12 of this Section if the radiation detection equipment is provided by the inspecting Party.
(e) Measurements of background radiation shall be taken by the in-country escort at a distance of no less than 50 meters from the front section of a deployed ICBM or deployed SLBM or from a heavy bomber. Such measurements of background radiation shall be taken in accordance with the following procedures:
(i) Inspectors shall specify to the in-country escort how to position the neutron detector with respect to the object designated for measurement of the neutron radiation level. The sensitive surface of the neutron detector shall be placed vertically at the approximate height at which measurements of the designated object shall be taken.
(ii) Two background radiation measurements shall be taken. The average of these two measurements shall be calculated and recorded in the inspection activity report as the average background radiation value.
(iii) If the average background radiation value is greater than 450 counts, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties, another location for taking the background radiation measurements shall be selected by the in-country escort. Background radiation measurements shall be taken until an average background radiation value is obtained that is less than 450 counts, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties, at a selected location.
(iv) The square root of the average background radiation value shall be calculated to two decimal places and the result multiplied by four. This number shall be added to the average background radiation value and the result shall be rounded up to the next whole number. This number shall be recorded in the inspection activity report as the comparison number to be used in accordance with paragraphs 15 and 16 of this Section.
15. For inspections of deployed ICBMs and deployed SLBMs:
(a) The in-country escort shall place, for radiation measurements, an object located on the front section and declared by the in-country escort to be a non-nuclear object, hereinafter referred to as the inspected object, at a distance of no less than 50 meters from the front section, or shall provide for radiation measurements of the inspected object to be taken while it is located on the front section. If radiation measurements of the inspected object are taken while it is located on the front section, the in-country escort shall have the right to use special shields that prevent neutrons from a reentry vehicle or reentry vehicles remaining on the front section from striking the neutron detector but that do not block the inspected object from the neutron detector, or to remove the reentry vehicle or reentry vehicles from the front section to a distance of no less than 50 meters from the front section.
(b) The process of removing the inspected object from the front section and moving it to a location where radiation measurements are to be taken or the process of removing a reentry vehicle or reentry vehicles from the front section, shall be carried out outside the field of view of inspectors but in such a manner as to permit inspectors to ascertain that the inspected object is the same inspected object. Before the inspected object or the reentry vehicle or reentry vehicles are removed from the front section, inspectors shall have the right to view the specially allocated site inside a room or within a portion of the site for viewing the front section in order to ascertain that the site does not contain other objects similar to the inspected object. Throughout the process of removing the inspected object or the reentry vehicle or reentry vehicles from the front section, inspectors shall have the right, at their own choice, either to observe all exits of the site in order to ascertain that no objects that are similar to the inspected object are delivered to that site, or to seal all the exits with seals.
(c) Inspectors shall select the point on the inspected object where radiation measurements are to be taken. A description of the inspected object shall be recorded as a diagram in the inspection activity report. The approximate dimensions of the inspected object, determined visually without taking linear measurements, and the approximate location of the measurement point on the inspected object, shall be indicated on this diagram.
(d) The in-country escort shall position the neutron detector in a location specified by inspectors, no less than seven centimeters and no more than two meters from the surface of the inspected object, with a maximum permissible deviation from these established distances not to exceed 20 percent, so that the neutron detector is at the same level as the measurement point, with the sensitive surface of the neutron detector facing the measurement point on the inspected object.
(e) The in-country escort shall take two measurements of the neutron radiation level at the selected point. The average of the two measurements shall be calculated, and if the result is not a whole number, it shall be rounded up to the next whole number. This average shall be recorded in the inspection activity report as the average measurement at that point.
(f) If the average measurement of the neutron radiation level at the selected point is less than or equal to the comparison number calculated in accordance with subparagraph 14(e) (iv) of this Section, the inspected object is, in fact, a non-nuclear object. This fact shall be recorded in the inspection activity report.
(g) If the average measurement of the neutron radiation level at the selected point is greater than the comparison number calculated in accordance with subparagraph 14(e) (iv) of this Section, this fact shall be recorded in the inspection activity report.
(h) During the radiation measurements of the inspected object while it is located on the front section, in order to obtain the value of the comparison number calculated in accordance with subparagraph 14(e) (iv) of this Section, inspectors shall use one of the multipliers to the square root of the average background radiation value, the values of which have been agreed by the Parties within the framework of the BCC.
(i) The calculations specified in subparagraphs 14(e) (ii) and 14(e) (iv) of this Section may be made automatically by an electronic radiation detection equipment counter. These results shall be displayed on the screen of the electronic radiation detection equipment counter. Inspectors shall record such results in the inspection activity report and shall indicate whether the inspected object is, in fact, a non-nuclear object.
(j) At the request of the inspected Party, the result obtained in accordance with subparagraph (i) of this paragraph shall be verified by the calculations made manually in accordance with subparagraphs 14(e) (ii) and 14(e) (iv) of this Section.
16. For inspections of deployed heavy bombers:
(a) The in-country escort shall place, for radiation measurements, an object located on or in the heavy bomber and declared by the in-country escort to be a non-nuclear object, hereinafter referred to as the inspected object, at a location specified by the in-country escort, at a distance of no less than 50 meters from the heavy bomber, or shall provide for radiation measurements of the inspected object to be taken while it is located on or in the heavy bomber. If radiation measurements of the inspected object are taken while it is located on or in the heavy bomber, the in-country escort shall have the right to use special shields that prevent neutrons from nuclear armaments located on the heavy bomber from striking the neutron detector but that do not block the inspected object from the neutron detector.
(b) The process of removing the inspected object from the heavy bomber and moving it to a location where radiation measurements are to be taken shall be carried out outside the field of view of inspectors but in such a manner as to permit inspectors to ascertain that the inspected object is the same inspected object. Before the inspected object is removed from the heavy bomber, inspectors shall have the right to view the specially allocated site inside a room or within a portion of the site for the inspection of the inspected object in order to ascertain that the site does not contain other objects similar to the inspected object. Throughout the process of removing the inspected object from the heavy bomber, inspectors shall have the right, at their own choice, either to observe all exits of the site in order to ascertain that no objects that are similar to the inspected object are delivered to that site, or to seal all the exits with seals.
(c) Inspectors shall select the point on the inspected object where radiation measurements are to be taken. A description of the inspected object shall be recorded as a diagram in the inspection activity report. The approximate dimensions of the inspected object, determined visually without making linear measurements, and the approximate location of the measurement point on the inspected object, shall be indicated on this diagram.
(d) The in-country escort shall position the neutron detector in a location specified by the inspectors, no less than seven centimeters and no more than two meters from the surface of the inspected object, with a maximum permissible deviation from these established distances not to exceed 20 percent, so that the neutron detector is at the same level as the measurement point, with the sensitive surface of the neutron detector facing the measurement point on the inspected object.
(e) The in-country escort shall take two measurements of the neutron radiation level at the selected point. The average of the two measurements shall be calculated, and if the result is not a whole number, it shall be rounded up to the next whole number. This average shall be recorded in the inspection activity report as the average measurement at that point.
(f) If the average measurement of the neutron radiation level at the selected point is less than or equal to the comparison number calculated in accordance with subparagraph 14(e) (iv) of this Section, the inspected object is, in fact, a non-nuclear object. This fact shall be recorded in the inspection activity report.
(g) If the average measurement of the neutron radiation level at the selected point is greater than the comparison number calculated in accordance with subparagraph 14(e) (iv) of this Section, this fact shall be recorded in the inspection activity report.
(h) During the radiation measurements of the inspected object while it is located on or in the heavy bomber, in order to obtain the value of the comparison number calculated in accordance with subparagraph 14(e) (iv) of this Section, inspectors shall use one of the multipliers to the square root of the average background radiation value, the values of which have been agreed by the Parties within the framework of the BCC.
(i) The calculations specified in subparagraphs 14(e) (ii) and 14(e) (iv) of this Section may be made automatically by an electronic radiation detection equipment counter. These results shall be displayed on the screen of the electronic radiation detection equipment counter. Inspectors shall record such results in the inspection activity report and shall indicate whether the inspected object is, in fact, a non-nuclear object.
(j) At the request of the inspected Party, the result obtained in accordance with subparagraph (i) of this paragraph shall be verified by the calculations made manually in accordance with subparagraphs 14(e) (ii) and 14(e) (iv) of this Section.
(k) If, during an inspection of a designated deployed heavy bomber, it is necessary to take radiation measurements of several inspected objects located on or in the heavy bomber, upon agreement between the inspection team leader and a member of the in-country escort, radiation measurements of several inspected objects may be taken simultaneously. Inspectors shall record such results in the inspection activity report and shall indicate whether the inspected objects are, in fact, non-nuclear objects.
(1) Prior to taking radiation measurements of an inspected object removed from a heavy bomber, such an inspected object may be covered with an individual soft cover that is incapable of masking the neutron radiation level of such an inspected object. The use of containers shall not be permitted while conducting the procedures set forth in this paragraph.