Section I. Pre-inspection Restrictions at the Inspection Site
1. No later than one hour after the time for the designation of the inspection site, the inspected Party shall, at the designated ICBM base, submarine base, or air base, implement the following pre-inspection restrictions, which shall remain in effect until completion of the procedures for designation of ICBM launchers, SLBM launchers, or deployed heavy bombers for inspection:
(a) The inspected Party shall not remove from the inspection site ICBMs or SLBMs, first stages of ICBMs or SLBMs, and mobile launchers of ICBMs; containers and closed vehicles large enough to contain an item of inspection; and covered objects large enough to contain or to be an item of inspection.
(b) The inspected Party shall not remove heavy bombers from the inspection site.
(c) The inspected Party shall not open silo doors of silo launchers of ICBMs, hatches of SLBM launchers, hatches of converted launchers of SLBMs, or hatches of launchers installed on SSGNs that were closed at the time pre-inspection restrictions were implemented.
(d) The inspected Party shall not begin any work associated with the removal of ICBMs or SLBMs from ICBM launchers or SLBM launchers.
(e) The inspected Party shall not begin any work associated with the installation or removal of reentry vehicles or front sections on deployed ICBMs or deployed SLBMs.
(f) The inspected Party shall not remove mobile launchers of ICBMs from basing areas.
(g) The inspected Party shall not move ballistic missile submarines or SSGNs from within the waters depicted on the coastlines and waters diagram of the submarine base, and shall not move such submarines into dry dock.
(h) The inspected Party shall not begin any work associated with the installation or removal of armaments on heavy bombers.
2. Upon arrival of the inspection team at the inspection site, the inspected Party shall not move, within the boundaries of the inspection site, mobile launchers of ICBMs located in basing areas at the time pre-inspection restrictions were implemented, or ballistic missile submarines, SSGNs, or heavy bombers located at the inspection site at the time pre-inspection restrictions were implemented.
3. Upon completion of procedures for designation of ICBM launchers, SLBM launchers, converted launchers of SLBMs, fixed structure for mobile launchers of ICBMs, or deployed heavy bombers for inspection in accordance with Part Five of the Protocol, the restrictions provided for in paragraph 1 of this Section shall remain in effect for such designated items until inspectors have arrived at such designated items. Upon completion of the procedures for designation, the pre-inspection restrictions shall cease to be in effect with respect to all other submarines, launchers, heavy bombers, and fixed structures located at the designated inspection site at the time pre-inspection restrictions were implemented.
4. The pre-inspection restrictions provided for in this Section shall not apply to work conducted in order to resolve an emergency involving a submarine, launcher, missile, or heavy bomber.
Section II. Inspection Procedures for Reentry Vehicles Emplaced on Deployed ICBMs and Deployed SLBMs
1. For a deployed ICBM or deployed SLBM designated for inspection of reentry vehicles, the inspected Party shall have the right to prepare the front section for viewing in the deployed launcher of ICBMs or deployed launcher of SLBMs, or outside such a launcher in close proximity to it, in a vehicle, or at a specially allocated site.
2. The inspected Party shall not remove any reentry vehicles from the front section of an ICBM or SLBM to be inspected throughout the period of time from the time of arrival of the inspection team at the launcher designated for inspection to the completion of the inspection of such a front section.
3. During the inspection of reentry vehicles emplaced on a deployed ICBM or a deployed SLBM, inspectors shall have the right to view the interior of vehicles, objects, containers, and structures used to remove a front section, ICBM, or SLBM, or used to prepare a front section for viewing, in order to confirm that such vehicles, objects, containers, or structures do not contain another ICBM, SLBM, front section, or other reentry vehicles.
4. For deployed silo launchers of ICBMs and deployed launchers of SLBMs:
(a) Upon arrival of the inspection team at a designated silo launcher of ICBMs, inspectors shall have the right to confirm that the silo launcher of ICBMs is the silo launcher of ICBMs designated for inspection by comparing its geographic coordinates, determined using a satellite system receiver and the procedures provided for in Part Five of this Annex, with the geographic coordinates provided for that silo launcher of ICBMs in accordance with Part Two of the Protocol.
(b) Upon arrival of inspectors at the designated deployed silo launcher of ICBMs or designated deployed launcher of SLBMs, a member of the in-country escort shall designate one or more locations where inspectors are permitted to be present. This location or these locations shall be determined in a manner that provides inspectors the opportunity to observe the upper silo edge of such a silo launcher of ICBMs or the upper tube edge of such an SLBM launcher as well as to observe any vehicles, containers, or objects that enter or leave the vicinity of the silo launcher of ICBMs or SLBM launcher. The boundaries of that vicinity shall be determined by a member of the in-country escort. The location or locations from which inspectors shall have the right to observe the upper silo edge of such a silo launcher of ICBMs or the upper tube edge of such an SLBM launcher shall be located at a distance of no more than 50 meters from that launcher. In cases where a clear view cannot be provided within a 50-meter distance, the inspection team leader and a member of the in-country escort may agree to a location or locations that provide a clear view of the upper edge of the launcher from a distance greater than 50 meters.
(c) Prior to the time of the opening of the silo door of the designated deployed silo launcher of ICBMs or hatch of the designated deployed launcher of SLBMs, a member of the in-country escort shall inform the inspection team leader of its opening. Inspectors shall have the right to observe the opening of the silo door of the silo launcher of ICBMs or hatch of the SLBM launcher. The time of the opening of such a silo door or such a hatch shall be determined by the inspected Party.
(d) Inspectors shall have the right to maintain uninterrupted visual contact with the upper silo edge of the designated silo launcher of ICBMs or the upper tube edge of the designated launcher of SLBMs or with vehicles, devices, or structures used to remove the missile or the front section from the launcher or to prepare the front section for viewing throughout the period of time from the opening of the silo door of the silo launcher of ICBMs or hatch of the SLBM launcher to the completion of the preparation of the front section for viewing or the removal of the missile or front section from the ICBM launcher or SLBM launcher, whichever occurs first.
(e) For any vehicles, containers, or objects that enter or leave the vicinity of the designated silo launcher of ICBMs or launcher of SLBMs throughout the period of time from the opening of the silo door of the silo launcher of ICBMs or hatch of the SLBM launcher to the completion of the preparation of the front section for viewing or the removal of the missile or front section from the silo launcher of ICBMs or SLBM launcher, whichever occurs first, a member of the in-country escort shall demonstrate, to the satisfaction of inspectors, that such vehicles, containers, or objects do not contain reentry vehicles.
5. At the choice of the inspected Party, a designated deployed mobile launcher of ICBMs or a submarine on which is installed a designated deployed launcher of SLBMs may proceed to a specially allocated site, where the viewing of the front section of such an ICBM or such an SLBM is to be carried out, or where an SLBM is to be removed from its launcher, or where the front section is to be separated from an ICBM or SLBM. In that event, inspectors shall have the right to maintain uninterrupted visual contact with such a deployed mobile launcher of ICBMs or such a submarine during its movement to a specially allocated site. The submarine shall proceed to such a specially allocated site while surfaced.
6. If the viewing of the front section is carried out directly in the deployed launcher of ICBMs or deployed launcher of SLBMs, the inspected Party shall prepare the front section for viewing in accordance with paragraph 8 or paragraph 11 of this Section and shall provide the inspection team with an opportunity to view such a front section of an ICBM or SLBM. Inspectors shall have the right to view the interior of vehicles and devices used to prepare the front section for viewing, prior to their use and upon completion of viewing the front section. This viewing shall be carried out in order to confirm that such vehicles or devices do not contain another front section or other reentry vehicles. For SLBMs, if the inspected Party places a temporary structure over an SLBM launcher that is specially intended to prepare the front section for viewing and to carry out the viewing of the front section, inspectors shall have the right to view the interior of this temporary structure before it is put in place and after the viewing of the front section is completed. This viewing of the temporary structure shall be carried out in order to confirm that it does not contain another front section or other reentry vehicles.
7. For viewing of the front section carried out outside a designated deployed launcher of ICBMs or deployed launcher of SLBMs, the inspected Party shall separate such a front section and remove it from such an ICBM launcher or SLBM launcher or remove the missile with its front section from an ICBM launcher or SLBM launcher:
(a) If the inspected Party separates the front section in the designated launcher of ICBMs or launcher of SLBMs and then removes it, the inspected Party shall determine the manner of carrying out the viewing of the interior of such a launcher. Such viewing shall be carried out by one subgroup of inspectors. Each inspector in such a subgroup shall have the right to view the top portion of the deployed ICBM or deployed SLBM in the launcher for no more than three minutes from a location designated by the in-country escort in order to confirm that the front section has been fully separated. The in-country escort shall designate this location in such a manner as to provide a clear view of the entire upper portion of the ICBM or SLBM.
(b) Inspectors shall have the right to view the interior of vehicles and devices used to remove or transport an ICBM, SLBM, or front section of an ICBM or SLBM from an ICBM launcher or SLBM launcher prior to their use. After the removal of the ICBM, SLBM, or front section of an ICBM or an SLBM from a vehicle or device, inspectors shall have the right to view them again.
(c) If the viewing of the front section is carried out at a specially allocated site, inspectors shall have the right to follow the vehicle in which the ICBM or SLBM with its front section or the front section of an ICBM or SLBM is transported to such a specially allocated site, in such a manner as to maintain uninterrupted visual contact with that vehicle.
8. Preparation of the front section for viewing may be carried out outside the field of view of inspectors.
9. If the viewing of the separated front section is carried out in a vehicle, inspectors shall have the right to observe the vehicle throughout the period of time from the time the front section is placed in the vehicle to the completion of the viewing of that front section.
10. If the viewing of the front section is carried out at a specially allocated site, the following procedures shall apply:
(a) Before the shroud is removed inspectors shall have the right to view the specially allocated site inside an enclosed space, in order to ascertain that such a site does not contain another front section or other reentry vehicles.
(b) During preparation of the front section for viewing inside an enclosed space, inspectors shall have the right to observe all accesses to this enclosed space or to seal by seals all accesses as agreed between the inspection team leader and a member of the in-country escort. During preparation of the front section for viewing, no vehicle, container, or object that is large enough to contain an ICBM or SLBM, front section of an ICBM or SLBM, or reentry vehicle shall leave such a site until inspected or until an inspector declares that there is no intent to inspect it.
11. The inspected Party shall have the right to cover reentry vehicles and other equipment, including the mounting platform, with individual covers, in such a manner that the covers shall not hamper inspectors in ascertaining that the front section contains a number of reentry vehicles equal to the number of reentry vehicles declared for such a deployed ICBM or deployed SLBM. The inspected Party shall have the right to use hard, soft, and combined covers to cover reentry vehicles and other objects located on the front section of an ICBM or SLBM, based on the following:
(a) A hard cover is understood to mean a cover that has a fixed shape and consists entirely of structurally hard elements. The inspected Party shall have the right to use individual hard covers or a single hard cover consisting of a base portion, individual conically-shaped elements that cover each reentry vehicle, and individual elements that cover other objects located on the front section of a deployed ICBM or deployed SLBM. Inspectors shall have the right to view and measure such hard covers for reentry vehicles prior to their placement on the front section.
(b) A soft cover is understood to mean a cover for a reentry vehicle or other objects located on the front section that does not have a fixed shape or structurally hard elements except for hard elements that cover and protect only the reentry vehicle nose tip. Inspectors shall have the right to view soft covers for reentry vehicles prior to their placement on the front section in a manner that demonstrates the cover's general shape.
(c) A combined cover is understood to mean a cover, the structure of which has hard elements and a soft outer covering that, when assembled, has a fixed shape. Inspectors shall have the right to view the fully-assembled combined cover and measure the base diameter and height of the fully-assembled combined cover prior to its placement on the front section.
(d) The first time a Party uses a hard or combined cover for reentry vehicles, this Party shall conduct a one-time demonstration of that hard or fully-assembled combined cover during the first Type One inspection using that cover. During such a demonstration, inspectors shall have the right to view and make measurements of the hard cover for reentry vehicles or view the fully-assembled combined cover for reentry vehicles and measure its base diameter and its height.
12. For designated deployed ICBMs or deployed SLBMs, upon completion of the preparation of the front section for viewing, the inspected Party shall determine the manner of carrying out the viewing of the front section. Such viewing shall be carried out by all inspectors as an inspection team or in subgroups. Each inspector shall have the right to view this front section for no more than 15 minutes. The viewing shall be carried out at a distance of no more than five meters from the front section, from a location or locations designated by the in-country escort providing a clear view of the covered reentry vehicles, in order to ascertain that the front section contains a number of reentry vehicles equal to the number of reentry vehicles declared for that deployed ICBM or deployed SLBM.
13. If a member of the in-country escort declares that non-nuclear objects other than reentry vehicles are located on the front section of the designated deployed ICBM or deployed SLBM equipped with no less than one nuclear-armed reentry vehicle, the inspection team leader shall have the right to designate all such non-nuclear objects for inspection. The in-country escort shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the inspectors that such objects are non-nuclear. Radiation detection equipment provided for in Part Five of this Annex may be used, at the discretion of the inspected Party, to demonstrate to inspectors that the objects located on the front section of an ICBM or SLBM and declared by a member of the in-country escort as non-nuclear objects, are, in fact, non-nuclear. Radiation detection equipment shall be used in accordance with Part Five of this Annex.
14. If preparation of the front section for viewing has been carried out outside the field of view of inspectors, inspectors shall, upon completion of viewing of the front section and prior to the reinstallation of the shroud, if applicable, have the right to view the vehicle or specially allocated site where the viewing of the front section was carried out, including, if applicable, the space under the shroud, in order to confirm the absence of reentry vehicles outside the front section.
15. For a designated deployed ICBM or deployed SLBM, declared during pre-inspection procedures not to contain a front section, the inspected Party shall determine the manner of preparing the ICBM or SLBM for viewing and carrying out the viewing of the interior of the launcher of such an ICBM or SLBM. Such viewing shall be carried out by all inspectors as an inspection team or in subgroups. Each inspector shall have the right to view the upper edge of the deployed ICBM or deployed SLBM in the ICBM launcher or SLBM launcher for no more than three minutes from a location designated by the in-country escort, in order to confirm the absence of the front section on an ICBM or SLBM. The in-country escort shall designate this location in such a manner as to provide a clear view of the interior of the ICBM launcher or SLBM launcher.
Section III. Inspection Procedures for a Designated Non-deployed Launcher of ICBMs or Launcher of SLBMs and a Designated Fixed Structure for Mobile Launchers of ICBMs Declared Not to Contain a Deployed Mobile Launcher of ICBMs
1. For a designated non-deployed silo launcher of ICBMs, upon arrival of the inspection team at such a silo launcher of ICBMs, inspectors shall have the right to confirm that the silo launcher of ICBMs is the silo launcher of ICBMs designated for inspection by comparing its geographic coordinates, determined using a satellite system receiver and the procedures provided for in Part Five of this Annex, with the geographic coordinates provided for that silo launcher of ICBMs in accordance with Part Two of the Protocol. After the inspected Party opens the silo door of such a silo launcher of ICBMs, inspectors shall have the right to view the interior of this silo launcher of ICBMs from a location designated by the in-country escort, in order to confirm that it does not contain an ICBM.
2. For a designated fixed structure for mobile launchers of ICBMs declared not to contain a deployed mobile launcher of ICBMs, upon arrival of the inspection team at such a fixed structure, the inspected Party shall open the doors of the fixed structure. Inspectors shall have the right to view the interior of this fixed structure from a location designated by the in-country escort, in order to confirm that this fixed structure does not contain a deployed mobile launcher of ICBMs.
3. For a designated non-deployed launcher of SLBMs, upon arrival of the inspection team at such an SLBM launcher, the inspected Party shall open the hatch of the SLBM launcher. Inspectors shall have the right to view the interior of this SLBM launcher from a location designated by the in-country escort, in order to confirm that it does not contain an SLBM.
4. If an inspection team conducting an inspection of a designated non-deployed launcher of ICBMs, designated fixed structure for mobile launchers of ICBMs declared not to contain a deployed mobile launcher of ICBMs, or designated non-deployed launcher of SLBMs, discovers that such a launcher or such a fixed structure contains a deployed ICBM or a deployed SLBM, the inspection team shall have the right to inspect the discovered ICBM or SLBM in order to determine the number of reentry vehicles emplaced on such an ICBM or SLBM. The inspected Party shall prepare the front section of such an ICBM or SLBM for viewing using the procedures provided for in Section II of this Part.
Section IV. Inspection Procedures for a Designated Converted Launcher of SLBMs Installed on a Ballistic Missile Submarine
1. For a designated converted launcher of SLBMs installed on a ballistic missile submarine, upon arrival of the inspection team at such a converted launcher of SLBMs, the inspected Party shall prepare this launcher for viewing.
2. During preparation of the designated converted launcher of SLBMs for viewing, inspectors shall, upon arrival at the launcher, have the right to maintain uninterrupted visual contact with the converted launcher of SLBMs. During the inspection of a designated converted launcher of SLBMs, inspectors shall have the right to inspect all objects and equipment removed from that launcher in order to confirm that they are not a first stage of an SLBM and were not used to make such a launcher capable of launching an SLBM. The inspection shall begin when the hatch of the designated converted launcher of SLBMs is opened and shall end when the inspection procedures for such a converted launcher of SLBMs have been completed.
3. For a converted launcher of SLBMs designated for inspection, after completion of preparation of such a launcher for viewing, a subgroup consisting of no more than five inspectors shall have the right to:
(a) View the launcher from a location or locations designated by the in-country escort that provide a clear view of the interior of such a launcher;
(b) Confirm the presence of each of the distinguishing features demonstrated during the exhibition conducted by the inspected Party in accordance with Part Nine of the Protocol and recorded in the inspection activity report of such an exhibition; and
(c) Confirm, using the recorded distinguishing features for such a converted launcher of SLBMs, that such a converted launcher of SLBMs remains incapable of launching an SLBM.
4. If a member of the in-country escort declares that an object contained in such a launcher is not a first stage of an SLBM, the in-country escort shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of inspectors that such an object is not a first stage of an SLBM including, if necessary, removing that object from the launcher.
Section V. Inspection Procedures for Designated Launchers Installed on SSGNs
1. For a designated launcher installed on an SSGN, upon arrival of the inspection team at such a launcher, the inspected Party shall prepare the launcher for viewing by inspectors.
2. If necessary, at the discretion of the inspected Party, the SSGN containing launchers designated for inspection may proceed to a specially allocated site depicted on the coastlines and waters diagram of the submarine base where the viewing of these designated launchers is to be carried out, located within the waters depicted on such a coastlines and waters diagram of the submarine base. In this event, the submarine shall proceed to such a site while surfaced, and inspectors shall have the right to maintain uninterrupted visual contact with this submarine.
3. During preparation of the designated launcher for viewing, the inspected Party shall open the hatch of that launcher. Inspectors shall have the right to view the interior of that designated launcher, from a location designated by the in-country escort, in order to confirm that it does not contain an SLBM.
4. During preparation of the designated launcher for viewing, inspectors shall have the right to maintain uninterrupted visual contact with the upper tube edge of such a launcher. During the inspection of a designated launcher, inspectors shall have the right to inspect all objects and equipment removed from that launcher in order to confirm that they are not a first stage of an SLBM and were not used to make such a launcher capable of launching an SLBM. Inspectors shall also have the right to inspect all objects and equipment, prior to their installation, that are to be installed on that launcher during preparation of that launcher for inspection, in order to confirm that they are not used to make such a launcher incapable of launching an SLBM. The inspection shall begin when the hatch of the designated launcher is opened and shall end when the inspection procedures for such a launcher are completed.
5. For a launcher designated for inspection, after the launcher has been prepared for viewing, inspectors shall have the right to:
(a) View the launcher from a location or locations designated by the in-country escort that provide a clear view of the interior of such a launcher in order to confirm that such a launcher does not contain an SLBM. If a member of the in-country escort declares that an object that is contained in such a launcher is not a first stage of an SLBM, the in-country escort shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of inspectors that such an object is not a first stage of an SLBM including, if necessary, removing the object from the launcher; and
(b) Confirm that such a launcher has not been reconverted and remains incapable of launching an SLBM, by ascertaining the absence of critical components, as demonstrated during the exhibitions of converted launchers on SSGNs in accordance with Part Nine of the Protocol.
Section VI. Inspection Procedures for Deployed Heavy Bombers
1. The inspection team shall have the right to view designated deployed heavy bombers from a location designated by the in-country escort in order to confirm their types, read their unique identifiers, and, if applicable, view declared distinguishing features associated with such heavy bombers, as well as to confirm the number of nuclear armaments declared to be located on such heavy bombers.
2. The inspected Party shall prepare designated deployed heavy bombers for inspection at a location designated by the in-country escort and shall have the right to cover nuclear armaments and other objects located on such heavy bombers with soft covers in such a manner that these covers allow inspectors to confirm the number of nuclear armaments located on such heavy bombers. If it is necessary to relocate a designated deployed heavy bomber during the inspection, inspectors shall have the right to maintain uninterrupted visual contact with such a deployed heavy bomber.
3. The inspected Party shall not remove any armaments or other objects located on designated deployed heavy bombers from such heavy bombers throughout the period of time from arrival of inspectors at such heavy bombers to the completion of the inspection of such heavy bombers.
4. The inspected Party shall determine the manner of carrying out the viewing of a designated heavy bomber. Such a viewing shall be carried out by all inspectors as an inspection team or in subgroups. Each inspector shall have the right to view a designated deployed heavy bomber for no more than 15 minutes. Inspectors shall have the right to view the weapons bay from a location or locations designated by the in-country escort, in order to confirm the number of nuclear armaments declared to be located on such a heavy bomber.
5. If a member of the in-country escort declares that objects located on a designated deployed heavy bomber are non-nuclear objects, the inspection team leader shall have the right to designate all such objects located on each designated deployed heavy bomber for further inspection. The in-country escort shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of inspectors that such designated objects are non-nuclear objects. Radiation detection equipment provided for in Part Five of this Annex may be used, at the discretion of the inspected Party, in order to demonstrate to inspectors that an object located on the designated deployed heavy bomber and declared by a member of the in-country escort to be a non-nuclear object, is, in fact, non-nuclear. Radiation detection equipment shall be used in accordance with Part Five of this Annex.
Section VII. Inspection Procedures at ICBM Bases and Submarine Bases
1. For an ICBM base, inspectors shall have the right to inspect the maintenance facility within the boundaries of the inspection site in order to confirm the accuracy of the declared data on the number, unique identifiers, types, and, if applicable, variants or versions of items of inspection declared for the inspection site.
2. For a submarine base, inspectors shall have the right to inspect the inspection site within the boundaries of the inspection site, in order to confirm the accuracy of the declared data on the number, unique identifiers, types, and, if applicable, variants of items of inspection declared for the inspection site.
3. At ICBM bases and submarine bases, inspectors shall, within the boundaries of the inspection site, have the right to inspect items of inspection, as well as objects, covered objects, containers, vehicles, and structures large enough to contain or to be an item of inspection that are located within the boundaries of such an inspection site as provided for in Part Nine of this Annex.