2003 Change Notices (Archived)
DoD made the following changes to the DFARS on
Final Rules:
Electronic Submission and Processing of Payment Requests (DFARS Case 2002-D001)
Finalizes an interim rule published on
Affected subparts/sections: 232.70; 252.212; 252.232
The Federal Register notice for this rule is available here.
A Microsoft Word format document showing all additions and deletions made by this rule is here.
Payment Withholding (DFARS Case 2002-D017)
Provides administrative contracting officers additional flexibility when determining the need to withhold payments under time-and-materials and labor-hour contracts. Clarifies that, normally, there should be no need to withhold payment for a contractor with a record of timely submittal of a release discharging the Government from all liabilities, obligations, and claims under a contract. Adds an alternate paragraph for use with the clause at FAR 52.232-7, Payments under Time-and-Materials and Labor-Hour Contracts, to implement this policy.
Affected subparts/sections: Part 232 Table of Contents; 232.1; Part 252 Table of Contents; 252.232
The Federal Register notice for this rule is available here.
A Microsoft Word format document showing all additions and deletions made by this rule is here.
Purchase of Federal Prison Industries Products (DFARS Case 2002-D003)
Updates and clarifies policy on purchasing products from Federal Prison Industries (FPI). The changes-
(1) Clarify requirements for conducting market research before purchasing a product listed in the FPI Schedule;
(2) Clarify requirements for use of competitive procedures, to include the use of small business set-asides and multiple award schedules, if an FPI product is found to be noncomparable to products available from the private sector;
(3) Specify that a contracting officer's comparability determination is not subject to the arbitration procedures of FAR 8.605;
(4) Specify that a DoD contractor may not be required to use FPI as a subcontractor; and
(5) Prohibit the award of a contract to FPI that would allow an inmate worker access to classified or sensitive information.
These changes were published in the Federal Register on
Affected subparts/sections: Part 208 Table of Contents; 208.6; Part 219 Table of Contents; 219.5; Part 252 Table of Contents; 252.219
The Federal Register notice for this rule is available here.
A Microsoft Word format document showing all additions and deletions made by this rule is here.
DoD published the following DFARS changes in the Federal Register on
Interim Rule:
Central Contractor Registration (DFARS Case 2003-D040)
Removes DFARS policy on Central Contractor Registration (CCR) that duplicates FAR policy published as Item I of FAC 2001-16 on
Affected subparts/sections: DFARS Table of Contents; Part 204 Table of Contents; 204.2; 204.6; 204.9; 204.11; 204.72; 204.73; 212.3; Part 213 Table of Contents; 213.1; Part 252 Table of Contents; 252.204
The Federal Register notice for this rule is available here.
A Microsoft Word format document showing all additions and deletions made by this rule is here.
Final Rules:
DoD Activity Address Codes in Contract Numbers (DFARS Case 2003-D005)
Requires use of a contracting office's DoD activity address code (DoDAAC) in the first six positions of a solicitation or contract number, instead of the DoD activity address number (DoDAAN) found in DFARS Appendix G. This new numbering system took effect on
Appendix G is removed in its entirety from the DFARS, as a result of a recommendation of the DFARS Transformation Task Force. The two-position order codes from DFARS Appendix G, that contracting offices use when placing an order against another activity's contract or agreement, are now available at a separate location on the Defense Acquisition Regulations website at http://www.acq.osd.mil/dpap/dars/dfars/index.htm.
For reference purposes, archived versions of Appendix G are available in the HTML format of the DFARS at http://www.acq.osd.mil/dpap/dars/dfars/index.html by using the "Prior Version" option shown at the beginning of each Appendix G part.
DoDAACs are maintained by the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA). Registration through the DLA website at https://www.daas.dla.mil/daashome/ is required to gain access to DLA's database. While awaiting completion of the registration process, the following Air Force website is suggested as an alternate source for DoDAAC information: https://dodaac.wpafb.af.mil.
Affected subparts/sections: DFARS Table of Contents; Part 204 Table of Contents; 204.70; Appendix G
The Federal Register notice for this rule is available here.
A Microsoft Word format document showing all additions and deletions made by this rule is here.
Purchase of Federal Prison Industries Products (DFARS Case 2002-D003)
Updates and clarifies policy on purchasing products from Federal Prison Industries (FPI). The changes-
(1) Clarify requirements for conducting market research before purchasing a product listed in the FPI Schedule;
(2) Clarify requirements for use of competitive procedures, to include the use of small business set-asides and multiple award schedules, if an FPI product is found to be noncomparable to products available from the private sector;
(3) Specify that a contracting officer's comparability determination is not subject to the arbitration procedures of FAR 8.605;
(4) Specify that a DoD contractor may not be required to use FPI as a subcontractor; and
(5) Prohibit the award of a contract to FPI that would allow an inmate worker access to classified or sensitive information.
These changes-
(1) Implement Section 819 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2003 and further implement Section 811 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2002;
(2) Become effective 30 days after the date of publication, as required by Section 819 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2003; and
(3) Apply to solicitations issued on or after
The Federal Register notice for this rule is available here.
A Microsoft Word format document showing all additions and deletions made by this rule is here.
Provisional Award Fee Payments (DFARS Case 2001-D013)
Provides policy and guidance for using provisional award fees under cost-plus-award-fee contracts. This tool, in appropriate circumstances, may be an effective incentive mechanism. Acquisition teams should carefully evaluate the need for this tool and the potential benefits as part of acquisition strategy planning processes. Proper use of provisional award fees is expected to improve contractor cash flow, foster a healthy contractual relationship between the Government and the contractor, and further the benefits of the award fee incentive.
A training module on the use of provisional award fees is available on the Defense Acquisition University website at http://www.dau.mil, under "Continuous Learning"/"Continuous Learning Modules"/"Self-Paced Modules".
The DFARS changes in this rule apply to solicitations issued on or after
The Federal Register notice for this rule is available here.
A Microsoft Word format document showing all additions and deletions made by this rule is here.
DoD published an interim DFARS rule in the Federal Register on October 10, 2003, to add policy on item identification and valuation.
Interim Rule:
Unique Item Identification and Valuation (DFARS Case 2003-D081)
The rule requires contractors to uniquely identify, through the use of item identification marking, all items to be delivered to the Government. The rule also adds requirements for contracts to provide for identification of the Governments acquisition cost of items that are built or acquired by a contractor during contract performance and subsequently delivered to the Government. This rule applies to all solicitations issued on or after January 1, 2004, and will be incorporated into the DFARS on that date.
The Federal Register notice for this rule is available here.
The notice solicits public comments, which are due by November 10, 2003.
A Microsoft Word format document showing all additions and deletions made by this rule is here.
DoD published 2 interim DFARS rules and technical amendments in the Federal Register on October 1, 2003. In addition, DoD has updated the DFARS to incorporate the DD Form 350 reporting requirements published in the Federal Register on June 20, 2003, for use beginning October 1, 2003. Further information on these actions is provided below:
Interim Rules:
Approval of Service Contracts and Task Orders (DFARS Case 2002-D024)
Establishes approval requirements that contracting activities must meet before acquiring services through a DoD contract or task order that is not performance based, or through any contract or task order that is awarded by an agency other than DoD. This change implements Section 801(b) of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2002.
Affected subparts/sections: Part 237 Table of Contents; 237.1
The Federal Register notice for this rule is available here.
A Microsoft Word format document showing all additions and deletions made by this rule is here.
Indian Incentive Program (DFARS Case 2002-D033)
Revises the criteria for application of the Indian Incentive Program, which permits incentive payments to contractors that use Indian organizations as subcontractors. Establishes a threshold of $500,000 for contracts and subcontracts under which incentives may be paid; expands the Program to permit incentive payments for subcontracts awarded to Native Hawaiian small business concerns; and adds contracts and subcontracts for commercial items to the Program. This change implements Section 8021 of the DoD Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2003.
Affected subparts/sections: 226.1; 252.212; 252.226
The Federal Register notice for this rule is available here.
A Microsoft Word format document showing all additions and deletions made by this rule is here.
Final Rules:
Reporting Requirements Update (DFARS Case 2003-D002)
Updates DD Form 350 contract action reporting requirements for Fiscal Year 2004. Contains changes related to reporting of contract modifications and program or system information. These changes were published in the Federal Register on June 20, 2003 (DFARS Change Notice 20030620), to allow sufficient time for contracting activities to program their automated systems prior to the start of the new fiscal year.
Affected subparts/sections: 253.204; DD Form 350
The Federal Register notice for this rule is available here.
A Microsoft Word format document showing all additions and deletions made by this rule is here.
Technical Amendments
Updates activity names, clause titles and dates, and cross-references.
Affected subparts/sections: 202.1; 213.3; 252.212
The Federal Register notice for this rule is available here.
A Microsoft Word format document showing all additions and deletions made by this rule is here.
Government Source Inspection Requirements (DFARS Case 2002-D032)
Proposes to eliminate Government source inspection requirements for contracts or delivery orders valued below $250,000, unless (1) mandated by DoD regulation, (2) required by a memorandum of agreement between the acquiring department or agency and the contract administration agency, or (3) the contracting officer determines that Government source inspection is needed, based on the technical nature and criticality of the product being acquired. The objective is to focus diminishing contract management resources on high-risk areas, while providing flexibility for exceptions where needed.
The Federal Register notice for this rule is available here.
A Microsoft Word format document showing all additions and deletions proposed by this rule is here.
Fish, Shellfish, and Seafood Products (DFARS Case 2002-D034)
Proposes to clarify what produced in the United States means with regard to the acquisition of fish, shellfish, and seafood. Specifies that fish, shellfish, and seafood delivered under a DoD contract must be taken from the sea by U.S.-flag vessels or obtained from fishing in the United States. The proposed changes are based on public comments received on the interim rule published on February 14, 2003 (DFARS Change Notice 20030214), to implement Section 8136 of the DoD Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2003.
The Federal Register notice for this rule is available here.
A Microsoft Word format document showing all additions and deletions proposed by this rule is here.
Affected subparts/sections: Part 217 Table of Contents; 217.1
DoD made the following changes to the DFARS on July 22, 2003:
Buy-to-Budget Acquisition of End Items (DFARS Case 2002-D036) (Interim Rule)
Authorizes DoD to acquire a higher quantity of an end item than the quantity specified in a law providing for the funding of the acquisition, if the head of the agency determines that (1) the requirement for the end item is expected to remain substantially unchanged throughout the period of the acquisition; (2) it is possible to acquire the higher quantity of the end item without additional funding because of production efficiencies or other cost reductions;
(3) the amount of funds used to acquire the higher quantity will not exceed the amount provided under the law; and (4) the amount provided under the law is sufficient to ensure that each unit of the higher quantity is fully funded as a complete end item. This change implements Section 801 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2003.
Affected subparts/sections: DFARS Table of Contents; Part 207 Table of Contents; 207.70
The Federal Register notice for this rule is available here.
A Microsoft Word format document showing all additions and deletions made by this rule is here.
Multiyear Procurement Authority for Environmental Services for Military Installations (DFARS Case 2003-D004) (Interim Rule)
Authorizes the use of multiyear contracting for environmental remediation services for military installations, if the head of the agency determines that (1) there will be a continuing requirement for the services consistent with the proposed contract period; (2) furnishing the services will require a substantial initial investment or the incurrence of substantial contingent liabilities; and (3) use of a multiyear contract will encourage effective competition and promote economies in operations. This change implements Section 827 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2003.
Affected subparts/sections: 217.1
The Federal Register notice for this rule is available here.
A Microsoft Word format document showing all additions and deletions made by this rule is here.
DoD published the following DFARS changes in the Federal Register on
Reporting Requirements Update (DFARS Case 2003-D002)
The Federal Register notice for this rule is available here.
Final Rule:
Foreign Acquisition (DFARS Case 2002-D009)
The DFARS has been updated to incorporate the final rule published in the Federal Register on March 31, 2003, with an effective date of April 30, 2003. The rule revises DFARS Part 225, Foreign Acquisition, and associated provisions and clauses to simplify and clarify policy pertaining to the acquisition of supplies and services from foreign sources. See DFARS Change Notice 20030331 for additional information on this rule.
The Federal Register notice for this rule is available here.
A Microsoft Word format document showing all additions and deletions made by this rule is here.
Affected subparts/sections: DFARS Table of Contents; 206.3; 208.72; 212.3; Part 225 Table of Contents; 225.0; 225.1; 225.2; 225.4; 225.5; 225.6; 225.7; 225.8; 225.9; 225.11; 225.70; 225.71; 225.72; 225.73; 225.74; 242.3; Part 252 Table of Contents; 252.212; 252.225
Technical Amendments
DoD published technical amendments to the DFARS on April 30, 2003, to update organizational titles and activity names and addresses.
Affected subparts/sections: 202.1; 245.4; Appendix G, Parts 3 and 5
The Federal Register notice for this rule is available here.
A Microsoft Word format document showing all additions and deletions made by this rule is here.
DoD published the following final DFARS rules in the Federal Register on March 31, 2003:
Foreign Acquisition (DFARS Case 2002-D009)
Changes the DFARS to revise Part 225, Foreign Acquisition, and associated provisions and clauses.
The Federal Register notice for this rule is available here.
A Microsoft Word format document showing all additions and deletions made by this rule is here.
Extension of Contract Goal for Small Disadvantaged Businesses and Certain Institutions of Higher Education (DFARS Case 2002-D038)
Changes the DFARS to extend, through fiscal year 2006, the goal for DoD to award 5 percent of contract and subcontract dollars to small disadvantaged businesses, historically black colleges and universities, and minority institutions. This change implements Section 816 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2003.
Affected subparts/sections: 219.0; 226.70
The Federal Register notice for this rule is available here.
A Microsoft Word format document showing all additions and deletions made by this rule is here.
Technical Amendments
Changes the DFARS to update activity names and addresses, references, and administrative information.
Affected subparts/sections: 202.1; 204.72; 207.1; 239.73; 250.1; Appendix G, Parts 2 and 8
The Federal Register notice for this rule is available here.
A Microsoft Word format document showing all additions and deletions made by this rule is here.
DoD has published the following interim and proposed DFARS rules in the Federal Register:
Interim Rule:
Electronic Submission and Processing of Payment Requests (DFARS Case 2002-D001)
Affected subparts/sections: DFARS Table of Contents; Part 232 Table of Contents; 232.70; Part 252 Table of Contents; 252.212; 252.232; 252.246
The Federal Register notice for this rule is available here.
A Microsoft Word format document showing all additions and deletions made by this rule is here.
Proposed Rule:
Payment Withholding (DFARS Case 2002-D017)
Proposes to supplement the clause at FAR 52.232-7, Payments under Time-and-Materials and Labor-Hour Contracts, to remove the requirement for a contracting officer to routinely withhold 5 percent of payments due under a time-and-materials or labor-hour contract. Instead, the administrative contracting officer would withhold payment amounts only if necessary to protect the Government's interests. This proposed rule was published in the Federal Register on February 28, 2003, with a request for comments by April 29, 2003.
The Federal Register notice for this rule is available here.
A Microsoft Word format document showing all additions and deletions proposed by this rule is here.
DoD published 2 interim, 2 final, and 2 proposed DFARS rules in the Federal Register on February 14, 2003. The interim and final rules apply to solicitations issued on or after February 14, 2003, except as otherwise permitted by FAR 1.108(d). The proposed and interim rules solicit public comments, which are due by April 15, 2003. A summary of each rule follows:
Interim Rules:
Contractor Performance of Security-Guard Functions (DFARS Case 2002-D042)
Affected subparts/sections: Part 237 Table of Contents; 237.1
The Federal Register notice for this rule is available here.
A Microsoft Word format document showing all additions and deletions made by this rule is here.
Fish, Shellfish, and Seafood Products (DFARS Case 2002-D034)
Affected subparts/sections: 225.70; 252.212; 252.225
The Federal Register notice for this rule is available here.
A Microsoft Word format document showing all additions and deletions made by this rule is here.
Final Rules:
Emergency Acquisitions in Regions Subject to Economic Sanctions (DFARS Case 2002-D031)
Affected subparts/sections: Part 225 Table of Contents; 225.7
The Federal Register notice for this rule is available here.
A Microsoft Word format document showing all additions and deletions made by this rule is here.
Technical Amendments
Changes the DFARS to update organizational names and addresses and cross-references.
Affected subparts/sections: 201.2; 201.3; 201.4; 202.1; 204.70; 206.3; Part 208 Table of Contents; 209.1; 209.4; 212.3; 214.4; 217.1; 219.10; 230.2; 231.2; 232.0; 232.5; 232.6; 236.5; 239.73; 242.6; 242.7; 242.12; 249.70; 250.3; 252.211; 253.204; Appendix G, Parts 1, 2, and 8
The Federal Register notice for this rule is available here.
A Microsoft Word format document showing all additions and deletions made by this rule is here.
Proposed Rules:
Payment Bonds on Cost-Reimbursement Contracts (DFARS Case 2002-D030)
The Federal Register notice for this rule is available here.
A Microsoft Word format document showing all additions and deletions proposed by this rule is here.
Liability for Loss Under Vessel Repair and Alteration Contracts (DFARS Case 2002-D016)
The Federal Register notice for this rule is available here.
A Microsoft Word format document showing all additions and deletions proposed by this rule is here.