231.100 Scope of subpart.
231.100-70 Contract clause.
231.100 Scope of subpart.
231.100-70 Contract clause.
Use the clause at 252.231-7000, Supplemental Cost Principles, in all solicitations and contracts, which are subject to the principles and procedures described in FAR Subparts 31.1, 31.2, 31.6, and 31.7.
When awarding qualified contracts in conjunction with the conveyance of a utility system under 10 U.S.C. 2688, "Utility Systems: Conveyance Authority," see DoD Class Deviation 2011-O0006, Utilities Privatization –Class Deviation from FAR Part 31, dated March 31, 2011. This deviation is effective until incorporated into the DFARS or rescinded.