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subpart 251.1--contractor use of government supply sources

(Revised August 31, 2020)



 251.101 Policy.
 251.102 Authorization to use Government supply sources.
 251.107 Contract clause.


251.101  Policy.


      (a)(1)  Notwithstanding the restriction at FAR 51.101(a)(1), contracting officers may authorize contractors to use Defense Logistics Agency Energy as a source of fuel in performance of other than cost-reimbursement contracts, when the fuel is funded by the Defense Working Capital Fund. When providing this authorization to contractors, follow the procedures at PGI 251.101 (DFARS/PGI view).


251.102  Authorization to use Government supply sources.


      (e)  When authorizing contractor use of Government supply sources, follow the procedures at PGI 251.102 (DFARS/PGI view).


              (3)(ii)  The contracting officer may also authorize the contractor to use the DD Form 1155 when requisitioning from the Department of Veterans Affairs.


      (f)  The authorizing agency is also responsible for promptly considering requests of the DoD supply source for authority to refuse to honor requisitions from a contractor that is indebted to DoD and has failed to pay proper invoices in a timely manner.


251.107  Contract clause.

Use the clause at 252.251-7000, Ordering From Government Supply Sources, in solicitations and contracts which include the clause at FAR 52.251-1, Government Supply Sources.


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