(Revised May 13, 2008)
204.7000 Scope.
204.7001 Policy.
204.7002 Procedures.
204.7003 Basic PII number.
204.7004 Supplementary PII
204.7005 Assignment of order codes.
204.7000 Scope.
This subpart--
(a) Prescribes policies and procedures for assigning numbers to all solicitations, contracts, and related instruments; and
(b) Does not apply to solicitations or orders for communication service authorizations issued by the Defense Information Technology Contracting Organization of the Defense Information Systems Agency in accordance with 239.7407-2.
204.7001 Policy.
(a) Use the uniform procurement instrument identification (PII) numbering system prescribed by this subpart for the solicitation/contract instruments described in 204.7003 and 204.7004.
(b) Retain the basic PII
number unchanged for the life of the instrument unless the
conditions in paragraph (c) of this section exist.
(c)(1) If continued performance under a contract
number is not possible or is not in the Government’s best interest solely for
administrative reasons (e.g., when the supplementary PII serial numbering
system is exhausted or for lengthy major systems contracts with multiple
options), the contracting officer may assign an additional PII number by
issuing a separate continued contract to permit continued contract performance.
(2) A continued contract—
(i) Does not constitute a new procurement;
(ii) Incorporates all prices, terms, and
conditions of the predecessor contract effective at the time of issuance of the
continued contract;
(iii) Operates as a separate contract independent
of the predecessor contract once issued; and
(iv) Shall not evade competition, expand the scope
of work, or extend the period of performance beyond that of the predecessor
(3) When issuing a continued contract, the
contracting officer shall—
(i) Issue an administrative modification to the
predecessor contract to clearly state that—
(A) Any future awards provided for under the
terms of the predecessor contract (e.g., issuance of orders or exercise of
options) will be accomplished under the continued contract; and
(B) Supplies and services already acquired under
the predecessor contract shall remain solely under that contract for purposes
of Government inspection, acceptance, payment, and closeout; and
(ii) Follow the procedures at PGI 204.7001(c) (Pop-up Window or PGI Viewer Mode).
204.7002 Procedures.
(a) In assigning PII numbers—
(1) Use only the alpha-numeric characters, as prescribed in this subpart; and
(2) Do not use the letter “I” or “O”.
(b) If department/agency procedures require other identification on the solicitation, contract, or other related instrument forms, enter it in such a location so as to separate it clearly from the PII number.
(c) Enter the basic PII number, including Federal supply contract numbers and any supplementary numbers, in the spaces provided on the solicitation, contract, or related instrument forms. Separate the major elements by dashes, e.g., N00023-90-D-0009 (not necessary in electronic transmission). If there is no space provided on the form, enter the number in the upper right corner of the form and identify what it is (e.g., Supplementary Number N00023-90-F-0120).
204.7003 Basic PII number.
(a) Elements of a number. The number consists of 13 alpha-numeric characters grouped to convey certain information.
(1) Positions 1 through 6. The first six positions identify the department/agency and office issuing the instrument. Use the DoD Activity Address Code (DoDAAC) assigned to the issuing office. DoDAACs can be found at
(2) Positions 7 through 8. The seventh and eighth positions are the last two digits of the fiscal year in which the PII number was assigned.
(3) Position 9. Indicate the type of instrument by entering one of the following upper case letters in position nine—
(i) |
Blanket purchase agreements |
A |
(ii) |
Invitations for bids |
B |
(iii) |
Contracts of all types except indefinite delivery contracts, facilities contracts, sales contracts, and contracts placed with or through other Government departments or agencies or against contracts placed by such departments or agencies outside the DoD |
C |
(iv) |
Indefinite delivery contracts |
D |
(v) |
Facilities contracts |
E |
(vi) |
Contracting actions placed with or through other Government departments or agencies or against contracts placed by such departments or agencies outside the DoD (including actions with the National Industries for the Blind (NIB), the National Industries for the Severely Handicapped (NISH), and the Federal Prison Industries (UNICOR)) |
F |
(vii) |
Basic ordering agreements |
G |
(viii) |
Agreements, including basic agreements and loan agreements, but excluding blanket purchase agreements, basic ordering agreements, and leases |
H |
(ix) |
Do not use |
I |
(x) |
Reserved |
J |
(xi) |
Short form research contract |
K |
(xii) |
Lease agreement |
L |
(xiii) |
Purchase orders--manual (assign W when numbering capacity of M is exhausted during the fiscal year) |
M |
(xiv) |
Notice of intent to purchase |
N |
(xv) |
Do not use |
O |
(xvi) |
Purchase order--automated (assign V when numbering capacity of P is exhausted during a fiscal year) |
P |
(xvii) |
Request for quotation--manual |
Q |
(xviii) |
Request for proposal |
R |
(xix) |
Sales contract |
S |
(xx) |
Request for quotation--automated (assign U when numbering capacity of T is exhausted during a fiscal year) |
T |
(xxi) |
See T |
U |
(xxii) |
See P |
V |
(xxiii) |
See M |
W |
(xxiv) |
Reserved for departmental use |
X |
(xxv) |
Imprest fund |
Y |
(xxvi) |
Reserved for departmental use |
Z |
(4) Position 10 through 13. Enter the serial number of the instrument in these positions. A separate series of serial numbers may be used for any type of instrument listed in paragraph (a)(3) of this section. Activities shall assign such series of PII numbers sequentially. An activity may reserve blocks of numbers or alpha-numeric numbers for use by its various components.
(b) Illustration of PII number. The following illustrates a properly configured PII number—
Position |
Contents |
N00062 |
90 |
C |
0001 |
1-6 |
Identification of department/agency office |
7-8 |
Last two digits of the fiscal year in which the PII number is assigned |
9 |
Type of instrument |
10-13 |
Four position serial number |
204.7004 Supplementary PII
(a) Uses of the supplementary number. Use supplementary numbers with the basic PII number, to identify—
(1) Amendments to solicitations;
(2) Modifications to contracts and agreements, including provisioned item orders; and
(3) Calls or orders under contracts, basic ordering agreements, or blanket purchase agreements, issued by the contracting office or by a DoD activity other than the contracting office, including DoD orders against Federal supply schedules.
(b) Amendments to solicitations. Number amendments to solicitations sequentially using a four position numeric serial number added to the basic PII number and beginning with 0001, e.g., N00062-91-R-1234-0001.
(c) Modifications to contracts and agreements.
(1) Number modifications to contracts and agreements using a six position alpha-numeric added to the basic PII number.
(2) Position 1. Identify the office issuing the modification—
(i) |
Contract administration office |
A |
(ii) |
Contracting office |
P |
(3) Positions 2 through 3. These are the first two digits in a serial number. They may be either alpha or numeric. Use the letters K, L, M, N, P, Q, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, or Z only in the second position and only in the following circumstances—
(i) Use K, L, M, N, P, and Q in the second position only if the modification is issued by the Air Force and is a provisioned item order.
(ii) Use S, and only S, in the second position to identify modifications issued to provide initial or amended shipping instructions when—
(A) The contract has either FOB origin or destination delivery terms; and
(B) The price changes.
(iii) Use T, U, V, W, X, or Y, and only those characters, in the second position to identify modifications issued to provide initial or amended shipping instructions when—
(A) The contract has FOB origin delivery terms; and
(B) The price does not change.
(iv) Only use Z in the second position to identify a modification which definitizes a letter contract.
(4) Positions 4 through 6. These positions are always numeric. Use a separate series of serial numbers for each type of modification listed in paragraph (c)(3) of this section. Examples of proper numbering for positions 2-6 (the first position will be either “A” or “P”) are as follows:
Normal Modification |
Provisioned Items Order (Reserved for exclusive use by the Air Force only) |
Shipping Instructions |
00001 — 99999 then A0001 — A9999 |
K0001 KA001 L0001 |
— — — |
K9999 KZ999 L9999 |
S0001 SA001 T0001 |
— — — |
S9999 SZ999 T9999 |
B0001 — B9999 and so on to H0001 — H9999 then J0001 — J9999 then R0001 — R9999 then AA001 — HZ999 then JA001 — JZ999 RA001 — RZ999 |
LA001 M0001 MA001 N0001 NA001 P0001 PA001 Q0001 QA001 |
— — — — — — — — — |
LZ999 M9999 MZ999 N9999 NZ999 P9999 PZ999 Q9999 QZ999 |
TA001 U0001 UA001 V0001 VA001 W0001 WA001 X0001 XA001 Y0001 YA001 |
— — — — — — — — — — — |
TZ999 U9999 UZ999 V9999 VZ999 W9999 WZ999 X9999 XZ999 Y9999 YZ999 |
(5) If the contract administration office is changing the contract administration or disbursement office for the first time and is using computer generated modifications to notify many offices, it uses the six position supplementary number ARZ999. If either office has to be changed again during the life of the contract, the supplementary number will be ARZ998, and on down as needed.
(6) Each office authorized to issue modifications shall assign the supplementary identification numbers in sequence. Do not assign the numbers until it has been determined that a modification is to be issued.
(d) Delivery orders under indefinite delivery contracts, orders under basic ordering agreements, and calls under blanket purchase agreements.
(1) Calls or orders issued by the office issuing the contract or agreement. Use a four position alpha-numeric call or order serial number added to the basic PII number. These shall be identified by using serial numbers beginning 0001 through 9999. When the numeric identifiers run out, use alpha characters in the third and fourth positions. Never use alpha characters in the first and second positions.
(2) Orders placed against another activity's contract or agreement.
(i) If the office placing the order or call is different from the office identified in the basic PII number, assign a serial number to the order or call. The first and second positions contain the call/order code assigned to the ordering office in accordance with 204.7005. Do not use the letters A or P in the first position. The third and fourth positions are a two position serial number assigned by the ordering office. The series will begin with 01. When the numbers exceed 99, the office will assign a uniform series of identifiers containing alpha and/or numeric characters, e.g., Basic #: N00383-91-D-0001 serial #: TU01.
(ii) If an
office is placing calls or orders with NIB,
(e) Modifications to calls or orders. Use a two position alpha-numeric suffix, known as a call or order modification indicator, to identify a modification to a call or order.
(1) Modifications to a call or order issued by a purchasing office begin with 01, 02, and so on through 99, then B1 through B9, BA through BZ, C1 through C9, and so on through ZZ.
(2) Modifications to a call or order issued by a contract administration office begin with 1A, 1B, and so on through 9Z, followed by A1, A2, and so on to A9, then AA, AB, and so on through AZ.
204.7005 Assignment of order codes.
(a) The Defense Logistics Agency, Acquisition
Policy Branch (J-3311),
(b) Contracting activities submit requests for assignment of or changes in two-character order codes to their respective monitors in accordance with department/agency procedures. Order code monitors--
(1) Approve requests for additions, deletions, or changes; and
(2) Provide notification of additions, deletions, or changes to--
(i) The executive agent; and
(ii) The executive editor, Defense Acquisition Regulations, OUSD(AT&L)DPAP(DAR), 3062 Defense Pentagon, Washington, DC 20301-3062.
(c) Order code monitors are--
ARMY Army Contracting Agency
Leesburg Pike,
NAVY AND MARINE CORPS Office of the Assistant Secretary
of the Navy (RD&A)
1000 Navy Pentagon, Room BF992
1060 Air Force Pentagon
Acquisition Policy Branch (J71)
OTHER DEFENSE AGENCIES Army Contracting Agency
Leesburg Pike,
(d) Order code assignments can be found at