(Added November 25, 2024)
(a) Contracting officers may submit applications for participation in the pilot program to OUSD(A&S), Defense Pricing, Contracting, and Acquisition Policy (DPCAP) (Contract Policy) (DPCAP/CP) via email at osd.pentagon.ousd-a-s.mbx.asda-dp-c-contractpolicy@mail.mil. The application shall include the following:
(1) The cognizant contracting activity, including the department or agency, command, awarding contract office, and program office.
(2) A copy of the predecessor contract and modifications, except funding and administrative modifications, and indicate if such contract was awarded pursuant to DFARS 270.1.
(3) A description of the proposed follow-on requirement, including the product or service, quantity, and period of performance.
(4) The anticipated contract value.
(5) A copy of any waiver(s) issued.
(b) DPCAP/CP will respond to the contracting officer within 30 days of receipt of the application.
(c) Contracting officers shall not issue a solicitation prior to receipt of DPCAP/CP approval of participation in this pilot program.
(d) Not later than 60 days after the end of the period of performance of the contract, the contracting activity shall submit to DPCAP/CP via email at osd.pentagon.ousd-a-s.mbx.asda-dp-c-contractpolicy@mail.mil—
(1) The contractor’s response submitted to the contracting officer pursuant to the clause at DFARS 252.270-7002, Pilot Program to Incentivize Contracting with Employee-Owned Businesses; and
(2) Information from the contracting officer as follows:
(i) Summary of contractor performance on the predecessor contract.
(ii) Summary of contractor performance on the follow-on contract.
(iii) Identification and discussion of any benefits or disadvantages the contracting activity, department, or agency experienced using the pilot program.
(iv) Any best practices the department or agency implemented as a result of the pilot program.
(v) Any other information the department or agency would like to share regarding its experience utilizing the pilot program.