Section 811
Federal Acquisition Regulation; Tribal Consultation; Justification and Approval of Sole-Source 8(a) Contracts
To view consultation transcripts and comments, please CLICK HERE
Registration: The tribal consultation and outreach meetings will be held October 5, 7, and 19 in Washington, DC, Albuquerque, NM, and Fairbanks, AK, respectively. To register, please fill out the following information in the form below with your name, organization affiliation, address, telephone number, e-mail address, fax number, and indicate which consultation you are interested in attending.
Oral Presentations & Written Comments
In order to give maximum consideration to tribal comments, we encourage you to participate in the consultation meetings. We hope to encourage your comment through dialogue but also welcome presentations during the consultation meeting and written comments in addition to, or in place of, your attendance at the meetings.
If you wish to provide written comments , submit them no later than November 1, 2010 to Please provide your name, organization affiliation, address, telephone number, e-mail address, and fax number. Please put “Consultation Comments” in the subject line of the e-mail. Comments received will be posted, to this website, without redaction, so commenters should not include information that they do not wish to be posted (for example, because they consider it personal or business-confidential).
If you are interested in giving a short oral presentation at the consultation meetings, please advise us prior to the date of the meeting so appropriate arrangements can be made for scheduling purposes. If you intend to share a handout to accompany an oral statement, please submit them to, for posting so that other attendees may download, as appropriate. When submitting information, please provide the date of the consultation you will present, your name, organization affiliation, address, telephone number, e-mail address, and fax number. Please put “Consultation Presentation” in the subject line of the e-mail.
Agendas for the consultation meetings will be posted prior to the date of the meeting so that interested parties may download, as appropriate.
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