Welcome to Infrastructure Modernization & Resilience

Mission Statement

Ensure strategic alignment of DoD’s physical infrastructure with warfighter requirements, to include development and execution of policies, guidance, and procedures for basing, real property management, geospatial information and services, and the construction, operations, maintenance and repair of DoD’s worldwide infrastructure portfolio.

Mission Area

  • Military Construction (MilCon): Provide oversight of the military construction program, focused on Department policy and processes for efficiently implementing statutory authorities and enabling effective stakeholder engagement to consistently deliver--on schedule and within budget--facilities that fully meet the needs of warfighters and installations.
  • Facility Sustainment, Restoration & Modernization (FSRM): Establish funding benchmarks for DoD Components’ sustainment efforts through the Facility Sustainment Model (FSM) and provide oversight of facility recapitalization, which includes the restoration, modernization, or replacement of facilities or their structural components.
  • Sustainable Buildings: Establish policy and guidance for facility investments that improve the efficiency, resilience, and sustainability of DoD infrastructure.
  • International Programs: Develop policy and guidance related to acquisition of facilities from host nations through bi-lateral and multi-lateral agreements, oversee host nation funded construction programs, support or execute project authorization and congressional notification requirements as needed, and provide oversight of the NATO Security Investment Program (NSIP).
  • Control Systems Cybersecurity: Develop DoD-wide framework and policy for protecting information flow to and from operational technology over information technology hardware.
  • Basing: Provide oversight and guidance of the global portfolio of basing, spanning from ensuring the right installation capabilities are in place to support the warfighter both in CONUS and overseas, to the acquisition of land and facilities, and the execution of the 12 DoD joint bases.
  • Defense Installations Spatial Data Infrastructure (DISDI): Administers the standardization and interoperability of DoD’s installation geospatial information and services to include the most comprehensive data standard of any kind in use across the EI&E and Civil Works mission areas today.
  • Real Property Accountability and Data Analysis: Provides oversight and guidance on the cradle-to-grave management of the Department of Defense’s real property inventory ensuring decision-quality data to support the warfighter.
Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for IM&R
Photo of Michael McAndrew
Michael McAndrew


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