To protect and sustain the environment and warfighter readiness while strengthening our operational capacity and reducing costs through policy and governance for programs and activities related to compliance with environmental laws, management of emerging chemicals, cleanup of contaminated sites, and integration of on base conservation programs and off base Readiness and Environmental Protection Integration (REPI) lines of effort to enhance mission support, installation resilience, quality of life, and stewardship of the resources entrusted to us.
To protect and sustain warfighter readiness while strengthening our operational capacity, reduce operational costs, and increase lethality by providing policy and governance for programs and activities that enable resilience for systems and installations.
Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Environmental Management & Restoration (EM&R)
Official Photo Biography Page WebsiteDeputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Energy Resilience & Optimization (ER&O)
Official Photo Biography Page WebsiteThe Armed Forces Pest Management Board ensures that environmentally sound, safe, and effective programs are in place to prevent pests and disease vectors from adversely affecting DOD operations.
COL Michelle G. Colacicco-Mayhugh
LCDR Michael D. Kavanaugh
Deputy Director
Implement and provide oversight of DOD Operational Energy policy to ensure that Joint Forces have access to the energy needed to fight and win while operating in all domains within contested environments
Oliver Fritz
The Climate Change, Installation Energy Resilience, and Sustainability & Acquisition programs construct the overarching Climate Resilience program under the ODASD (E&ER). All programs collaborate dynamically to address DOD’s climate resilience initiatives and goals.
Mr. Michael McGhee
Executive Director
Ensure DOD mission readiness with resilient, reliable, clean and efficient installation energy capabilities that can recover quickly from disruptions, through data-driven and climate informed projects and programs.
Mr. Andrew Knox
Ensure DOD mission readiness with continued access to natural and man-made resources for test, training, sustainment and basing; continue to implement polices that protect personnel and the environment, mission-critical resources, and our communities through evolving challenges in a changing world.
Mr. Dave Asiello
Ensure the DOD can operate under changing climate conditions, preserving operational capability and enhancing the natural and man-made systems essential to the Department’s success.
Dr. Kate White
The Environmental Cleanup and Compliance directorate manages the Defense Environmental Restoration Program (DERP), and the Compliance Program. The DERP and Compliance programs develop policies and guidance for the military departments which help to protect human health and the environment from hazardous substances used or released during military operations, and to comply with federal environmental laws and regulatory standards.
Alexandria Long
Collectively, the Environmental Planning & Conservation (EP&C) portfolio enables environmental conservation, cultural and tribal stewardship and partnerships, environmental equity and justice, and all-hazards emergency planning, response, and recovery to facilitate full-spectrum installation resilience through innovation, synergy, and leadership. The efforts and coordination of the EP&C programs allows the Department to effectively manage, protect, and steward our National natural and cultural resources, tribal relations, and installation community health and resilience while successfully executing our national defense mission.
Ryan Orndorff
The innovation programs within the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Environment & Energy Resilience harness the latest science and technology to improve the Department’s energy and environmental performance, reduce costs, and advance mission capabilities. These research, demonstration, test, and evaluation programs ensure DOD is prepared to address current and future environmental and energy challenges with cutting-edge research and innovative technologies.
The Operational Energy – Innovation Directorate provides Joint Force policy, oversight, and program management for emerging operational energy technologies.
Ms. RuthAnne Darling
SERDP and ESTCP are the DOD's installation energy and environment programs, harnessing the latest science and technology to improve DOD's environmental performance, reduce costs, and enhance and sustain mission capabilities.
Dr. Kim Spangler
Dr. Andrea Leeson
Deputy Director