Public Disclosure of Results of Department of Defense (DoD) Testing of Off-Base Drinking Water in a Covered Area for Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS)
DoD conducts sampling of drinking water off-base to ensure the Department identifies potential impacts of PFAS resulting from DoD activities. Off-base drinking water includes non-DoD drinking water systems and private wells located outside the installation boundary. In accordance with Section 345 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022, DoD is providing the final testing results for off-base drinking water located in “covered areas.” Covered areas are locations in the United States that are adjacent to and down gradient from a military installation, Formerly Used Defense Site (FUDS), or National Guard facility.
DoD has been actively testing and monitoring off-base drinking water since 2016. DoD has taken interim actions to address off-base drinking water wells at 55 installations where PFOS and PFOA were above 70 ppt. These 55 installations represent the locations with the highest known levels of PFAS in private drinking water from DoD activities. DoD is prioritizing action to address PFAS at these locations as a first step rather than delay action at these locations while ongoing remedial investigations continue. The DoD policy released in September 2024 expedites implementation of more enduring solutions. DoD will focus on sustainable solutions including providing connections to municipal systems; installing whole house treatment systems; and providing point of use treatment systems.