OUSD A&S Leadership

Get a closer look at the women and men serving our organization

Acquisition & Sustainment Leadership

Dr. William A. LaPlante

Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition & Sustainment

Deborah G. Rosenblum

Acting Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition & Sustainment

Assistant Secretary of Defense (Acquisition)

Gary A. Ashworth

Performing the Duties of Assistant Secretary of Defense for Acquisition

John M. Tenaglia

Acting Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Acquisition

John M. Tenaglia

Principal Director, Defense Pricing, Contracting, and Acquisition Policy

James A. Ruocco

Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategic, Space, and Intelligence Portfolio Management

Brent G. Ingraham

Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Platform and Weapon Portfolio Management

Bilyana Anderson

President, Defense Acquisition University

Lt. Gen. Gregory L. Masiello

Director, Defense Contract Management Agency

Assistant Secretary of Defense (Sustainment)

Steven J. Morani

Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Sustainment


Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Sustainment

Leigh E. Method

Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Logistics

Patrick Kelleher

Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Materiel Readiness

Lisa P. Smith

Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Product Support

Assistant Secretary of Defense (Energy, Installations, and Environment)

Honorable Brendan Owens

Assistant Secretary of Defense for Energy, Installations, and Environment

Robert E. Thompson

Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Energy, Installations, and Environment

Rachel P. Ross

Deputy Chief Sustainability Officer

Mark Sinder

Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Infrastructure Modernization & Resilience

Ron Tickle

Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Environmental Management and Restoration

Rebecca Isacowitz

Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Energy Resilience and Optimization

Mark Colón

Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Housing

Patrick O’Brien

Director, Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation

Assistant Secretary of Defense (Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Defense Programs)

Dr. Brandi C. Vann, PhD

Performing the Duties of Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Defense Programs

Dr. Brandi C. Vann, PhD

Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Defense Programs

Rebecca K.C. Hersman

Director, Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA)

Drew Walter

Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear Matters (NM)

Ian Watson

Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Chemical and Biological Defense (DASD (CBD))

Craig Campbell

Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Threat Reduction and Arms Control (DASD(TRAC))

Assistant Secretary of Defense (Industrial Base Policy)

Dr. Laura D. Taylor-Kale

Assistant Secretary of Defense for Industrial Base Policy

Dr. Vic S. Ramdass

Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Industrial Base Policy

Farooq A. Mitha

Director, Office of Small Business Programs

Carla Zeppieri

Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Industrial Base Resilience

Travis Langster

Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for International & Industry Engagement

Nicoletta Giordani

Principal Director, Office of Global Investment and Economic Security (GIES)

Joint Rapid Acquisition Cell (JRAC)

Maj. Gen. Edward Vaughan

Executive Director, Joint Rapid Acquisition Cell

Joint Production Accelerator Cell (JPAC)

Dr. Erin Simpson

Executive Director, Joint Production Accelerator Cell

Executive Director for Special Access Program Central Office

Maj. Gen. David Abba

Director of Special Programs and the Department of Defense Special Access Program Central Office

Business Operations

Clothilda (Clo) Taylor

Director of Business Operations