Welcome to the Transportation Directorate, ODASD (Logistics)


Defense Transportation in the 21st Century is a world class, globally capable, intermodal transportation system that is responsive, efficient, fully integrated, and in partnership with commercial partners ensures military readiness, sustainability and improves the quality of life for service members, their families and civilian employees.


Transportation Policy is responsible for establishing policies and providing guidance to DoD Components for efficient and effective use of DoD and commercial transportation resources. Transportation Policy is organized under the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Logistics.


- Establish policy and guidance for efficient and effective use of government and commercial transportation resources.

- Coordinate and negotiate with federal departments and inter-agencies partners regarding transportation and distribution related matters and initiatives.

- Ensure that the Defense Transportation System is effective in providing end-to-end support to the warfighter, utilizing commercial and organic resources.



Domicile-to-Duty (DTD) transportation is the program that allows government officials to use their government vehicle for transportation to and from their place of residence to official duty locations in accordance with 1344, Title 31 U.S.C.

The Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Logistics) processes DTD requests from agencies, combatant commanders, DoD Inspector General, and the White House Military Office, and prepares packages for Secretary of Defense approval. Signed and dated renewal requests must be submitted 60 days in advance to allow for principal-level coordination from other DoD entities.

For the above DTD requests, please submit to the DTD inbox: osd.mc-alex.ousd-a-s.mesg.dasd-logistics-domicile-to-duty-mbx@mail.mil

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