Objective 3.1: Provide the DoD enterprise with policy, processes, and guidance that foster
effective product support planning and execution
LOE 3.1.1: Codify agile & tailored product support approaches for executing statutory and regulatory requirements (DoDIs 5000.85, 5000.91)
Publication of 5000.91, Dec 2021; future policy within WHS timelines
LOE 3.1.2: Publish new Product Support AAF Guidebook (DoDIs 5000.85, 5000.91)
Publication of product support guidebook Dec 2022; future policy updates within 12 Months
LOE 3.1.3: Update existing product support best practices guidebooks (DoDIs 5000.85, 5000.91)
Updates within 12 months of policy publication
Objective 3.2: Provide DoD decision makers with comprehensive, timely, and actionable program sustainment assessments in order to develop affordable product support
LOE 3.2.1: Ensure sustainment and affordability actions are included and implemented in the early stages of acquisition for MDAP programs under USD(A&S) (DoDIs 5000.85, 5000.91)
LCSPs w/out caveats in FY23, KPPs/KSAs and Service O&S Costs
LOE 3.2.2: Define metrics that ensure sustainment of NC3 capabilities (2018 National Defense Strategy and 2018 National Posture Review)
Secure funding for NC3 metrics, FY22, Q4; expand metrics to 39 priority systems, FY24
LOE 3.2.3: Provide F-35 sustainment oversight to facilitate readiness and O&S costs reductions (CDD, LCSP, DoDI 5000.91)
Completing ASD(S) Memo Action Items, Apr 2022; KPPs/KSAs and O&S Costs to Service budget, Steady State Years
Objective 3.3: Develop and lead civilian logistics workforce policy, training and recognition
LOE 3.3.1: Transform LCL workforce framework, training, and certification (USD(A&S) Sep 2, 2020 Memo “Back to Basics for the Defense Acquisition Workforce”)
Streamlined LCL Back to Basics DAWIA certification requirements by Mar 2022; implementation of 15 LCL credentials by Sep 2022.
LOE 3.3.2: Implement new LCL functional area governance structure, Functional Integration Team (FIT) (2018 NDS, 2019 Logistics Human Capital Strategy)
Conducting Quarterly FIT meetings to advise LCL FL on LCL issues to include training, certification, and recognition by Mar 2022.
LOE 3.3.3: Collaborate with P&R to update logistics Functional Community Competencies (2018 NDS, DoDI 5000.66, 2019 Logistics Human Capital Strategy)
Performance to DCPAS Scheduling Plan; Facilitating Components’ provision of qualified SMEs for each panel event
Objective 3.4: Develop and synchronize strategic and operational logistics initiatives with international allies and partners
LOE 3.4.1: Develop Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO) capability by optimizing allied commercial maintenance capability (DoDD 5132.03, DoDI 5132.14)
5%-8% increase in aviation retrograde components inducted into the MRO process through Indo-Pacific regional maintenance
LOE 3.4.2: Lead bilateral and multi-lateral strategic logistics engagements with allies and partners (DoDD 5132.03, DoDI 5132.14)
Exporting Lifecycle logistics concepts in support of allies and partners; meet 100% of scheduled Quarterly engagements
LOE 3.4.3: Validate and authorize the execution of Afghanistan Security Forces Funds (ASFF) via Afghanistan Resource Oversight Council (AROC) (DoDD 5132.03, DoDI 5132.14)
Provide oversight of ASFF requested for expenditures in excess of $50M; review and take action timely on 100% of ASFF funding requests