The Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Chemical and Biological Defense (DASD(CBD)), on behalf of ASD(NCB), oversees the Chemical and Biological Defense Program (CBDP), which develops chemical and biological defense capabilities for the entire Joint Force. DASD(CBD) provides the CBDP’s strategic guidance, manages the planning, programming, budgeting, and execution process, and oversees research, development, and acquisition (RDA) activities. Additional responsibilities include leading the CBDP’s interagency and international cooperation and ensuring consistent and effective strategic messaging with key stakeholders. DASD(CBD) also serves as the principal advisor to ASD(NCB) on chemical and biological defense issues.
Vision: An agile, war-fighter focused Enterprise that generates decisive chemical and biological defense advantages to maximize deterrence and defend the nation.
Mission: Anticipate and deter future threats by developing and delivering timely chemical and biological (CB) defense capabilities that enable a resilient Joint Force to prevail in CB-contested environments and protect the nation.
Support to the CBDP Program
Support to other DASD functions
Support to ASD functions
Creates strategy and guidance and oversees physical CB defense capabilities, including biosurveillance, integrated early warning, individual and collective protection, decontamination, and test and evaluation.
Creates strategy and guidance and oversees chemical and biological defense medical capabilities, including threat-agnostic, broad-spectrum, and rapid response diagnostic and medical countermeasures.
Strengthens relationships with the Joint Staff, Services, Combatant Commands, and intelligence community and ensures CBDP projects and programs align with operational concepts and meet Warfighter needs.
Ensures alignment to Department priorities, oversees the CBDP governance framework, and strengthens relationships with the Department, interagency, Congress, and Allies and partners.
Manages the ~$1.7 billion CBDP budget and oversees the Programming, Budget, and Execution phases of the PPBE process, including developing the annual Program Objective Memorandum.
Provides security oversight of the DOD chemical agents, biological select agents, and toxins security programs on behalf of the Office of the Assistance Secretary of Defense for Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Defense Programs