News & References

Review of the Open Supervised Device Protocol (OSDP™) for DOD Applicability

Last Updated: March 2, 2015

This White Paper is intended for distribution to the SEIWG Service Representatives and, through them, to the four Department of Defense (DoD) Services. It summarizes technical research completed by the SEIWG on a Security Industry Association (SIA) standard referred to as Open Supervised Device Protocol (OSDP™) specification, Version 2.1.5. OSDP™ is an interface standard used within a Physical Access Control System (PACS), which is applicable to access control system (ACS) functionality with relevance to intrusion detection system (IDS) functionality.

0101C Release Notice

December 2014

The SEIWG proudly announces the availability of its 0101C Interoperability Standard, the SEIWG Force Protection Systems Sensor Information Interchange. The updated XML communication interoperability standard focuses on the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) network transport interface using subscription messaging. In addition, it increases the prescriptiveness of the interoperability standard from past versions and eliminates previous potential ambiguity.

Force Protection Equipment Demonstration VIII

Force Protection Equipment Demonstration IX

Although the next FPED is currently not scheduled at this time the PSEAG fully intends to execute future FPED events.

PSEAG Seal and Logo

PSEAG Seal and Logo Meaning

The PSEAG has undergone a drastic branding change to update the logo in an effort to modernize the look of the PSEAG. Wonder what the symbols and text mean? Take a look here and find out more...

PSEAG Summary

The PSE RDT&E equipment and studies summarized in this document represent the culmination of identified PS and FP requirements from the Services and coordinated with appropriate Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) and Joint Staff organizations, as well as identified findings and recommendations reported by ongoing Department policy and security reviews.

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PSEAG 2016-2021 Strategic Plan Summary

Officially Released February 2016.

The Department of Defense has the responsibility to protect its personnel, installations, and resources from various threats throughout the world. This Strategic Plan Summary outlines the path the PSEAG is taking forward to ensure its personnel, installations, and resources are protected.

PSEAG 2016-2021 Strategic Plan Summary

DoD Instruction 3224.03 - Physical Security Equipment (PSE) Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation

October 1, 2007

The DoD Instruction regarding Physical Security Equipment (PSE) Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) updates policies and assigns responsibilities for the RDT&E, Advanced Component Development and Prototypes (ACD&P) and System Development and Demonstration (SDD) of PSE in the Department of Defense according to Reference (d), DoD Instruction 5000.2, DoD Directive (DoDD) O-5210.41, DoDD 5143.01, Part 12 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation, and Deputy Secretary of Defense guidance of July 19, 2004, and October 10, 2005 (References (e) through (j)).

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